Why do you prefer New Vegas above all other Fallout games Sup Forums?
Why do you prefer New Vegas above all other Fallout games Sup Forums?
to be Contrarian
It has a certain je ne sais quoi.
Because I'm a redditor
Because it's a fun game with an entertaining story and additions to the lore.
Making other people mad about my enjoyment is an okay bonus too, I guess.
Because 3 didn't do it for me and I haven't played 4.
2 is still the best. 1 was...playable, but I started with 2, and it's hard to go back.
I don't, I prefer 2
Great writing, characters, and world. With solid gameplay.
FO1 is classic, 2 is arguably the best, but like 1 it is slow as piss to play and takes a lot of patience and managed expectations in the presentation department.
3 & 4 felt like a game made by huge fallout fans with deep pockets, but don't quite understand that last layer of character or depth. Still good games.
New Vegas is the "proper" Fallout 3. All if the heart, soul, character, story, and autonomy of 2, but with fun and modernized gameplay and presentation (although it's beginning to look dated now)
But i perefer first 2, user.
Setting of a Fallout game with the immersion of a first person shooter. It's like playing STALKER but with roleplaying and energy weapons.
Actual writing quality.
No stupid bullshit like
>[intelligence] Ah, so you fight the good fight with your voice on Galaxy News Radio.
How do you anons feel about Fallout Dust?
As retarded as it is I still find 3 to be my favorite.
But nothing gets me more excited than my yearly NV play through. It did so many things right
It's easier to get into than the first two, but it's still cool like the first two. If I recommend a fallout game it's probably going to be new vegas for those two reasons.
no instead its
>[Speech 20]I have to watch my step around you!
but I don't.I still think the original is the best
[Perception] Bullshit, user. My example was a verbatim quote from FO3, yours was just childish hyperbole.
The survival simulator?
its prety cool :)
New Vegas didn't have this entire fucking area.
Atmosphere is pretty fucking great, especially with a dreary ENB and some lighting mods.
Game balance brutality drags it down.
I don't senpai
The Vibe, man
The idea of that utopian walled city, with crazy shit happening beyond it was the most interesting aspect
Probably stayed truest to that cold-war theme (or my perception of the cold war) than any of the others
I see this opinion a lot, and I really don't understand. New Vegas is literally 3, but with better mechanics, better quests, better story, better characters, and better locations. I just can't imagine comparing the two of them and finding 3 more favorable.
More to do there than in almost all of my desu, I'm still salty over how laughably terrible and underwhelming Vegas was compared
Because you can make a character instead of being given a character
Because the writing has effort put into it
Because gunplay and combat is fun
Because the bases are fun
Because hardcore mode is a great challenge and allows environments to become hostile or uninhabitable based on our own experience rather than being told so
Because factions is a better system than the broken fucking karma bullshit
Because I had much more fun playing new Vegas than I had with 3 or 4. 1 and 2 are too different to compare desu senpai
Because it is a western and not a stupid garbage bin nuclear holocaust messiah simulator
Because the trailer for new Vegas played a western song instead of songs about nukes. I knew 4 was going to suck because they immediately had to remind you fallout is about nuking things and atom bombs
But most importantly,
Because red Lucy is my waifu
I don't.
It's a shame that not many people play it or even know about it.
It has so much potential, it would be a dream if obsidian decided to take it over.
>People comparing the isometric games to the fps games
You guys understand what an absurd comparison this is, right? They're functionally different franchises.