How can we cleanse Sup Forums of the teenagers who write this garbage?

How can we cleanse Sup Forums of the teenagers who write this garbage?

What am i missing here OP he is lying right?

He's being an immature fuck who cares about things that don't fucking matter, because he's hormonal and just has to be angry about something.

Wait so the consumables you pay for aren't with actual money right? Well mate whining is what teens do best.

He's right though. Megaelixers used to be free lategame items you either bought in-game with lots of gold or stolen off bosses.

Does not matter. That shit is not okay.

8 hours in and I don't even know where to fucking go in the game to buy the consumables as DLC.

go write a kotaku article about it you angry little numale

Oh look, another teenager!

Pssst...we can tell you're trying to fit in.

>this game actually has micro transactions

>people are defending it

>people care

0.03 Praxis Points (only usable in one save game) have been deposited to your account.

People ought to care. Apathy got us where we are now.

Why should they care about something they'll never interact with or care about, teenager?

I'm sick and tired of this shit creeping into my vidya and you would be mad too when you remember a time when in-game items were free. Also, quit calling everyone you disagree with "teenagers." It singles you out and you sound like an actual teenager who never experienced the glory days when games were bought for a single payment and didn't nickle and dime you to death.

>when you remember a time when in-game items were free
In-game items ARE free. It's just that if you are completely braindead you can also buy them. There isn't an artificial scarcity where you are compelled towards paying microtransactions.
>It singles you out and you sound like an actual teenager who never experienced the glory days when games were bought for a single payment and didn't nickle and dime you to death.
This sounds like it was actually written by somebody that has the mental age of a teenager.

>It actually has in game transaction
Op you're a faggot. That's a fucking bummer I wanted to buy Mankind Divided. Guess I won't.

How can we cleanse Sup Forums of the OP fags who start garbage threads?

okay i just googled the micro transaction thing because it was too bullshit to be real
apparently it is real, holy shit
how can people stand with this garbage

I fail to see the problem, Sup Forums has always been anti-consumer for dlc/microtransactions and p2w/mobile shit.

Of course you occasional see threads where these sort of things are actually discussed in a positive light and it really shows how new anons really are.

I mean look at all those Pokemon Go threads that were on here everyday last month, these retards didn't know /vp/ existed they had to be told. But it's not hard to find /r/pokemongo or /r/pokemon I'm sure.

Is this a falseflag thread?

Yeah, this thread is corporate shillfest. We need to cleanse Sup Forums of the fuckers who think singleplayer microtransactions are ok.

Something is very wrong with these posts.

We can start by not producing shit threads like this one. Seriously, consider hanging yourself, OP. You're more of a whiney little bitch than the reviewer is cause you came onto Sup Forums to whine about it. Faggot.

>implying anyone on Sup Forums has even hit puberty yet

arent the microtranscations just for the weird alt-mode?

>Sup Forums has always been, Sup Forums always has
Solid proof Sup Forums is now just a hive mind circle jerk secret club for 7th graders.

On top of the Single Player microtransactions this piece of $5 day-one DLC is only applicable to ONE SAVE

That's right, this single assault rifle can only be claimed on one of your saves. New save? Buy it again.

Absolute horseshit.

why the fuck would you limit dlc to one save?
is this dlc drm?

all the dlc you want, for free

I don't fucking know. I assume it's meant to drive people to buy the $30 season pass instead.

>Sup Forums is now just a hive mind circle jerk secret club

Yes the perfect description for an anonymous board with the highest amount of traffic next to Sup Forums and where every thread is a constant shitstorm of arguments (see: this thread) where no one can ever agree with each other aside from the fact that OP is a faggot.

Let me guess, you're the faggot OP? Were you dropped on your head as a child?

Enjoy your ban

Hello there faggot!


>actually defending SP microtransactions
>being a corporate shill

This sorta shit makes me want to become a mod or a janitor

Please kill yourself

what a weird insult to latch onto

is it supposed to goad me into agreeing to feel mature?

