What's the longest you ever played a game in one sitting?
Bathroom and snack breaks are acceptable.
What's the longest you ever played a game in one sitting?
Bathroom and snack breaks are acceptable.
37 hours
Im not proud
2 minutes of No Man's Sky
Shin Magami Tensei IV
I played for nearly 10 straight hours
Twilight Princess
12ish hours
I got the 7 Day Survivor in the original Dead Rising. 14 hours.
But I was just watching documentaries on my cpu and making sure my guy ate some food every 15 minutes. Besides that I played Far Cry 2 for 13 hours straight.
20~ of MGS 2 and 3 back to back
this can't be topped, you win the thread.
19 hours
Halo 2 multiplayer with friends when i was in high school
honestly was a good time
I'm sure I've played longer, but I beat the Resident Evil Remake in one sitting recently. It was like 6ish hours.
Over 24 hours of WoW but I have no idea how long. After a day it became a blur.
12+ hours of Gotcha Force
With bathroom and snack breaks oblivion at 51 hours.
I made some questionable choices as a teen. Should of just done drugs like my other peers.
MGS3 when I first got it in 2006
17 hours
Loved every minute of it and it's still my favorite game
Oblivion, 8 hours
Maybe 9 or 10 with Lord of the Rings Online
jesus i was wrong. you didn't sleep at all during that time?
I've played Morrowind for 24 hours before
24-25 hours in WoW. Tried to get server first 80 warlock. I was like the 3rd or 2nd to get 80, one guy just kept playing while i went to sleep.
12 hours or so of Kingdom Hearts 2
Even in my mid 20s my sleep is all sorts of fucked up. Was going to work on about 3 hours of sleep in a 72 hour period last week.
honestly this is a fairly normal amount of time to grind in PSO
did this pretty much every weekend just going through ultimate caves and mines
Do you feel weird mentally and physically after playing a game that long?
I played runescape for about 150 hours in a week once.
12th person to 99 divination
less than 20 hours that's for sure.
I never timed my longer times, sometimes I'd be trying to fix schedule and stay up for two days playing something but I'd say it's less impressive and autistic than doing 13 hours every day for one level in Everquest.
GW2 for 12 hours
I really wanted to catch up with my friends because I decided to reroll a new class
I have memories of playing Dragon quest 8 for about 60+ hours over 5 days. I had to go to school of course being like 15 at the time, but the moment I got home I'd hop on. Then I would play until bed. I did this without ever having a memory card, so I couldn't save. Fuck that was 10 years ago
My brother and I were overhyped for Halo 3.
We went to the midnight release, got it, then proceeded to marathon.
We played the Halo CE and Halo 2 campaigns on legendary straight through then jumped onto Halo 3 right when we finished the first two.
43 hours later we beat 3 on Legendary.
My brother passed out but I played like 3 hours of multi-player before passing out of exhaustion.
18 hours then i slept for 4 and began again.
Back when Ellinia private server started. 1m clean range in a week with lots of abuses.
I wish I was you.
If I dont get a full 8 hours of sleep I feel like shit.
I played Wow fr about 12 hours a day for months, weirdest thing was I would hear the ingame music and noises even when not playing it, wasted about 2 years of my life
i do the same thing
i set myself up for failure by posting on Sup Forums until 4am, then i get up at 6:30, drive for an hour
etc etc etc
it's a long story
but i feel you man
i once played PSO for what felt like a day and a half straight
wow for probably 2 days
dust an elysian tale i dropped ~24 hours on, didnt sleep
brigador, same thing. havent touched it since though.
i also once did a LAN / sleepover where we partied and played 'video games' (including me speedrunning mechwarrior 2, both factions) where many people including myself were up longer than 30 hours
Besides being super tired, no. Honestly its the same as staying up for 20~ hours. Ive done that shit recently playing overwatch and grinding out the loot crates. Didnt play for 20 hours straight though in case you were wondering.
Has anyone ever fallen asleep playing a game? I've only ever done it twice in my life, first time was during a Halo 2 match and then while in the campgrounds in Psychonauts. Shit was too comfy.
Probably GTA San Andreas, I got home with the copy at 5pm and played non stop till 6am... It's sad to realize that video games will never be as fun or exciting as they used to be.
samefag from here.
same thing happened to me
also with supaplex
a game that took me literally 12 years to beat, and is still the most evil masterpiece i've ever seen.
all 111 levels, kid.
on a 386 that was playing the game at 1.3x speed and I didn't even know (cuz tied to clock rate)
and, on top of that
the new bullshit win7 ports, they show you the whole map right from the start, when the old game you couldn't see it, and there was no save states, and etc etc etc.
Holy shit that sounds amazing. Im actually jealous of that especially since legendary runs can be super fucking annoying.
Half Life 2: Ep 1 in about 6 or 8 hours, can't remember.
almost never but
it happened to me a LOT playing warframe.
i dont know why it was so easy to fall asleep in it.
