Demon's Souls = Dark Souls 1 > Dark Souls 3 > Bloodborne > Dark Souls 2
Demon's Souls = Dark Souls 1 > Dark Souls 3 > Bloodborne > Dark Souls 2
Nioh> All soulsborne games
BB > DaS3 > DaS1=DeS > DaS2
Daily reminder to take off those nostalgia goggles
>DaS 3 better than DaS 1 or DeS
You're fucking delusional. DaS 3 is good, but it's nowhere near as good as those two.
2 was better than 3, why won't anyone else admit it?
3 was literally bloodborne with shields. 2 has glorious, sturdy, strategic and tactical combat and bosses. 3 was just running in circles and slipping around all your enemies just in time to mash the meme attack button
BB = DaS1 > DeS > DaS3 > DaS2
I corrected the thread. No more to see here.
Correct order, except that Demons Souls should be equal to Dark Souls 3.
Demons Souls is rudimentary compared to the others, and it's combat, bosses and soundtrack are less polished than in the others. It is also very short. Dark Souls 3 has good combat, bosses, and soundtrack but is also quite short, is way too linear, and is incredibly unoriginal.
Both are fantastic games, but they are tied with each other on a tier below BB and DS because of their flaws.
Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2 = Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 1 = King's Field series > Bloodborne
If you think Dark Souls 1 is the best in the series then you're an underage who never played the series before it became mainstream and you're coasting on the nostalgia of your first "extreme brootal hardcore xD" game.
Notice that I put Demon's Souls equal to DaS 1 and above the rest. You honestly think DaS 2 is better than DaS 1? Are you retarded? It's not fucking nostalgia, DaS 2 is seriously the worst in the series. And I haven't played King's Field yet but am looking into playing that series atm.
>the "Demon's Souls was good" meme
It's literally a beta version of Dark Souls. Half of DeS was shitty experimental features and areas. The good ones were keep kept for the sequel while the bad ones were removed.
1 > 3 > BB > 2 > DeS
bb=des>shit>das series
Nah, Soulsborne games got better over time
DaS3>Bloudbourne>DaS2>DaS>DeS or you can switch BB and DaS3, the rest stays as it is.
The next soulborne like game exclusive to the PSquadruple will be even better.
After DaS1 have progressively gotten worse. They are all good but don't kid yourselves this is the true order.
TOH > DaS3 > Dark Soul 1 = Bloodborne > Demon's souls > Dark Souls 2
did you even go to school?
*they have gotten progressively worse
BB > DaS > Both Nioh demos so far > DaS 3 > DeS > DaS 2 > Salt and Sanctuary > Not playing videogames > Lords of the Fallen
DaS2 > DaS > BB > DaS3 > DeS
Not even baiting, don't respond to this post.
Without DLC (Base Game)
Overall so far with dlc included for the ones that had it. (ds3 is the only one that may move up later)
I honestly can't argue with this
>BB and DS3 at the top
Daily reminder to take off the pleb goggles.
>dark souls 1 not at the bottom
opinion discarded
>That high
You only got influenced because of Maldron though.
Take him away and DaS2 got nothing.
BB > DaS3 > DeS > DaS1 > DaS2
I concur
bloodborne = demons souls > ds1 > ds3 > ds2
>gameplay and game mechanics
Bloodborne has no real problems. DaSII is consistent and introduces a lot of good things like power stancing and NG+ but has Soul Memory. DeS is consistently good but World Tendency was poorly executed. DaS dips in quality after Anor Londo and DaSIII is linear and loses much of the cool things from its predecessor.
BB's bosses are all well designed with the game mechanics in mind and are generally well integrated. DeS's bosses mostly require different approaches to beat and were interesting to fight. DaSIII's bosses were fun to fight, similar to Bloodborne but not quite as good execution.
>PvP and Multiplayer
DaSII and BB are balanced. DeS and DaS are unbalanced but PvP is fair otherwise. DaSIII is unbalanced and PvP puts you against gank squads and the covenants don't work.
DeS = BB > DaS1 > DaS3 > DaS2
Souls lore is interesting but they way story is barely portrayed makes me not want to play the game for more than hours at a time, I just don't find the gameplay that involving.
Does the gameplay in Bloodborne/DS3 feel more evolved than DeS/Das1/2? Watching gameplay videos gives me an idea but I'm not a Souls expert.
*more than 2
It's actually less involving, nothing has any poise so you can literally just spam r1 until no Stanima and stunlock everything to death. Its still not the worst thing out there though and there are still some fun parts
>1 > 3 > BB > 2 > DeS
The only ranking that counts
Bloodborne is arguably more involving since you can two-hand your weapon in the middle of a combo and attack with it, although it's completely unnecessary since everything gets stunlocked anyways.
