>Excuse me Mr. Bob Magrann? Looks like user has his gameboy out again! Why don't you give him the usual?
Excuse me Mr. Bob Magrann? Looks like user has his gameboy out again! Why don't you give him the usual?
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Go complain to your dad about it
snitches get stitches tyrone
Back in my day we used to burn crosses in their yards when niggers stepped out of line. Triggered the monkeys real good.
The guy who played gabe in this video was arrested in a pedophile sting.
That sucks, he was funny as shit.
Is it ok to still watch him even though now he's a kiddle fiddle?
no way, lemme get some verification on that fammo
>you're six years old, walking home from school
>Gaben himself pulls up beside you in a white panel van and offers you a ride
Are you really going to say no?
Look up "New Jersey Pedophile Sting"
It's the one that has the 40 guys, bob magrann is one of them
>Teacher, teacher! Excuse me, but that's a farce. The western world was not built upon free market capitalism. It was built on the backs of slaves and third world exploitation. We live in a world of white privilege. The benefits you enjoy in the western world exist because you extracted the wealth from resource-rich third world nations after enslaving and committing genocide upon their indigenous populations. You then used slaves to farm and produce resources for your nation, used third-world immigrants like the Chinese to build it, then a state-sponsored apartheid system to keep minorities poor and low on the hierarchy to do the low-skill labor necessary for the country to run.
A+ billy.
But the US is a resource rich country. If resources were all those people in their countries needed to be rich, they would be rich. 99% of us never owned slaves. The 1% that ever owned slaves is still the 1% that rules, but they do not make up the society. My brother and uncle died fighting their wars to make them rich, my brother never got rich. Somehow this is my privilege? Sit the fuck down Billy and get de-programmed. The soviets got to you. Literally. They invaded the school system in the 60s because they were losing the PR war after the atrocities and food shortages in the Motherland became apparent.
Maybe next time your ancestors shouldn't sell themselves to slavery then eh you little niglet?
This is why your father is in Jail, Dwayne.
Chattel Slavery was invented by the Arabians, they were also the biggest importers of slaves.
What you're confusing is the pre-War slavery of America with the shitty treatment of poor class in America.
The poor Irish, Dutch and English Immigrants suffered as much as the Black and Chinese, but they got around it by actually working and keeping the money.
Furthermore, Countries like Great Britain Abandoned Slavery and still crafted great economies.
the much simpler outcome is that Black people are just Lazy shits.
But, sir, you are the soviets? Why else would the American flag have red on it? Don't you see? The jews created this divide, so that we can all easily be conquered and enslaved by them. They poison our water supply, poison our leaders and our workers and our people. They force us to mutilate each other so that we be denied access to heaven! The snake never tempted man, the jew tempted snake and man!
>hey kid. wanna play some half life 3?
did this actually happen to anyone
someone stupid enough to bring a gameboy to school would get it stolen easily
>did this actually happen to anyone
It happens a lot
>get it stolen easily
Oh yeah it happens a hell of a lot
holy fuck you weren't kidding
>Chattel Slavery was invented by the Arabians, they were also the biggest importers of slaves.
>What you're confusing is the pre-War slavery of America with the shitty treatment of poor class in America.
no confusion
>The poor Irish, Dutch and English Immigrants suffered as much as the Black and Chinese, but they got around it by actually working and keeping the money.
no they didn't, they were white immigrants, they came to this country and immediately had more rights in segregated america than blacks who had been slaves, descendants of slaves and veterans of our domestic and foreign wars
>Furthermore, Countries like Great Britain Abandoned Slavery and still crafted great economies.
great britain colonized over half the world, you're telling me they made strong economies after they deposited the wealth and resources from over half the world into their bank account then dipped? wow..
good try, Sup Forums, but not really
I'm educated and better yet, I'm white and an ally to PoC. As long as white supremacy exists, I will fight against it until people of color are no longer oppressed under it.
your world is disappearing.. your privilege is eroding. Capitalism is a failure, western nations are going to be open border communist nations in less than 50 years. Enjoy your white male privilege while you can, because that shit's going away fast! This is our world, this world belongs to brown and black people, male and female, gay and trans, WE just let YOU live in it out of kindness.
>great britain colonized over half the world, you're telling me they made strong economies after they deposited the wealth and resources from over half the world into their bank account then dipped? wow..
Ah yes, because Great Britain never built Hospitals, Schools and railways in all it's colonies.
The same Hospitals, Schools and Railways the Black governments now destroy.
>Ah yes, because Great Britain never built Hospitals, Schools and railways in all it's colonies.
>first world luxuries
>lasting without continued support in second/third world countries
>great britain
>giving enough of a shit to do anything right
Keep taking refugees Euroanon, I'm sure it will only help in the long run.