Over 30 hours, possibly 40 playing Disgaea on the DS.
I once played WoW for almost 76 hours, not counting 5 hours i slept.
I had stress dreams for weeks about how abruptly the camera angle changed when you hit A or D, if that makes any semblance of sense.
I was a really stupid fucking kid.
35-ish hours in Persona 4.
I don't regret it.
Episode 1 is like 3 hours long, what the fuck were you doing?
Halo 2
Persona 3, I fell asleep every time I played that game because it was just so fucking boring.
Depends on of caffeines involved or not for me. If it is I might start imagining hearing things here and there but am able to keep up my focus a bit more.
Without it past the 20 hour mark creativity dies. It becomes hard to focus on anything other than 1 task like you have tunnel vision. Also short term memory starts to not work right and it becomes hard to be aware of why you're doing a quest or task, though Im still able to see it through.
This one time, I marathoned the whole of pic related (all 149 levels in order) over about 10 hours.
WoW, WC3, and Dota 2 I've had play sessions that have lasted up to ~7-8 hours, but I rarely go for longer than 5-6 at a time in those.
FF7 when i got it as a teen
33 hours without stopping long enough to even shit.
I get it, user. I know what you're talking about, you aren't insane.
Although not impressive when I was really young my dad and I started a co-op of diablo on PS1 and we were so into our run he encouraged me to stay up and play when I started getting tired. The game ended up freezing mid save late into the early morning. We had to take the ps1 outside to cool it off in the winter air. That was the last time me and my dad played diablo together.
can't remember if i did any long but recently i did play over 10-11 hours of witcher 1 at the last stretch of the game.
Playing crash bandicoot as a kid. Must have been 5 or 6
I'm not sure how many hours but I played really long sessions of 12 hours or so with some Pokemon Games and GTA San Andreas.
I played TF2 for nearly 15 hours a few years ago when I was a teen.
There were times when I would just play all day every day as a kid, but this one moment I remember in particular
When the fucking Ulduar came out and our RL in not-so-hardcore-pve-guild decided we must beat it on day one in one sitting. 13 hours. 13 fucking hours of countless wipes, rl screaming at people, me screaming at people, people screaming at people, that one druid healer trying to cheer everyone up that got kicked after he forgot to turn off the mic and ripped his bong loudly.
One hell of a ride that was. To be fair we actually almost finished it - stopped at Vezax.
Aye my friend, I was fuckin you in the ass(in game) back then.
Pretty much same, halo 2 online just all weekend.
>a few years ago I could play games all day
>Literally just play wow for more than 8 hours a day,while having fun
>tfw now i can't sit down and play for more than 1 hour without getting bored out of my mind
>tfw i can barely play any games without listening to music/a podcast in the background
>tfw i constantly alt-tab between the game and Sup Forums or other shitty sites
>tfw i'm not even old.i'm still a teenager
Got the first 120 stars in Super Mario Galaxy the first time I played it, I don't know for how long but it was more than 12 hours.
>Gotcha force
I remembered I played RS for 16 hours during my summer break the first time I became a member. What a magical play through that was.
GTA Online or Civ 5 for like 14 hours straight, I had a lot of free time when I was a NEET.
i can't do this shit anymore. too old.
when i was in high school, though... shit. 20+ hours straight was nothing.
Played Maplestory for 3 straight days once with two buddies, back when it was fun and charming.
That must've been cool
Monster Hunter Generations
9 Hours
~13 hours of Halo 3 when I used to have Halo parties
4 tv's, 16 people, good memories
Sounds horrible desu. And halo 3 on legendary is shit easy how'd it take you 43 hours?
Sorry don't want to be such a rude fag. I too got the game at midnight release but I had already played through the campaigns beforehand. I just played campaign with a friend until about 2 in the morning he fell asleep then I played multiplayer until about 5 or 6. It was then I realized that I'd never play a better halo online than 2.
I fell asleep playing MH4U a couple months ago, but I was pretty damn tired because I didn't sleep the previous night. Felt pretty weird finding the 3ds still turned on on top of me in the morning.
One of my dogs died recently. Coped with it by playing Dragon's Dogma for my entire waking life for a few days. Couldn't give you an exact number but I undoubtedly went over 18 hours at least once.
Probably Kingdom Hearts II when it first came out. Started playing that night and didn't go to sleep until two mornings later. So, what, 30-36 hours?
When wod came out for wow, my friend and I camped the rare that dropped a mount (tons of people were camping it) we played for about 3 days straight waiting for that mount there. It got so weird, mentally. We'd be laughing our asses off every time someone said " 5 more minutes", and we constantly used "5 more minutes" as a response to almost everything. Good times
All 3 games took us 43 hours total.
It was a trudge and by the end we could barely pay attention.
it was fun, it was my second time playing MGS2 and first time playing MGS3
I once spent almost an entire day playing P3P. Weirdly addicting game.
That's reasonable, I'd imagine halo 2 was the hardest of the three because it is the hardest of three. I could solo 1&3 easy but 2 was unforgiving.
