The greatest plot hole of our time

The greatest plot hole of our time.

>one is actually data created via computers
>the other is man-made with physical objects

cause magic shit dont exist in pokeman right?


Does that imply it's rare enough that it could have been created, forgotten, and rediscovered?

because scientists/historians never make mistakes irl

Do people actually say that? There are psychic Pokemon and ghost Pokemon. How are either of those not magic?

Golurk line did it first.

>a long time ago we had lightsabers

Man made =/= Artificial

No, you tit, nobody's saying magic doesn't exist in Pokemon. They're saying that if Porygon is the first man-made Pokemon then by definition, Magearna can't be that old, or else Porygon's Pokedex entry is wrong.

It is a pretty dumb thing for OP to get hung up on though, considering how 90% of the Pokedex entries are populated with lies and sheer absurdity. This is hardly new.

"artificial" and "man made" don't have the exact same meaning. Porygon could be a fucking solid hologram for all we know.

shit, you're right
this is really smart writing

above never specifically states when porygon was made so it could be right

>made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally, especially as a copy of something natural.
Seems pretty similar to me.

There's no plothole.

If Magearna was made by humans 500 years ago,
And Polygon was the first artificial Pokemon,
Therefore: Polygon was made at least 501 years ago.

Isn't that true with stuff like Kotor?

porygon was obviously made 501 years ago

>Magnemite is blatantly a fucking robot
>Shows up in the flashback to the war from 3000 years ago
Just don't think too hard about it OP

Porygon is older than Magearna, there I fixed it.

Shame Porygon never got more attention. All because some gooks had seizures caused by PIKACHU.

>implying Magearna isn't 499 years old

fpbp, this is the most realistic solution without retconning to much

I'm pretty sure Indian Elephants are a bigger plothole

Polygon its fuckin cool

Porygon is the first artifical Pokemon that scientists succeeded at making.

Clearly the scientists failed a lot before now, and Magearna wasn't made by scientists.

Now I dont know much about the Pokemon card game, but forgive me if I'm wrong, once you get this bastard rolling with resistances and typing yourself up, wouldn't he be a fucking monster?

You rang?


It seems you missed the "galaxy far away" part.

>weight 80 lbs

Hes pretty big

isnt there a mon made out of bags of trash? isn't that kinda man made?

Isn't that just a ghost possessing an object?

>people still think pokemon games are better than digimon games

>these people haven't played digimon games, or were put off by ps1 loading times.

Dawn/Dusk and Cyber Sleuth shit all over any Pokemon game.

Nigga how the fuck can you have a digital pokemon. Does that mean some dumb stupid idiot can open up blender and make a 3-d dick and go "oh wow I made a digital pokemon better call the professor"

a sentient program

Great, nobody cares senpai. We're discussing plotholes, not having a dickwaving contest over franchises

>twenty years later and Digiautists are still this desperate to poach another franchise's goodwill

You're thinking of Banette, he's talking about Trubbish.
It's an accidentally created from human pollution like Grimer.

You cared enough to post that assmad response, friendo.

So they made a sentient program? Isn't that dangerous?

>Isn't that dangerous
That's the fun part

yep, but that didn't stop them from creating mewtwo.

I'm not mad, I just don't get your angle. I like both franchises (and Yokai Watch, shoot me). Go make a Digimon thread or something

He looks like he is in pain

Porygon and Porygon 2 were made by professionals, no need to worry. Porygon Z is an unofficial mod and pokedex entries mention bizarre/erratic behavior.

erratic behavior like what? Stealing nuke codes and launching them? Building its own robot army to conquer humans? WHAT THE FUCK WERE THE SCIENTISTS THINKING

That's not really a plot hole that can't be easily and sensibly explained.

The pokedex says porygon is the first man-made pokemon because that's the only artifical pokemon people know about. The Pokedex doesn't take "what if" into account.

Now that Magearna has been discovered, Porygon is no longer the first, and scientists and trainers in the Pokemon world will be aware of that.

It's not like Porygon cares, he's too chill to give a fuck.

So if they create a Mega for the Porygon line, it'd be Mega Porygon 2, right? Since Z is an unofficial hack?

>Magnemite is blatantly a fucking robot

Put together by other Magnemites in the wild.

Not man-made.

We don't know, the pokedex entries just mention odd behavior.

Mew was a nice guy, and they probably thought his little brother would follow suit.

Surprise! He's a dick.

Where did they get the screws from 3000 years ago?

>mewtwo is a program
he was a geneticaly enhanced clone

>thinking gamefreak would pay that much attention to thier own series
Hah. Either way, there probably won't be a mega for the Porygon line because megastones are a natural ocurrance.

God damnit user we can't take that risk. Someone get me the pokepresident on the line

Gamefreak doesn't give a shit about consistency or quality. This has been established a long time ago.

what if only Magearna's core is sentient and mankind discovered then built a body for it?
they could be ancient waifufags, see? they made it look female, some furries added the bunny ears, then they put a bride dress to marry with her.

wasn't that the episode that gave kids seisures?

Who cares? Poke-man is literally for little kids.

If Magearna is some ancient artifact, isn't it plausible they thought Porygon really was the first man-made Pokemon until she was rediscovered?

My point went completely over your head.

Check yourself for a low IQ.

From wherever screws came from back then.

Are you saying there's an invention date for screws in the Pokemon world?

not really, you'd have to spend a turn to change types/weaknesses then attack during your next turn

yeah. which pikachu caused.


Didn't we all agree pokedex entries are made up by the kid who saw it first

>can jump 50,000 feet in the air
>is hotter than 10 suns

Come on

>Yokai Watch
Your taste is great

totally different

>Every Ghost pokemon entry is it eating kids, or harming kids, or turning kids into more of it

Ghost Pokemon entries are written by Dark Ages midwives.

but nothing flys over my head, i would catch it.

Ghastly's entries are largely about how he is made of vapor.

isnt gastly like fucking huge too? compared to a human

No they aren't, MegaStones are an unnatural occurrence that came to this world from an alternate dimension. They can't possibly be natural to begin with since fucking mewtwo of all pokemon gets not one but two of them.