What would Sup Forums's list look like?

What would Sup Forums's list look like?

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Anime is for degenerates and normies.

sorry i don't watch seizure inducing cartoons for pedophiles and socially outcasts


>watching anime
manga for life


How does Sup Forums pronounce IGN? I gen, Igg en, igjen, or ijjin?


This takes me back. People have been shitting on IGN for longer than I think some posters in this thread have been alive.

Eye Gee En

Eye gee enn

I knew that phrase since middle school (1999-2003). Can't believe they've been around so long.


>loved anime as a kid and teen
>try to watch popular anime now
>its all moe garbage or generic action anime

>tfw umaru is ruining my video games
For fuck sakes, stay out of MonHun.

Dumb umaru poster

re;Life (with additional cats in a piano store)
Log Horizon
Serial Experiments Lain
Lucky Star a.k.a. the turning point
Boku no Hero Acadamia

They had fucking Sword Art Online and you know what they said were the redeeming qualities(first arc)?
>best drama
>impactful fights
>shows great character growth for the protag

What? Where? There was maybe one or two great moments for drama and fights, but not character growth. Characters regressed and became even MORE unbearable. And that's all in 12 episodes.


Just look around for older stuff to watch. Finding good anime is like searching for gems in a heap of shit, but the good ones are there.

They're only a year late.

you just need to find the good shit

Sakamichi, Black Lagoon, Colorful (its a movie), azumanga daioh, FLCL, kokkuri san

I know that feel
>grow up on GitS, akira, berserk, eva, and bebop in the 90's
>almost everything nowadays pales in comparison


Stuff like SAO and Asterisk Wars are just normie bait that shows who has shit taste and who doesn't

I'm a normie by anime taste standards and even I think SAO is fucking awful



>watching anime
read manga you nerd

Did my cute wife Aoba make the list?

>Naruto ends
>just kidding the story is about his dumb kid now
>Bleach ends
>literally ends just like Naruto but even less climatic
Bleach went to absolute dogshit after the Soul Society rescue arc.

>no ones linked it yet
>Is It Wrong to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?
>Log Horizon
>Fate/Stay Night
>Sword Art Online

Space Dandy

Fuck off zoi

Wow, every single one of those is garbage.
Not surprised, but still.

F/SN is not like the others on a thematic level

What anime should I watch if I love Sam Hyde?

dumb hamster poster

ô tizəm

No bully!

I'm not going to give a "top 8," but 8 watchable series off of the top of my head:
Princess Tutu
Serial Experiments Lain
Seirei no Moribito
Paranoia Agent
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
Yojouhan Shinwa Taike


>V I D E O G A M E S

It's literally nothing but shit.
Are my standards just too high or is the industry stagnant as fuck? Why the fuck is "trapped in an MMORPG" a genre of anime?

nigga, we're ALL degenerates

The only anime I've ever enjoyed was one punch man. Everything else I've watched was insufferable.

shut up moron


wicked city

>tfw still enjoy anime
just gotta keep looking

I liked Kill la Kill. What does that say about me?

You cunts should all kill yourselves for not mentioning HxH

That you should kill la kill yourself

Why would you like such a monster? Do you know how many people he's killed?

Kill la Kill yourself

>Riding Bean

You are my melanin-enriched sibling.

an inconvenient anime

You say the letter I, then the letter G, then the letter N.

New BDs soon.

Sup Forums-approved anime's are Umaru and Yuru Yuri.

You want to be dominated by a Japanese goddess.

words 8 and 9

First off
Second off the question is loaded since games span the same number of plot types as animation does so you could literally list anything.
>>try to watch popular anime now
There's your problem.
>moe garbage
There's also your problem, you dont bother sifting through to find gems. Hell Amanchu is airing this season and its fucking great and next season has 3gatsu, the new Shinkai film which looks like it'll fix what was wrong with 5cm/s and Koe No Katachi.

But regardless my favorite list if I had to name 8 are:
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Serial Experiments Lain
End of Evangelion
Perfect Blue
Princess Tutu
Kaguya-hime no Monogatari
Barefoot Gen

Sword Art Online
Dragon Ball GT
Gundam SEED Destiny
Infinite Stratos
Himouto! Umaru-chan
Accel World
Avatar The Last Airbender

Welcome to the NHK
Cowboy Bebop
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Madoka Magica

This is pretty much my top anime.
It's not very exciting at all, but it's easily digestible, and just really good.

No Game No Life
Summer Wars
Log Horizon
Jojo (because everyone needs to watch Jojo)

That's it, really.

I think you mean Samid Hydjar, user. He's killed far more people than you know.

No surprise here. I'm Sup Forums as fuck and even I enjoy Umaru.

Season 2 never?

Yo is armored trooper votoms worth it? I'm too lazy to invest any time in an anime that might be shit. I mean I'm too lazy to do much anything else but still


you sound like an oldcuck

kys fäm 2bh


But it has swords and cute girls so you know it's good right? All good anime have swords and cute girls.


I elided any movies, or my list would be half Satoshi Kon films. I miss him.

Obviously read it too, but that wasn't the question you cuntrarian faggot.

where can I read JoJo without a horrible translation?

The Venus Wars
Roujin Z
Giant Robo OVA
Birth OVA

>trying to consume popular media of any type and being surprised it's shit

Why include it in a list of your favorite anime when the manga is objectively superior on the basis of having 2x the content?
You're not one of those plebs with no variety of taste who actually includes the same franchise in both your anime AND manga top 10s, are you?

Fuck off

Animes are only made to sell the Mangas and/or LNs

>degenerates and normies
so everyone?

in no particular order

Eureka Seven
Love Live: School Idol Project
Love Live: Sunshine!!
Non Non Biyori
Stella Jogakuin C3-Bu!
Little Witch Academia

>No Game No Trace
>Digimon Our War Game
>Log Tax Evasion
>Watching Jojo


anime truly starts and ends there. you can watch some miyazaki movies too and read beserk if you want. the rest was and is filler.

Literally kill yourselves. The question wasn't 'WHAT CONTENT FROM JAPAN IS DA BEST"
It was "What anime should whoever the fuck watch"
Jojo is a good answer. Yes. Everyone fucking knows the manga is better. You're not some fucking snowflake of peerless taste for pointing this out in every fucking thread ever.

I enjoyed watching Ixion Saga DT. Shame there isn't a second season with the princess all grown up.

In my whole life I've only watched the below anime:

>Ajin Demihuman, 8/10
>Hayate no Gotoku, 4/10
>Azumanga Daioh, 9/10
>Evangelion, 10/10
>Dragon Ball Z, 8/10
>Card Captors, 6/10
>Beck, 8/10
>Haruhi, 7/10
>One Punch Man, 8/10

What would you suggest I watch next?

>what anime should I watch
>Jojo is a good answer
No it isn't. Reading the manga is the good answer.
That will only be a good answer once the anime actually catches up.
Tatami Galaxy

This is some of the worst taste I've seen.

flcl I guess

Try watching Kaiji.

>Dragon Ball GT

So, Sup Forums?

Anime is becoming normie territory.
How does this make you feel?


Legend of the Galactic Heroes

Considering Sup Forums is already normie territory, indifferent.

Though I don't hate it, I was a little turned off by all the hype at the time, but one of these days I'll give it a try.

It'll make me go back and watch some of the many, many older shows I haven't watched yet and ignore the normies memeing on about Jojo and OPM and whatnot.

>not watching Akira, Ninja Scroll, Ghost in the Shell or Macross Do You Remember Love

Delete yourself