
Are you enjoying your idols, Sup Forums?

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Just saw this at the local game store today, had no idea it was even released until then. They don't put much into marketing do they?

No need to market when the target audience follows this stuff like a cult.




God, I hate Chihaya so much. So fucking much.

>no tl
I know that this game isnt really focused on story or anything, but still.


You don't need a translation, just know that when the girls get mad at you you made the wrong "dialogue choice".


More like I'm enjoying my mindless grinding to make my idols obtain S ranks.

>tfw I put all of my free 11 P Drops to one basket and what I got were shitty low tier accessories, costumes and boosters

>tfw I'm learning how to read/write Japanese for the sole purpose of translating those doujins no one has ever/wants to do
I know it's only marginally related, but what's stopping me translating games if there's an injector or something?

Awakened Miki a cute. CUTE!

she's still a slut

Since I've pretty much given up on there ever being official English translations for the games, I'm just gonna start watching the anime series sometime soon.

>tfw can't use P drops because I'm using my NA account

I did get one gold present drop early on, too bad it had a pretty shitty effect.



Isn't awakened Miki more of a slut than normal though?

No it's the only time she isn't a raging slut and actually does her job.

I want to use Mami to get to Ami.

Mami is mine though

She's nothing more than pawn to get to her younger sister.


I want to but I don't like having to guess my way through conversation

That looks pretty bad.


When this was announced, I told myself I would buy a PS4 just to play it if it was translated.

Now I ended up getting one anyway and I'm not sure I would even buy the game if it was translated. Fun how times change.



Why does korea still do this


Please stop it

No CG, no buy.

I enjoy her anal.

Just wait until they get their own game in due time.


Such is the way of the world

They already have their own game. Two as a matter of fact with a VR experience on the way. Hell their games even have their own in game games.

>Just wait until they get their own game in due time.
They already have 2, one of which managed to hit number one on the Apple store during a promo event, beating out giants like FGO and Puzzle Dragon.

>Mobile models
>for VR

WHat the fuck are they thinking? Can't they do something else with Platinum Stars' character models or something?

Nope this is the future that was chosen for CG

I heard that you can play that Cinderella Girls mobamas game on PC with Chrome (I'm not a normie so no smartphone at the moment). Anyone have any experience with it? Is it unplayable without microtransactions?

I still haven't warmed up to CG, but that VR thing still feels like a lazy job. And I genuinely feel bad for the spin-off if they stuck on mobile forever

Well they did at least get the standard mobile treatment and get an anime at least.

>Srw finally got a shitty but readable translation
>still nothing for Im@s

I still have hope in bamco

a bit yes

Post idols

CG is doomed to stay mobile forever. Side M has a better chance of going main platform.


>Makoto #1

Good taste m8

Just came in this thread to say that Idolm@ster makes my penis happy. I don't care about the anime/games but Iori the anal queen is one of life's good things.

>commie idol at number two


>Makoto's version of It's Show starts playing



> got through 8 episodes of puchimas

Can I really get through the entire thing in one sitting?

Lots of Makoto fans on Sup Forums

Obviously, but yeah

Depends. can take from 4-6 hours

Anyone playing Starlight Stage?
Rin event when?

The whole thing is like 2 hours per season, yeah.

When the fuck are they ever gonna localize this shit? For fucks sake already.

>like genki
>no Yayoi

I seriously doubt they even bother as this point

Maybe Starlight Stage and future mobile spin-off. MAYBE.

I'm playing even though I have no idea who anyone is for the most part. The most I can really say is that I like keeping Kanako around even though she's only a normal card.

I respect you.

Yeah, here if you want to add


I'm not a twintails kinda guy but yeah she's pretty alright

Why did you throw in a pic of kaede with your collage of shit?

Fucking gooks.


Understandable. and yeah, everyone's alright, at worst

>less content than Im@s 1
>Garbage songs



Great taste.

For shits and giggles


Song lists?
And are the new on-disc songs are only like 3 songs? Happy is the only one that decent, from what I've heard

Go fuck yourselves I'll like whatever cute girls I want

Quick, post your top 5 imas songs.

>99 Nights
>Maemuki de Ikou
>iDOLM@STER 2nd-mix
>Kosmos, Cosmos

also Me Ga Au Toki for runner up

1- Nemurihime
2- Agent Yoru wo Yuku
3- Jibun Restart
4 - Meisou Mind
5 - Jitensha

The simple fact that it's literally hundreds, if not thousands of hours of work that you'd be doing, for free, for people who can't just invest half of that in daily study.

I'll never understand the mindset of a fan translator, it's like actively pushing drugs on someone while telling them they don't need to "quit" and get the help they actually need and unconsciously want, because you'll just keep giving them a fix once every couple of years if they're a good little boy and suck your E-peen some more.

I don't translate, because I care. The less stuff that's translated, the more likely it is for you lazy fucks to finally stand up and go "fuck this, I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore".

Go my w@y
Agent Yoru wo Yuku
Kosmos, cosmos
Ai like hamburger
Town ~Must Mix~

>Go My Way

>I'll never understand the mindset of a fan translator

You can make your own stories with stolen art.

Everything in me says i shouldn't but it just hits a nice soft spot in me.

I'm so lazy, I would probably just skip the learning part and just try to brute force through games.

I want to hit a nice soft spot inside of Chihaya

No, I'll just keep waiting for translations someone else will provide and either ignore people like you or call you a faggot

>just skip the "learning" part

That's what you should always do.

I would've liked it more if it didn't replaced Taiyou no Jealousy as one of the standard songs

I know it might be hard after years of standardised schooling, but that's not how you learn a language.

Actively using the language for games or whatever makes up about 70% of my "study" time. It's only at the very start that you have to devote most of your time to hitting the books, because it's all just gibberish otherwise.

Sure, you could wait 80 years and scream HAHA I DIDN'T EVEN HAVE TO LEARN JAPANESE TO PLAY THIS GAME whenever one gets "fan-translated" by an amateur and butchered, or you could just be sane.

The idea that people are going to consistently do thousands of hours worth of work for free is delusional. If you look at the number of medium scale projects that even finish, we're talking a fraction of a percent of the available content.


Here's the part where I call you a faggot.

There's no way I could learn Japanese. Even my English is so bad that I speak and type like someone that learned it as a second language. If fan translations stop I'd just test everything out until I find out what it does.

what's funny about wanting to impregnate Chihaya

Languages aren't hard. It might take you a little longer than the average person if you're braindead, but literally anyone can learn literally any language given enough time and dedication.

This isn't rocket science, it isn't even high school math. Even literal retards can communicate, there's no reason you can't aside from your own laziness.

Because she has no tits

That she is incapable of breast feeding her child

Every time I see those 1s at the bottom, I read them as 7s.

I would destroy every single girl in that image.

Even Chihaya.

Actually she would be able to just fine. Breast size has no bearing on a woman's ability to produce milk.

Some Japanese write numbers and the latin alphabet in really bizarre ways.