Justify this consolefags
Sony plus price increase
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you get free games in return, stop acting like an entitled prick.
>paying a monthly fees = free
>console gamers are this stupid
>Being forced to pay a fee to play online
Stop being a fucking sheep
It's shitty, but I really just don't give a shit
I still play Rocket League and Souls games online so there's nothing I can do about it
>paying for "free" games
They better stop putting up literal garbage games every month then
the joost is loose
>free games
Subscription fees for online services on a console have never been justifiable
I don't own a console, but I'm not means a PC MASTER RACE fag either; however, if anyone complains about this then go fuck yourself. Your PAYING for something that should be free. Sony and Microsoft already know people are dumb enough to pay to play games online so of course they'll increase the price for no reason. Don't be surprised when Microsoft does it as well and when Sony does it again. "Consolefags" have no one to blame but themselves. If they don't want to pay for online, then don't fucking do it. You speak to companies with your dollar. If a ton of people would cancel their subscriptions to Sony Plus then guess what would happen? That shit would go right back to the price it was. Of course, everyone will just complain yet pay the extra fee anyways.
Don't you lose access to those "free" games when your PS Subscription expires?
Hey user, if you send me $5000 I'll give you a free game.
>paying $60 for a service that was free
>"free" games
A new platform's joining soon
There is no justification, but not paying for it isn't going to let me play with my friends and I'm not going to be playing console vidya when they get married anyway, so I don't really give a shit.
They don't belong to you user!
Time to get one of those $40 cards on ebay
>Don't you lose access to those "free" games when your PS Subscription expires?
That's why you never let the subscription expire :D. Playstation gets my money til I'm old and frail.
For real though, who cares if the games expire? Owning games is dumb. I realized this when I became an adult with responsibilities. :(
I have 20 or so PS3 games on my shelf from last gen. 18 of which I'll never play again. THey're not worth selling though b/c they'll fetch like, 1.99. So they sit in purgatory.
I learned my lesson. Only buy games that I know will be timeless. I've owned a PS4 for 2 years and all I have for it is MGSV and Bloodborne.
I can't. It's shit. Sony is a shitty company that makes the best console.
I wish this wasn't the case but all the games I want are on ps4.
The model was perfect the way it was before when it wasn't attached to online play. People would still pay the fees if it just meant the monthly games you can have access too. I'll even give them the price raise if it means more games. Zero reason in this world to have to pay to use your own internet.
If i ever get a ps4 I won't get +
Gonna be a shame to play bloodbourne without online, but it's not worth it
now THIS is shitposting
I don't like having to pay for PS+ but honestly, $60 over the course of a year isn't really a meaningful amount of money to me.
And the benefits of playing on a console outweigh the $60 per year in subscription fees I'd save by switching to PC.
Raise the price for PS Plus? Not a big fan of it, but fine. But if the raise will make security more secured and have movexcuses, then alright.
But after this, PlayStation really needs to go back giving out better "free" games. It has been awhile since there was a good release, at least from my opinion, so at least give out better games.
>stop being so entitled
WiiU is free.
Wii is free.
PS3 is free.
>This bullshit also applies to Xbone
for fuck's sake.
>le you're just entitled!!! meme
Is anyone really surprised this came from a cinematic loving sonygger?
I can't, and I only could before because of the games it offered. Now they're kinda shit and it's getting more expensive...
Probably gonna cancel
PS4s are for adults. PCs are for children using mommy's credit card. Prove me wrong.
If you use words like this without any sense of irony then you need to take a long hard look at every major choice you've made thus far in your life and how they resulted in where you are now.
no it doesn't
games you download are on your console permanently, thats how i got borderlands 1 before i ended my subscription
>All these fucking retards who fell for the bait
People have said the same thing hes said, so what is your counter argument towards them since they are not a tripfag?
reminder that microsoft did the same thing with xbox live but shortly after, you could get a full year for much cheaper from third party sellers.
same shit is going to happen with ps+
no its just fun to go along with it cause of newfags like you
It's another $10 a year. That's literally nothing.