DS3 is easily the most dumbed down game in the series. Awful balance among general weapon classes, magic is largely worthless, much fewer tech possibilities, most weapon paths are completely inferior to quality, and the complete lack of poise makes it possible to one-shot players with a single combo. Pretty much the only good thing it brought to the series was ashen estus and estus distribution.
It's true, I wish I could play Souls with Ni oH abilities; I'd actually be able to play a proper mage!
I don't have a PS4 but I really wanted to try Nioh. What big improvements does it have over the Souls games? From the videos I've seen, the level design seems a lot more simple than Souls.
>Ashen Estus
In concept perhaps. In game all it meant was another challenge for the player who wanted to be a pure caster because even with a distribution heavily favouring Ashen Estus, you have a very real danger of running out of MP whereas this was a non-issue in DaSII.
This, combined with spells being generally limited in function (point and shoot) and Attunement having bad returns, means magic is generally bad in DaSIII.
Go to bed li joe
But you can't go pure caster in Nioh, can you?
All the offensive spells are just buffs to your weapon, aren't they?
2 is the best playing one. Shame the levels suck. BB is a bit too linear for me. DS3 while better than BB with being slightly more open ended but the fact they sped it up to appease BB faggots fucked up the rest of the game. DS1 is truly the best of the best
You still need a main arm for when you run out of casts, but since weapons don't require stats you can go pure magic. There are offensive spells and debuffs, both of which are far better investments than weapon buffs; getting a lightning buff wouldn't hurt though, since it halves enemy speed by 50% with just a few swings.
I've specced a bit into magic and that's my experience.
Of Souls styled games, I think Dark Souls II offers the best experience for a pure caster. You don't have to deign to pick up a sword in the game, Attunement is very generous, you pretty much never run out of casts and if you do you can just pop an easily obtainable herb to get them all back.
Magic in DaSII was also varied in function and generally felt powerful to use. My whole time playing DaSIII as a caster I was longing for something like Darkstorm or something fun like DaSII's Dead Again (it's garbage in DaSIII), anything with utility.
BB = DaS1 > DeS > DaS3 > DaS2 >>>>>>> SotFS
+Combat is super fast and punishing, more so than souls.
+Weapons don't require stats, so you can experiment with gear as much as you want.
+Weapons weigh nothing, so style won't be effected by your great hammer
+Combat is much deeper, each weapon type (4 at the moment) has 3 styles that change your rolls, attack speed, and damage.
+Bows/Guns/Cannons are super useful
+Magic isn't trash
+Armor is very important
-levels are super straight forward
-soundtrack isn't too varied
-only 4 main weapon types
Yeah, I was very disappointed in Dark 3 magic; FP was a mistake.
Nioh is much easier than Souls if you stop rolling to dodge everything and just block and parry instead. I've played both of its demos thus far and neither has been particularly fun. It handles much more stiffly, the animations and combat feel a lot worse than Souls and the biggest thing it does well is magic and even then I think Souls games offer a much greater variety in that regard. The level design is utter shit in comparison to any Souls game and reminds me more of stuff like Ninja Gaiden and DMC where a lot of rooms are just areas where you fight enemies rather than every single room and level having some significance or unique aspect like in Souls. The enemies are decent but nothing to write home about, boss fights and weapons as expected are much better in Souls. I won't buy it day one but I'd pick it up if it was $30 or so and I had nothing else to play.
Is anyone else confused as to why Demon's Souls looks better than Dark Souls?
nice thread retard
To be honest, there is something to be said for experiencing an entirely new form of gameplay theory or genre. The experience I had from Demons Souls, compared to just booting up what is basically my fifth "Souls" game, will never compare, no matter how good the raw gameplay and overall design philosophy improves.
If we are comparing them now, out of release order, it's different, but if we are going to compare quality and reception of the product, Demons Souls is top.
it doesn't
BB = DaS1 > DeS = DaS3 > SotFS > DaS2
SoTFS > BB = DaS1 > DaS3 = DeS > DaS2
fight me
SoTFS was the best DLC, best all-levels multiplayer, and best core mechanics
DaS1 has the best world design and smallest flaws all around
BB has what DaS3 is missing for the same design, but lives in fucking North Korea sheltered away from us PC MASTERRACE
DaS3 needs it's GOTY edition fixes and content that isn't fucking nostalgia pandering
DeS is just too damned unpolished
DaS2 was the worst of any on release
SoTFS was the 4th Souls game I played. I skipped DaS2 until it.