Sup Forums is full of sad no life retards who all think it is cool and edgy to shit on games.

These no life retards spend all day long everysingle day shittining on games wanting them to fail just so they have something to make there pathetic existances less shit.

They want every game to fail just so they have something new to shitpost about and fill their empty misrable lives.

They also think they have to do it to fit in and be one of the cool kids so they all try their hardest to out do each other.

Nothing but pathetic little shits, I laugh at them all day long while playing the games they spend all day shitposting about.

More traffic = more circle jerking newfags, like OP
either that or the "lel wtf were supposed to h8 evryting u guiz" edgelords. Honestly I still have no idea why I still frequent this board myself.

You are too old to be posting here grandpa

>played 30 hours
>not recommending
just kill yourself

Mankind Divided?
Yeah, shills vs. haters.

>SP Microtransaction that doesn't cut anything and makes the game easier than intended
God you're actually autistic. It's not like they're withholding meaningful content, just fishing for idiots with too much money to spend.

Heard we can't max out our character unless we use the cash shop. Is this true? Can't we just cheat engine things anyways?

>He's being an immature fuck who cares about things that don't fucking matter, because he's hormonal and just has to be angry about something.
You just described yourself.

>tie it to autosave slot
>still lose because you wasted money on this piece of shit

I sure am glad that we talk about video games on here.

Man, I wish I was still a teen.
I could get a way with so much more shit.

Square have become such disgusting jews. How the mighty have fallen...

If it's any consolation in anyway. They're completely irrelevant. All you can buy is skill points and credits, so it's basically charging people to cheat.

im pretty sure at this point 90% of the mouthbreathers here dont even enjoy playing games, just complaining about them

like those manchildren wwe fans that know its fake and hate everything about it but cant stop talking about it and analyzing everything about it

>ctrl+f: horse armor
>0/0 results

>it is cool and edgy to shit on games
But it is!


>There isn't an artificial scarcity where you are compelled towards paying microtransactions.
You're deluded if you think this is true. Microtransaction ALWAYS impact game design. Always. You bet your fucking ass at some point, probably multiple times during development, that someone said "Hey, I think we put too many items in the area, remember we need to give SOME incentive to use the microtransactions system."

People who defend micro transactions are cancers and enemies of vidya
Go back to your irrelevant jobs and ugly wifes faggots!

>only applicable to ONE SAVE

boycott this shit




why doo you shitpost? How does it still bring you joy? Why are you likee this? Who hurt you, user?


When someone bans a corporate shill, do they cum in real life?

you regret wasting that $90 dont you

Defending vidya from cancer is never shitpost you ultimate faggotron 9000.
Go buy Skyrim again you twat

I don't have this game yet but if your computer can't you just use console commands to cheat to get w/e?

this guy gets it

You need to talk to someone. Please? Its ok to show emotion. Whatever your afraid of, it won't hurt you, I promise.

I don't get why people are bitching about microtransactions in this game.

I'm playing on Give Me Deus Ex, and I'm swimming in cash and praxis points. I have every single aug I want, and I've never bought any real-money shit.

The game is not hamstrung at all by the microtransactions. They're there for the ADD babies to get the best guy with all the augs out of the gate, but not buying them doesn't impede you in the slightest.

Are you really upset by this?

CTR is everywhere, they even posted in threads warning of this

of course not.

If you want actual, meaningful discussion about video games, you won't find it here.

This. I've been playing it fit a few hours, and they practically throw money and praxis at you.
If you actually need to pay money for any of that stuff, just shut off your pc or console and just give up on vidya since you're garbage at them

It had such a huge backlash back then, now however it would not so much as bat an eye

Now this is a shitpost

> bitching about microtransactions
Let's think about it
You buy game
And then you are allowed and encourage to spend more money on this game because fuck your wallet yo

Microtransactions are cancer and should never be allowed

thanks I'm real good at shitpotsing :^)

like having sex with underage children

>Path of Exile avatar
Nah, he's alright.

>You buy game
>And then you are allowed and encourage to spend more money on this game because fuck your wallet yo
Big fucking deal.