I can imagine the beginning of mgs3 gave you ptsd for a short while? Referring to snake being called jack and having a mask
30 hours of Fist of the North Star, Ken's Rage.
I remember it very clearly because I had just rawdogged my ex-gf on the couch and I couldn't sleep (probably because I was trying to go cold turkey on xannies and benzos)
I had literally bought the game earlier that day and hadn't touched it yet. So I just autistically plowed through Story Mode and then started grinding exp for Souther so I could max his chart until the trophy popped up that I had been playing for 30 fucking hours. I didn't even notice what the fuck happened.
Fuck, meant to link this
22 hours.
Kingdom Under Fire Heroes nostalgia play last year.
I did recruit a friend in WoW with a mate once.
I think we played for 30 hours straight in my parents' basement.
Warrior and Shaman, just bouncing around the world doing back to back dungeon runs.
4 Player Co-Oped Borderlands 2 with two TV's set up side by side. Played the entire thing.
Don't know why but for some reason we started at about 6pm, that's a rookie error.
But we made it.
Cannot remotely remember how long it took though, I think something like 27 hours, we were destroyed.
I have an adderall prescription, but I'm pretty wishy washy about taking them. One day I got a wild hair and took 3x my normal dosage.
After that, I played Final Fantasy XII for 19 hours straight with no food breaks, water breaks or bathroom breaks. When I stopped playing, it was only because I told myself it's important to eat and drink water. Really, I wanted to keep going and wasn't hungry or thirsty. It was a strange day.
Ace Attorney
I spent 15 hours playing through Rise From the Ashes.
I'm pretty sure before that I also played through Turnabout Goodbyes so it might be anywhere from 19 to 22 hours.
it was close to like 3 days.
skipped a bunch of class to play a new mmo. i was on a 48 hour sleep schedule to play more games at the time so it wasnt too bad
Star Wars Battlefront 2 splitscreen for 11 hours
Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl
~ 45 hours
12 hours. Alan Wake. Almost all collectibles. Started and finished the game.
Probably somewhere in the ballpark of 30-40 hours playing WoW. This was back in vanilla when there were actually things to do and shit to grind.
MH3U, about 25 hours. Next day was about 15, this continued for a couple weeks. Racked up about 380 hours in a month.
That's some serious dedication right there. Ken's Rage is unbearable.
I'm not sure. I'd go 36 hours, tops.
After about one full day my decision-making skills get really poor and I can't focus, and it just gets worse from there. I have no trouble getting to sleep so if I go long enough without any, I will just drop off to sleep where ever I am. This usually means sitting up in a chair.
I did the Portal 2 multiplayer in mostly one sitting with a friend, but I fell asleep during the downloadable bonus levels. In high school I did this more times than I can count in Minecraft. One of my earliest all-nighters was for a building competition before Survival mode came out.
I played most of Ape Escape 3 in one sitting when it came out. I think this was the first time I did an all-nighter and it was an accident, I was just so distracted by the game that the whole night seemed to go by in an instant.
I have to take breaks or my performance goes to shit, and if I don't I just collapse anyway. I think the most I've been up in one sitting in general was about three and a half days, but that was with coffee.
This is believable. One summer I did shit like this almost every week. It got so bad I nearly stopped eating, and when my birthday rolled around my stomach had shrank to the point I could barely eat. A lot of it wasn't even playing games, shitposting and talking to friends on Skype will take you a long way and playing games only helps to break up the monotony.
I can do fine on two or three hours, but I usually stay asleep for eight regardless of what I do. I mostly feel like shit when I sleep for 10 or 16 hours, which isn't something I do often anymore but it can happen.
Gotta be WoW or FF11. I've done i've done 28hr in wow when cata launched leaving the old world content with my friend
Proposal: Extended gaming sessions such as these are only (barely) acceptable as uses of time if they are social, multiplayer or co-op experiences.
Otherwise they are impossible to be seen as anything but deeply unhealthy, obsessive behaviour to the point of self-destruction.
Any fighting game for 16 hours, getting a feel for every character. Afterwards I'd spend 7 hours a day on an individual character. I've been doing this for 12 years and I still suck at fighting games. I love them though.
All I want is a HD port of PSO on steam with exploits fixed.
I'm really not sure. I think it might actually be Persona 4: Golden, as much as I'm loathe to admit it. I think I started playing it around 3PM that day, and by the time I had stopped playing the sun had set and risen again.
But again, there may have been times that I had played a game even longer that I just don't remember. REALLY thinking about it,
Meant leveling
Tokyo Mirage Sessions for 12 hours
I don't know. It's a more efficient use of your time than spending a few hours a day completing a game. Giving yourself the time to just do nothing but play is very immersive and fun. If you can muster the energy it's can be far more engrossing than the alternative.
Long sessions give you a lot of practice and help you learn about the game you're playing, too, so even if you only do this occasionally it can really help your appreciation of it.