What map themed skins would you like to see in the future, Sup Forums?
What map themed skins would you like to see in the future, Sup Forums?
micro bikini skins for all the women for a beach map
dva in a skimpy night gown in a comfy home couch themed map
basically just make them as close to nude models yeah?
More neo tokyo maps. Lijiang tower isn't enough.
And yes I know I said tokyo and the tower's in china, fuck off you know what I mean.
micro bikinis look fucking stupid and ridiculous only 12 year olds in the throngs of puberty like them. regular swimsuits are much sexier.
one piece swim suits that ride high, oh baby
Yes please.
Outback Australia or Moon
Pre-Junker Junkrat and Roadhog costumes.
Jet Set Radio skin for Lucio with a Vishkar oppressed Neo-Rio map. I know Lucio already has a Jet Set Radio theme but I would like to see them go all out with it. Massive afro, huge crazy sunglasses, long pointy goatee, cyberpunk jacket with popped collar, massive baggy hip hop pants.
Play Street Fighter V
pharah spartan mech warrior for illios map?
More like Ching Chang tower.
Fucking Japs.
I just want a revealing mei skin family of mine
Oh yes
I want the Tracer skin from Heroes of the storm
Skeletor Reaper with Skeletor voice.
Just imagine Reapers lines but in Skeletors voice
No thanks, I don't want to pay even $20 for a demo.
Sexy mummy costume for Pharah on Halloween like Momiji's
I want to see Widowmaker in a proper bikini!
what the fuck is wrong with her face, who drew that and though "yeah that looks like tracer"
A blizzard employee. Specifically one in the HOTS department.
oh thanks for clearing that up
Pretty much bikini/seimsuit costumes for ALL the characters.
I don't know about costumes but the next maps I want to see are Seoul, Australia and some kind of Vishkar map.
I dunno but I hope they add more Overwatch characters to HotS, Tracer actually plays almost exactly like overwatch tracer just in a different genre,
Shame that Widowmaker was given to an existing character as a skin though it kinda makes sense, other characters like Roadhog will probably get the same deal and just become Costumes for characters,
Best girl Zarya is coming soon as a new character soon.
fucked up the image
Maybe some WoW ones, like a nelf widowmaker, the skin color's the same after all.
And to fit in the thread: mandatory nudist beach fanservice episode skins. We just need to figure it out for d.va.
>banana hammocks for the men
Busan, South Korea nice beach front with D.Va mech skin where she wears a one-piece bathing suit or a tankini.
A comfy Winter map based in Sweden this Christmas with Torbjorn Santa skin with presents on his back
Spooky Swiss town at night for Halloween with Mercy vampire skin.
Rape of Nanking style map with comfort women skin for Dva
if you like micro bikinis you probably search things like "hot chicks big boobs sex" when looking for porn.
Agreed. Patricians dig string bikinis.
that's the same shit. it's all just the same teenage-level stupidity that can't appreciate a bit of modesty and leaving parts to the imagination.
T. Quattro Vagina
Yeah, I like that.
does her gun have a combi lock on it?
>tfw Halloween costumes soon
>brown and orange recolors for everyone!
This looks like a job... for VESEMIR,
I really wish they could let my skins transfer to the PC version. They even let you sync your battlenet account in game
Fancy getup for all of the characters for some escort mission in a gala.
Bastion's bird would have a tiny lil' hat and tie
New japanese map with reinhardt wearing samurai themed armour and his hammer is a katana or a naginata. Soldier with a captain american skin?
So much heroes now
I used to have all 6+ when the game was still in beta, when I was ranked 2
I always loved maps where the characters were shrunk down, so things like stairs and fleas became a big issue. Maybe toy skins, so S76 would be a GI Joe, Bastion could be a transformer, stuff like that.