I can't wait for islam to take over and execute all the gays and transgenders and women who dare consider themselves people
Oh go suck a dick
>muh hospitals and infrastructure!
>built only to serve colonists
>w-we wuz saints!!
wow, they built hospitals!? did they build roads and homes too? It's almost like they.. colonized it... wow, you are really unintelligent.
The people living in former colonies in third world nations have no wealth and no resources, they're impoverished because of the actions of the British and Europeans. Poverty, crime and education are all directly related.
Capitalism IS oppression.
>no they didn't, they were white immigrants, they came to this country and immediately had more rights in segregated america than blacks who had been slaves
I know this is shitty meme bait but fuck you regardless. If you think Irish, Poles, Dutch, etc. weren't treated as poorly as niggers youre actually retarded.
The only reason these people raised their social standing is because they worked like dogs to do so while niggers drank and asked for handouts.
You made Australia.
You have no excuse britfag.
ayo teach the new kid got a neo geo mvs in he backsack
Great Britain ended slavery out of principle. You're welcome.
Resources don't exist without the intelligence to extract them and make use of them.
Oil on land was a curse before the 19th century. You couldn't build or farm on it. With the development of refining technology it became a gold mine. This demonstrates that resource richness is not enough.
The Chinese and Irish absolutely suffered as much as the Blacks. Their IQ is just 20-30 points higher on average. No one gives a shit about blacks. They just suck all on their own, even given every advantage over all other races they still can't perform. Their criminality and earning potential perfectly tracks with IQ, and then if you correct for IQ, their 120 IQ people perform just as well as a white or Asian 120 IQ person.
tldr; blacks are dumb.
I don't care about gays, trans, whatever the fuck. They are free people, but they don't get any more rights than another.
No, they weren't. In fact, the only ones who received any discrimination in that group were the Irish, and that was because they were Catholics in a protestant country. The fact their skin was white meant they weren't forced under the laws of segregation, they didn't have to abide by a second set of laws and restrictions like blacks.
The fact they had opportunity to work like dogs and build wealth is because they were white.. whites came first when it came to employment, that's a fact.
Go away whiteboy.
>budget Sup Forums thread
quit being a antisemitic fuck tyrone
the top 1% is 47% jewish
What's with Jansport? It's plain, ugly, and expensive in my country
So are you a meming fuck from Sup Forums, or did you honestly believe this?
What the fuck else did you think blacks could do? They were actual property for a long ass time, they didn't get any fucking money from the work they did. How were they supposed to make money legally user, if they weren't legally people?
>Build Hospitals and infastructure that helped the countries they were in get richer
>The Native populace were able to be educated up to British Imperial standards and taught basic English and Mathematic skills.
>Leave it to black people
>It goes to shit
It's not our fault we expected people to have standards.
This desu, irish had it bad but not as bad as the blacks did at the same time period. Literally go and read any historical document/article on this.
>Yo Prof, user's playing Pokemon Go in class
What do?
>Blacks were property in the 1920's
Are trying to make a joke or are you really that old?
>great britain ended slavery out of principle
>I know I stabbed your mum, but I patched her up and sent her on her way. You're welcome btw
top fucking kek
There were Zero laws preventing Black people from getting money after the Abolishment of Slavery.
In fact; more of you should read the history of the segrigation laws.
Black people lived in Black cities, getting black jobs.
The irish had to compete with actual White people.
Not the dude your talking to but I know for a fact that Slavs faced major racism when they immigrated to America and Australia.
Who are you quoting?
If Colonialism is so shit, why are countries where the British Empire colonised outright better than the other places in Africa?
>c-cuz you stole our resources
I was going to make an honest reply that might have worked, but then I remembered it's Pokemon Go.
Go fuck yourself faggot, you deserve it for playing shitty games.
Most respectable colleges let you use your phone in class anyway. Stop going to cc.
the fuck is he smoking i'm way back in the classroom and he is 2 rows forward
respond saying "i'm too poor to own a phone" and have him expelled for classism
Countries where the British Empire colonised are outright better than the other places in Africa
top kek, Nige, that's a good one. They're all literally shit.
>that delusion
>Every nation on the earth practices slavery
>GB is the first to realize its wrong and have the power to crack down on the slave trade
>People still give them shit for doing what literally everybody else did while ignoring what is likely the single largest advance in human rights in recorded history
Compare South Africa to the Congo.
Did that guy come up with snowdog?