>2 the worst
When will this meme die?
>3 not the worst
When does school start back up?
Better use of lighting, and it had more of its own aesthetic, if that makes any sense
>oh look, i'm posting contrarianism in order to accrue (You)'s
Demon's = Dark 1 = Blood > Dark 3 > Dark 2
any true fan knows this is the case
>Dark Souls 3 above anything
>What big improvements does it have over the Souls games?
You can sheathe your weapon.
>You can sheathe your weapon
Oh, i mean that's a pretty nice little flavour feature-
>He posts furshit
>Fursuit furshit
Get the fuck out.
I don't think you know how this place works, friendo
>being THIS triggered by an image
I honestly don't understand why so many people like Samurai Souls so far. I was hyped for it too, and I missed the last demo, so I made sure to grab this one this time. It's difficult for all the wrong reasons and weapon and armor drops are Korean grind tier.
>giving a shit about furries
>in 2016
What makes the drops such a grind? I haven't had a chance to play it.
Do you >Need< to grind for gear, anyway? Or is the gear you can find sufficient to clear the game's areas?
Thanks for the easy (You)'s.
>DaS1 that high
>Bloodborne that low
I like you user, you know what's up.
DeS is absolute shit in every way. DaS1 was much more promising, but it pales in comparison to 2, 3 and Bloodborne.
Every gear drop has randomized stats.
>DeS absolute shit
>DaS1 worse than 2 or 3
easily the worst post in this thread
>can't play 3 because GPU is too shit
>can't play BB until next year when I buy a PS4
end me
post specs
I've played 10 hours or so but the framerate drops and occasional crashes kill me
Except DeS has the best story/lore, best bosses (barring BB, perhaps), best music and great build variety (only DaSII offers more).
Okay that's pretty Korean Grind tier.
And there's no way other way to aquire gear?
There aren't any preset items you can find in preset locations, with predefined stats?
have you lowered your resolution? a 650ti at 1080p probably doesnt work out too well for games released this year. the rest of your rig is perfectly capable
>tfw no cash to actually get 3 for pc
>tfw use remote play to play ds3 on ps4 on pc
>that blur and framerate issue
I have experienced hell, and no longer wish to return.
BB is the best souls game.
>16 gigs of RAM
>middling everything else
Thread shouldve ended here
So many subhumans with shit tier taste and le epic maymay kiddo's wanting to belong, fucking pathetic.
This is the correct order:
DaS2 > DaS3 > DaS1 > BB > DS
>DeS best story/lore
>Best Bosses
literally half of them are gimmicks and most are shit
>Best music
>great build variety
lmao 2kat lmao dragon boner smasher lmao second chance
>oh look, I'm easily dismissing criticisms as empty contrarianisms so I don't have to deal with dissenting opinions and maturely face that my taste might not be absolute!
You're not alone bro. 2 isn't half as bad as it gets made out to be and 3 isn't a quarter as good.
literally just posting a contrarian opinion, lol. you dont actually think that. you just want replies. well, here's the first one.
There are, but enemies deal so much damage and wombo combo you to death because of 2fastnipponsteel attacks, that you'll simply need to grind for better armors just to get through the demo.
Also you regen your ki (stamina) with R1
Yeah, I've tried it. It's sort of playable but some places like Firelink Shrine and Cathedral of the Deep give me a slideshow and it's just too much. I'll end up upgrading my GPU sooner or later.
I regret it, believe me.
Why not just play it on your PS4? What did you expect would come positively out of streaming it to your PC as you play it?
well that sucks. there's plenty of great options right now though for $300 and under
>streaming it instead of playing natively on the platform you're using
I set up the ps4 in my brother's bedroom because at the time I didn't have a tv or anything like that (currently have one now, so moving the damn thing isn't an issue anymore). I figured it might be okay to use remote play for it. I've used it before to play some older console games on it and it didnt really have a problem with them (talking like ps2 games, etc) but holy shit when I tried DaS3, it was just...oh jeez.
>play DS3 on the ps4
>it's still shit
DaS PtD > BB:TOH > DaS > DaS 3 > BB vanilla = DeS > DaS 2 (all versions)
Prove me wrong
You can't
DS1 = BB > DS2 > DS3 >DeS
>vanilla DS3 worse than vanilla BB
>Scholar worse than anything
Do you just absolutely hate fun?
You're wrong.
Prove me wrong.
You can't.
>vanilla DS3 worse than vanilla BB
Do you know what the > symbol means?
Better, I mean.
DaS3 should be at the rock bottom of that list.