My PC buddies spending hundreds of dollars a year on bullshit during steam sales.
"Hmm. This game has an anime character on it and is part 9 in a 12 part series of visual novel/puzzle games that I've never heard of. But it's on sale for $8. Better pick it up."
$10 or $100, its still fucking stupid to pay just to play online
>be me
>be a pcfat
>want to fire up an epic multiplayer game
>can do so without having to pay to use my own internet that I already pay for
>be a consolekid
>if i had a ps4/xbone, i'd have to pay for a subscription to use my own internet that my dad pays for
>if i was a nintoddler i wouldn't play multiplayer at all since wiiu has no games, 3ds has no active multiplayer games
*hoists up suspenders with thumbs and snaps them to shoulders*
ayup, I love being a pcfat
Nice try bud. I've been here for 3 years I'm not even mildly a newfag.
It's not stupid to pay for a service that I'm going to use. I don't know what you want. It sucks that they charge for it but it sucks that anyone charges for anything right?
ok then, easy mistake
Not that user, but that sounds like the angry response of someone who just got their bullshit exposed in front of everyone.
You bought their console system instead of a PC. Think about what you type before you post.
I remember when another Japanese company was known for being a terrible company but also made the best console, and you could only get games on their consoles. I wonder what happened to them...
He's right tho. Owning games is dumb. Once I beat a game, unless it was really great, I'll just trade it in for money so I can buy another game for a cheaper price. I get if you're into collecting games, but I really don't give a shit to buy games and store them on a shelf so they can collect dust. The guy you said was shitposting sounds a lot like me. I'm an oldfag with a job and a bunch of other shit that takes up my time. Owning a collection of games is stupid to me now.
I don't want a PC. I work at a PC all day at the office. When I come home, I want to sit on my couch and play games on my TV with a controller. I don't want to play them at a desk with a keyboard.
>I've been here for 3 years I'm not even mildly a newfag.
so fucking what you're a tool if you don't deal hunt, you can regularly get up to 80% off on year memberships off slickdeals or someshit.
online so cheap anyways you'd have to be a literal broke neet not to be able to afford this. I'm literally laughing at you poorfags
Well, technically I didn't buy it, I got it for Christmas. And I don't know anything about building a computer or PC gaming, I just stick to the browser on my PS4 and iPhone.
A 20% increase is not justifiable. I understand the basics of inflation but the economy hasn't grown 20%.
Thanks for proving my point you fucking newfags.
Sorry, I can't justify why you used a picture of Danny DeVito and Kaitlin Olson. Are you trying to say that this is a retarded ploy to make money? Seems like a fairly strait forward ploy to me.
>I get if you're into collecting games,
We have it so easy these days too. If you ever want to feel like you have a collection of games that you only look at and admire for their historical significance, just log on to YouTube and watch one of a billion youtubers who shoots videos in front of a shelf loaded with games.
That scratches my itch for a collection but keeps my house nice and clutter free =D
I'm not justifying shit considering I'm one the few who thought paying for an online service like that wasn't worth it to begin with.
>I understand the basics of inflation but the economy hasn't grown 20%.
Inflation is not the same as economic growth.
don't namecall me
Is that who she is suppose to be ? I just thought it was a random girl that didn't like the way she looked
You act like you can't just plug a fucking controller into your PC and play it on a giant TV like a console. For someone on a PC all day, you sure don't know much about them. The only time I used my mouse/keyboard for gaming is for RTS or FPS. Everything else I can just use my wireless controller and sit back on my couch and play just like I would a console.
Fucking retarded console idiots.
i remember sega to user
If a word like that actually offends you then you need to take a long hard look at every major choice you've made thus far in your life and how they resulted in where you are now.
lolol! My problem with PCs is that I don't want the hassle.
Your solution:
Y'all miss the forest through the trees so fucking hard sometimes.
No clue. I just saw Danny DeVito, which immediately makes me think about It's Always Sunny, which in turn makes me think this is a ploy they would use on Dee to make her think poorly of herself, by somehow making her think she looks like Frank.