There is literally nothing hotter than a mighty BBC splitting tight white pussy apart. I mean think about it: her ancestors enslaved and shipped his ancestors to a foreign land to pick cotton and do work for free. Her ancestors used his ancestors to do menial, degrading jobs. His ancestors wished death upon her ancestors every day. Every single day of their suffering and pain. This went on for generations. Fucking GENERATIONS man. And every time it was her ancestors beating his ancestors to nearly death and then forcing them to do stuff they never wanted: work. The true power of the BBC stayed hidden for centuries. And then - something amazing happened. Blacks finally got rights they deserve. Rights to do nothing all day while white people work for their black asses. Black people got their revenge. Not only that, they also fuck white girls every single day while pathetic white bois can only stretch their pathetic tic-tac dicks while looking. Thousands and thousands of black semen gets pumped into white wombs daily. Imagine the pain fo these white bois. Imagine the suffering of their ancestors. Remember the times when his ancestors wished death upon her ancestors? It's literally something worse. Her ancestors must be punching the walls of hell from their huge frustraition. Meanwhile, in heaven, his ancestors cheer and feast every day for their compensation of suffering they had on Earth. While they sing and dance they get to see millions of mulatto babies getting pushed through white vaginas. And they laugh even more. This is what gets me off when I watch interracial porn and I laugh while doing so. Because justice is finally getting served.
Lick it up white bois.
>what is de-facto descrimination
maybe you should read more
You are so stupid if you believe blacks can build a civilization. That of all the races and locations in the world, they are still the only ones that can't get a country running but your tone is outlandish which makes me belief you are trolling us, but I'm still not 100% sure of it.
sit yo ass down dawgwakn jr
ITT bait baiting bait baiting bait
Colonization is the path to the future
Look at North America
Before Great Britain showed up, it was a bunch of dirt grubbing warring tribes running around scalping each other who never progressed to the bronze age, and were never going to.
It could have been a smoother transition, but left to their own devices nothing would have changed.
Africa is a resource rich continent, it has the potential to be economically and socially developed, but culturally they are unable to take advantage of any of their opportunities.
This is because they were incompletely colonized. They had the infrastructure of a developed society constructed for them, but didn't adopt the culture that is necessary to maintain and continue to develop it. Compare Africa to Australia.
Fuck off with that bestiality shit.
Did you also expect payment from your mother for not pissing on the floor?
And it's literally a black kid most of the time.
>Bring gameboy to school in second grade
>Play with it some in class
>Put it back inside bag and into cubby hole
>Lunch time
>Black kid sitting in front of me playing a gameboy
>Kid next to him looks at me and says he's playing with my gameboy
>Same model, same game, even has my name written on the back of it
>Tell him to give it back
>Ignores me
>"Or else" still ignores me
>Tell on him
>Both get sent to office and I get my gameboy back but I never see him again after that day
Fuck you, whatever your name was.
Not that guy but blacks did build civilisations, this is a literal historical fact.
Nice meme
Black kids don't snitch though. White people love snitching so much they created Yelp.
Facts lol what are those lel going back to Sup Forums I guess lol xD
>Every child pisses on the floor, including GB
>GB realized they should stop pissing on the floor
Why would you give them shit over something they stopped doing years ago. They barely remember pissing on the floor
fuck you nigger i was not dumb enough to bring my vidya to school and get caught with it
I mean it's widely accepted that Mansa Musa (a black guy btw) was the richest man in history
>have a school reunion 10 years after graduation
>all the blacks are dead getting raped by satan or in jail getting raped by big bubba
Bernie Sanders ain't gunna save your ass.
fucking kek
ITT oppression Olympics. Seriously fuck off.
more like 97%
0/5 stars, made me feel guilty. Would not recommend.
>Mansa Musa
Funny way of spelling Rockefeller
A nigger can't be the richest man in the world xD my friends at Sup Forums said niggers are bad at monez xDDD *toodles*
Cleaning up their portion of the piss doesn't negate the fact that they were highly instrumental in orchestrating significant floor pissing
>burn crosses
Is that a murikan expression or is it literal?
Most niggers are christians
expression and literal
They are literally the only reason anyone realized it was bad to piss on the floor in the first place. You wouldn't not be having this argument now if they did not stop pissing.
He was the monarch equivalent of nigger rich
"Most gold in your possession" does not really equate to "most economically powerful"
At the height of the british empire, the royal family controlled roughly a quarter of the entire known world.
The Trans-Atlantic slave trade was run mostly by the Spanish, Dutch, and Portuguese. GB was largely out of it. Also,
>Implying that slavery wasn't far more common in Asia without any British involvement
>tfw need to take a piss
>calls americans "murikan"
>doesn't know anything about america
Wow, who'd guess?
What country you from? I could use a laugh.
>Is American
>Thinks he has the privilege of laughing at anyone
detroit, the freeest country in the whole wide world