How do you beat this guy?
My characters are levels 8-10
I've tried almost everything
Devil Survivor
have you tried grinding?
Very carefully.
Fire, fire, fire
Get ready Op i'm coming and i'm coming dry
forgot to add, that this might be the most jarring fight in the entire franchise. After this I can't remember another fight that had this severe of a spike in difficulty,.
Fuck beldur almost made me rage quit.
I prevailed than rage quit at black frost.
Post your team, and we'll tell you how you fucked up
Also this isn't pokemon, fuse your demons the moment they show sings of being obsolete. They're tools, not friends
kite around the whole map killing all the goons and gang up on him after, if you have at least one fire attack on each character's party you should be fine
>barely make it through the hordes of demons ready to rape my ass
>oh well, the devils fuge is his weakness. He should die to it in just one or two hits
>lolnope bend the fuck over
Jesus christ, he raped me
great game
Beelzebub/Beelzebub rematch during the bossrush. Fuck that special snowflake status
Also the fight in Anane's mind I think? It's been a while
You have to exploit weakness if you wanna win. Get some agi wielding demons in there.
You don't have to grind in SMT games.
>It's a defend the civilians mission
It always felt like a pretty standard boss to me. I honestly don't get why people think this is particularly difficult. Is it just because most games have the first boss be so ridiculously easy it couldn't possibly kill you? Most fights in this game are pretty fair and this one's no exception.
Matador says hi. You literally just have Yoohoo or MAG MC spam Agi with a demon that had Agi.
how does the second games difficulty compare t the first ones?
>get one team to tank his ice attacks which he can't do so many times due to low MP capacity
>get another team with fire moves that is able to survive his physical attacks to finish him off
Wow so hard.
Seriously? A boss that has a bunch of ice shit and you just had a chance to get someone with the fire magic? They couldn't have been more obvious if they tried
I just started DeSu a few days ago and he was piss easy. Had him running away from me after one round
>beat Wendigo almost immediately
>the other demons panic and fuck off, ending the fight
It's lost exp, but still so satisfying to see.
As far as tips go, one solid strategy I do is to have one team purely focused on fire to melt his ass and have another team with an Ogre nearby but not too close to keep casting Bind on him. As long as his movement's reduced, he'll only target the fire squad right next to him which ensures his defeat faster.
>You don't have to grind in SMT games.
What a liar.
All I really remember about 2's difficulty was the final boss giving me a lot of trouble. Even on ng+
Every SMT game had a difficulty spike
Devil Survivor was a really good game but it would have been even better if it weren't so damned easy.
Is there some sort of patch to increase the difficulty? Or failing that, have any of you done some sort of self-imposed challenge playthrough that ended up being more fun?