Kek,having a sofa or shitty cable in 2014+2
Get a comfy chair and a xbox 1 or 360 controller. Then all of your console fag needs for a shit tier input device will be met
Uh huh, uh huh.
Let's flesh this out a bit more.
What's the B plot? I assume Mack and Dennis are wrapped up in this scheme. What is Charlie doing this episode?
I have a 9:45 meeting with some of the producers of Damages so I'd like to wrap this up pretty quickly here.
>People falling for advertisements and being material focused autists makes my system better
Nice meme faggot
That guy has as shit ton of playstation and Wii U games. We'd probably get along =D
Ignore that user. He has to justify that his purchase was the superior choice by crapping on you. PC exclusive idiots are the worst.
I don't really care but then again I'm not poor.
Lol. Yeah I love that some people are so insecure about silly little things like consumer electronics that they have to make sure that other people with different preferences know that they made the "wrong" choice.
Nice disinfo but that's wrong
>Kek,having a sofa
If I don't have a sofa, where are my friends going to sit when they come over?
Oh... I'm guessing that's not an issue for you. =D
>I've been here 3 years I'm a big boy mommy lets me get large fries when we go to booger keen!
except nothing in his argument was about exclusive games,
Do some of you not realise that not all of us get hot and bothered over shitty AAA exclusives. That they don't make or break or feeling of a justified and valuable purchase
You just make me feel sad and disappointed.
In addition he was talking about how a PC can essentially act exactly like a console using the powers of a contorller, a TV, and a couch
Not even a PCfag but how beta are you that you hide your computer in your room instead of having it in the living room with the rest of your entertainment shit? Do you still live with mommy and daddy?
What if I want to pay yearly anyway and continue to play on both the PS4 and PC? Both offer great advantages, and I don't see why I shouldn't be utilizing both to full advantage.
Any good ones yet?
Nah. I own 4 bedroom house. One of those rooms is my office. My PC goes in there because that's where it makes sense for it to be.
It doesn't go in my living room because I don't want a fugly ass PC/desk/office chair setup in my living room.
No thank you, I'm not a retard
This is a board full of retards. Basically the least intelligent filth you could really ever find.
So why can't you bring yourself up and make your typing at least as sophisticated as theirs? You're not too stupid, because Sup Forums can do it. You're not too lazy, because Sup Forums can do it. So why?
Idort is the only proper choice in a console war. It saddens me that I have to respect that you've made that choice, because it gives you even one respectable position.
>I-I can't have my c-computer in the living room! If I don't hide it my friends will think I'm a n-nerd!
>$70 for ps+
I can't justify this, in fact I'm leaving PS4 for PC. Joining the cuck side but at least I'm not a faggot constantly getting fucked by sony.
Just another example of Sony being greedy jews. They have a right to charge whatever they want for a product but when their shares drop they'll know they were in the wrong.
>post yfw you didnt fell for the playstation meme
MS did the same thing earlier this year and nobody cared
But of course when Sony does it
Won't justify it.
Sony's as dead to me as Konami at this point.
Can someone flip the mirror image? It would be great to see that meme guy thinking he's a tall teenage girl lmao
nope this is the last straw, i was a ps3, ps4 early adopter, but i have since joined pc master race, built my own pc, its rewarding as fuck, and i no longer have any use for PS4.
goodbye my brethren :( it has been a good run. but im too old to play with console toys now
Well since Frank is participating, obviously Charlie will want something to do with it, but Mack and Dennis know he will fuck it up. Thus they told him some sort of lie about being able to find something amazing and valuable, so they seen him on a wild treasure hunt. This will result in Charlie actually finding a clue that isn't of their creation, making it look like he is onto something real. They will now want in on the action, thus ultimately leading to their ruse failing, and finding worthless "treasure". Charlie will of course find something that keeps him entertained, so he will end up happy at the end of the episode.
I can continue playing good games for a few dollars more or I can hop ship and play only indie garbage and world of warcraft