Bioshock 2

so why was this considered a disappointment again?
>inb4 muh story
if you play video games for the story you should just honestly end yourself

retards watched that fucking moron yahtzees review


This game improved on the gameplay of the first 10fold.

Playing as a Big Daddy didn't feel any different than playing as Jack
Every level was really formulaic, escort three Little Sisters, fight a Big Sister, grab the mcguffin, and leave
Overall I still had way more fun with it than 1 and Infinite, and the multiplayer was great when it wasn't laggy as balls

Jack can't Drill Dash.

jack couldn't dual wield

I played all the Bioshock games in succession for the first time a little after Infinite came out and the second one was my immediate favorite. It's one of the rare cases of a sequel that is superior to the original game.

jack couldn't survive the pressure of the ocean

but why are people saying that it's not as good as the first

Jack didn't know

Bioshock infinite was just utter trash desu

anyone that does is a filthy story faggot whose opinion is worthless

>You will never be Sinclair's partner
>You will never save him

Its the story that people say is worse, which is arguable, the twist in 1 was cool and all, but as for everything else they're both pretty mundane stories, both games have top tier atmosphere though.

>if you play video games for the story you should just honestly end yourself
the story was the best part about Bioshock if you remove it,you get a shitty generic fps

Yeah, it was awful casualized garbage tailor made for normies and waifufaggots that never even heard of the franchise beforehand.

We're the side missions in 2as good as 1?

>Side missions


The only objectively bad thing about Bioshock 2's story is the Lamb, shes terrible both on a meta-level and within the context of the game. The rest of it is far superior and I find it hilarious that the B-Team was able to tell a more convincing and emotional father-daughter story than Ken "I like things that make me feel stupid" Levine

and it attracted way too many lorefags to the series

and the antagonist of the game sucks compared to the first's

The character style and development were on point and are usually the strong points of any bioshock game (even infinite). I loved the Andrew Ryan and Lamb dialogue.

I remember when I was talking to my friend about Infinite a bit after it came out and realized that it was basically just the same fucking story as Bioshock 2 but far less sensical
It was then that I began to realize the game was retarded

Yeah I said that, I meant to say 'Sofia Lamb'

I never liked how Fontaine turned into a monster. I get that they built it up with plasmids and shit but it felt so cliche. I wanted a thoughtful climax, something on par with Andrew Ryan's death scene that would leave an impact on my brain. The plot deserved better than "bad guy turns into a giant boss fight".

Bioshock 2 subverted this and that's another reason I prefer it.

>Bioshock 2 subverted this
Bioshock 2 ending is
>oh shit, I'm shutting down
>better help my daughterfu(s) escape
>I made sure she(they) are safe
>I die

Bioshock 1 did have the best engine but still it's not as bad as infinite's

>game sells itself in part on narrative
>end yourself for wanting a good narrative

This isn't Pac Man, you tard. Story may not count in games that are pure game play, but in contemporary games they not only count, but are a selling point. You colossal wanker.

What I didn't like was the fact that you agree suppose to be a big daddy, yet splicers could take you down in a few shots.

Let's be real here, OP is baiting because if you remove story from any FPS all you get is shoot things in face until no faces are left.

>b-but mechanics

Shoot things in face slightly differently.

Story. Eat dick. If you played 2 as anything but a sequel you fail at life just like your disgusting drunken whore of a mother.

You know how easy a story could be? 1980s, Soviets go looking for plasmids to get back into the Cold War. US shows up to stop them. Rapture is bursting from neglect and the fighting causes all systems to finally go critical. As you advance the enemies go from gun toting soldiers to spliced soldiers and finally the last few living original splicers show up to decimate everything because 20+ years of surviving has made them feral and godlike in power.

Give players the choice of Russian or US teams, different starting locations. Russians focus on plasmid use, US on weaponry. Boom, I just gave you a better story AND MP setup than Bioshock 2.

It didn't improve enough to make it fresh so without a good story to carry it it's not really that engaging

Congratulations on making underwater call of duty, but dumber. Do you seriously, unironically think that's a better story than what was in the game?

should have been the plot of Infinite. Better than the retread of 2 we got.

cheeki breeki v damke

It gets too easy after you learn to take over security bots. Also, the rivet gun is the best gun at the end.

>not as good as the first

gee i wonder why

Bioshock runs on a heavily modified Unreal 2.5.
Bioshock infinite runs on Unreal 3.

That's retarded. This is better.

