Best snacks to eat while playing vidya thread? pic very related

Best snacks to eat while playing vidya thread? pic very related

Celery. It's like water and a snack in one

You pop heart pills as a snack?

Now do Lucina

xanax and cocaine is god tier

Anyone here know if you can play games on acid? Or would I be too out of it to properly react to anything on the screen?

I've taken shrooms a few times, the most recent was when I had my friend as a babysitter and he played assassins creed black flag while I laughed my ass off at the concept of pirates, taken L a few times but not in that environment
play alien isolation

Easily distracted by literally everything.

It sucks

yeah i played mario kart 8 online on cid. fucking killed it


Play something colorful with a good soundtrack. Shit's the jam.

Crab legs

Triple Meat Triple Cheese Whataburger and a large Coke, no ice.

Play Botanicula


>coke with no ice

That's the worst way to drink Coke fuck tyou

Why would you eat blood pressure pills for gaming? You retarded?

It aready comes out cold, why would I need ice taking up precious soda space?

These wasabi flavored Japanese drinking snacks. I live in Japan so just saying, I'm not a weeb going out of my way to choose Jap snacks over anything else They come in little pre-packed protion sizes and aren't very messy.

Were you laughing cause pirates these days are different from pirates back then, or because the pirates in Black Flag don't have peg legs and hook hands?

>i will do anything to get the most food/drink possible

Over eating detected.


I need to go get me a Patty Melt right the fuck now but it's fucking 1 am here.

Why the fuck do you even get ice in the first place? It just takes up volume with water that you could use for more Coke/Pepsi/Mountain Dew Baja Blast. Sodas come out of the machine cold enough anyways


THIS so much. Ice is only ever useful if you're going to be sipping away at a drink for hours, which you aren't going to do with soda because it'll go fucking flat in that time

Guilty Gear Xrd, it is.

Personally, I like to get gacked off that sweet shabbu shabbu whoop chicken while I game. Can't speak for others though.

You sound young. Why would you need a baby sitter. You would have to have been 15 at the time to be 18 now and who has a baby sitter at 15?

Proper portions? I like fast-food and soda as much as the next guy but I mean you don't really need to be drinking soda in the first place, let alone figuring out ways to fit EVEN more soda into your probably already oversized cup.

Its a drug thing pal. People who are going to be on mind altering drugs use a sober friend as a "babysitter" to make sure they dont do anything stupid or if they freakout and need calming down.

Shut the fuck up faggot I'm enjoying my delicious suicide.
Find me a reason to live and I'll eat healthy. Until then, get me the Extra Big-Ass Fries


Ecco the motherfucking dolphin.
Holy fucking christ

These guys know what's up. Why would I waste cup space on ice that will melt and water down my soda? It is already cold and adding ice means less soda. That's just retarded


Clorox and drain cleaning liquid.

this is all kouta-san's fault

>tfw Whataburger is one of the few places open 24/7 where I live

if I'm going to drink soda i have every right to have 100% of what's in my cup to be soda and not ice

I was just laughing because the concept of pirates were humorous to me for some reason, it was the first time I tripped where I was around electronic entertainment for the majority of the time rather than being out in nature and checking out stars and shit
This was a few months ago, I'm turning 21 soon. It was the 4th or 5th time I did shrooms and I'm not particularly fond of doing stronger psychedelics by myself, I like to at least have someone sober to bounce my dumbass ideas off of it not a fellow tripper to go along with me. Me and my bud are huge soccer fans, I remember a while back we both tripped and ended up playing FIFA which we are both really good at, the match ended like 6-6 and went to penalties where we could both predict eachother's shots and saves, weird shit. If anything you sound underage and inexperienced trying to show off what a badass druggie you are, that won't help you past high school I promise

>ice that will melt and water down my soda
Pretty much this is the reason I dislike using ice in my drinks.

To follow up more specifically, I was basically stoned enough to forget where I even worked, as I was contemplating the existence of humanity I looked at the TV and saw my buddy chuckling and playing black flag and I literally had a "DUDE PIRATES LMAO" moment. Completely nonsensical but entertaining nonetheless.

1 tab is easy. If you can still form a coherant understanding of reality, you can play video games on acid.


I played some DoA final round with some buddies while high on acid. The screen looked blurry and fucked up like the tv fell on its screen then in a pool. I was also drunk and high though. Had a hard time making shit out and keeping track of what was going on. Was still cool though

And what does the babysitter get? Unlimited access to the druggies' orifices? It sounds like a bad deal for them otherwise.

Why do you need a babysitter if your 20?

Entertainment of retarded friend tripping and (usually) food.

Adderall is best, you get so much focus with it.

Flakes of cumblood I've chipped off my sister's used tampons.

meth, alcohol, cigarettes and fruits since it's hard to chew.

Fuck Xanax, it hits you too quick and leaves you too quick as well.

Valium are where it's at.

Also, icy cold Dr. Pepper and Elf Double Stuffed Cookies.

Snort a few lines of Stevia


>tfw have never done drugs
I drink Razberitas sometimes though.

It depends on the game usually something you don't really have to concentrate on like Amped ,SKATE, or aimlessly driving around in gta were you can just zone out to the music. Had lots of fun playing ocarina of time on cid. The part were I placed the stones in the temple of time really tripped me out. I wasn't able to do good with competitive multiplayers on cid nor did it hold my interest

One time when I was on 2c-b+ketamine when a friend randomly IMd me wanting to play BF3. I decided to give it a try and surprisingly did amazing. I was really able to get in the zone

>Sup Forums drinking and eating literal shit

Y'all never gonna make it.

We know.