I do not care what other people do with their money.

If the base game suffered for the inclusion of microtransactions, I would see reason to be upset. But as it is, it means nothing to me, and people can buy whatever dumb shit they want. It's their money.

>that pre-order jewery they tried
>microtransactions in a single player game
There's a reason why this game uses denuvo

If the micro-transactions are so meaningless, why even put them in first place. There shouldn't be any issue if they removed them, right?

There is literally nothing wrong with microtransactions. I don't plan on buying anything so guess what? I won't. It does not impact my gameplay experience in ANY way.

They can add microtransactions to every game they want for all I care. I won't buy them, and it won't impact me.

>it's retards don't know about concept of soft paywall episode

Why would they? They get an increased cash flow, people that want to buy them get to do so, and people that don't want to buy them aren't disadvantaged in any way. Explain to me what is wrong with any of that, without simply stating that microtransactions are inherently bad.


>80 posts 43 IPs.
Holy shit OP you couldn't even hide your samefagging.

>If the base game suffered for the inclusion of microtransactions
They all suffer by definition.
Microtransactions are either paywall unlockers, or they allow you to skip some time spent on game by paying.
That is cancer, you either play vidya and ulock everything by yourself, or you are a faggot, there is no 3rd option.

Crash Team Racing.

Crash Team Racing

it's called standards you stupid fuck. people like you are the reason why these publishers and publishers are always doing this shit

Nobody's being coerced into doing anything against their will. You're all just screaming, STOP BUYING THINGS I DON'T LIKE at people you don't know and will never meet. It's their right to use their money however they please, deal with it. If they're disappointed, they can just get a refund. So long as they don't make you pay to advance the game itself, then I don't give a fuck. If it ever goes that far, you can just not fucking buy the game.

>people defending microtransactions
>they don't realise this shit will affect game design
>everything sold for real money will end up having a lower amount of them in the world
Just wait until they realise they can make your inventory a lot smaller and then sell inventory slots

>people that don't want to buy them aren't disadvantaged in any way

Yeah it's not like they'd actually change game designs to gradually make games more grindy so that you'd have a stronger incentive to spend money on microtransactions - oh wait

Is that the game or something else?

>Microtransactions are either paywall unlockers, or they allow you to skip some time spent on game by paying.
Like I said in my original post, I have not had any issue gaining money or praxis points. At all. I didn't feel the need to buy any of that, so I didn't.

That's my gameplay experience. I'm happy with it. My opinion would be different if I felt like the progression was built around those microtransactions, but it isn't.

I could not imagine a world in which I would care about the gameplay experience of a complete stranger, and how they spend their money. If they feel fulfilled by buying 10000 praxis kits, great. I do not give a shit.

>Slippery slope argument.
DXMD definitively does not have this problem. Why should it be expected to answer for the potential for abuse in other games?

>inventory a lot smaller and then sell inventory slots

Fuck we really need to drive these companies into bankruptcy. Video game industry crash now, please.


You know guys, I once thought about making parody game in unity called Deuce Ex. The point was, it was supposed to feature Sup Forums-tier plot and have "Fact:" tips while loading like "Hitler did nothing won" and "Moon landing was stage". Another thing was supposed to be game being completely pay 2 win, like all enemy being bulletsponges and not dropping nearly enough ammo so you would have to constantly buy ammo from itemshop. I guess SE has a brain-reading machine.

>That's my gameplay experience. I'm happy with it. My opinion

Listen you little piece of shite, no one gives a fuck about your experience, from what we know we never even finished prologue.
Microtransactions are cancer and are the issue. forever and always

Don't come crying to Sup Forums when your single player games have korean MMO levels of microtransactions

>no one gives a fuck about your opinion!
>now listen to MY opinion!
Oh, I get it. you're goofin. You're just making a little goof.

>"slippery slope" is a fallacious argument means that nothing can change gradually towards some end

The difference between reading a Sup Forums sticky and having an actual education is not responding on mental autopilot.