It's the 1970s. America is balls deep in the Vietnam War. Grasping for any way they could get the upper hand, the US military gets wind of a city under the water that contains technology beyond anything available on the surface. You play as a commando in a special task force sent down into the ruins of rapture to see what can be salvaged. They have no idea what awaits them down below. I'd elaborate more but it's 3:00 in the morning

Better than retcon in a woman that for no reason whatsoever is the opposite of Ryan? Who does nothing the entire game? Better than a game that considers an ending "good" when a father figure goes in his kid's head and will watch some guy fuck her through her eyes?

Yeah. I think it's a fucking lot better.

The fuck? America always had the upper hand in Vietnam. Tactics being held in check due to politics lost that war, not manpower or firepower.

The Cold War was THE defining conflict in modern times of 2 forces that desperately needed an ace in the hole. Raping Rapture would make sense then. Not against gooks with sticks in a jungle.

level design and art direction

>America always had the upper hand in Vietnam


but Bioshock 2 had a good story.

not him, but your idea is actually generic trash

how does both sides find out where Rapture is.
Before retcon, it is implied Jack Ryan(protag of Bioshock) either destroyed Rapture and rescued all of the little sisters out of there, or took all of the splicers in Rapture to the surface as their leader + roided up supergod and took over za warudo or some crap. How will you retcon that. Besides the killjoy way of America nukes all of them

Creating a direct sequel to Bioshock in that universe and with the ending given in that game from a pure narrative reason/purpose is fucking retarded. Might as well create a city on the fucking moon and set the sequel there. Bioshock Infinite Stratos

Despite having much better gameplay and a story that isn't just built around a twist, it's generally a very iterative sequel and not everyone loves those

but it was the

from system shock 2


>if you play video games for the story you should just honestly end yourself
the most reputable of arguments my man

It's a different universe than ours, doesn't matter what happened in real life. Bioshock has already taken different approaches to real life events so I don't see this as too far fetched.


You don't need to only play for the story to be put off by a shit story. Not everything is an extreme and people play games for multiple reasons.

I liked it because it gave me mad dad feels...

it doesn't have le ebin twist so the story is bad.

like people who think kotor 1 is better than 2.

I kinda really liked it right up until the last mission

From there I had to mute my sounds because for literally the last 20 minutes all you can hear is:


Not really because SHODAN never mind controlled you to obey her, you did so because your only other option was to lie down and be brutally murdered by one of the many Hybrids walking around with lead pipes.

Plus her betrayal came so late into the game that between getting betrayed and fighting SHODAN you fight literally 4 Cyborg Assassins and that's it so it didn't really have that much of an impact and anybody who played System Shock 1 never truly believed SHODAN was on your side and didn't have some nefarious plan she wasn't telling you.

>hey know that level in bioshock everybody hated
>let's make the entire second game revolve around it

It was still better then infinite though.

>mind control
the would you kindly thing (a literal meme) is window dressing to the same plot twist mate. The surface effect is a 'think about how cleverly we've constructed this' versus a more simplistic sense of betrayal.

SS2 twist had more horror going for it, tho. When you find the corpse in the chair and then the walls and the fucking floor and shit all drop away into SHODAN mocking you, that's powerful.

Some fake Irish cunt laughing at how he memed you is less impactful.

Is this a meme? Level design was far superior in the second game - more expansive environments allowing for more varied gameplay. The only real "criticism" I ever see about it is "Its the same the first game so it sucks." Fucking troglodytes.

>implying i said anything about level design

The whole big daddy thing was retarded.

it does that a lot better than the first game, though

The Proving Grounds in Bioshock 1 largely came out of nowhere, the little sister had health and could die and you were required to do it in order to proceed

In Bioshock 2, the little sister can't die, with the only threat being to the player, it's optional past the first couple of times, there's more ammo types and plasmids geared specifically towards it, like the mini-turrets, and since it's something that's available in all the levels, the player will know to prepare for it and select appropriate plasmids.

you become a big daddy in the first game and it makes far less sense

Yeah it was, but not due to you actually becoming a big daddy, most people dislike it because that is the point where the pacing of the game was thrown off, the logical ending of the game should have been after you kill Ryan, but instead it keeps going. Also the fact that you're supposed to be a big daddy but you can clearly see your hands and arms is stupid, and the obnoxious helmet effect covering half your screen is fixed in 2 (you can even turn it off if you want)

Also 2 has fucking drill dash.

>>inb4 muh story
>if you play video games for the story you should just honestly end yourself
tell that to the mg fags

survive will be better than mgsv

He's right and you know it.

I was disappointed by it really. It was good, but it was really just Bioshock 1 all over again.