Attack on Titan out on Steam

Haven't seen anyone talk about this game since it was announced.
How is the PC port and is the game itself any good?

Other urls found in this thread:

Already bought it senpai. In b4 refund season

All you do is attack titans, game gets boring after the first hour.

>wall-building simulator

>Japanese PC game not available in Japan.


>Koei Tecmo
>Includes Source SDK

Pirate it is.

Uhh.. can you not?

When they first showed off the game it looked like complete shit. Months later they showed gameplay again and they'd changed it a lot and it actually looked pretty solid. Haven't heard a thing about it since.

This is pretty common. They don't let the Japs access the games because they're significantly cheaper on Steam than in Japan. Remember that in Japan the standard price of video games is ~$90 USD.

Japs don't use Steam.

For a new game based on a popular animu, this thred seems pretty fucking ded.

This might be the shittiest "about" section I've ever seen.

General consensus is that it's a decent game, fun gameplay but a bit repetitive since you mostly kill titans during the whole game. Graphics ain't too bad, especially the character models. Worth buying at full price if you like the manga/anime, but better wait for steam sales otherwise.

>9€ DLC for three costumes


Well, they stopped marketing it ages ago, and now it just came out of nowhere. Plenty of people are probably not even aware of it coming out.

>How is the PC port
It's Koei-Tecmo.

>You mostly kill demons

>Attack on titan
>You mostly attack titans


That's retarded because Japan got exclusive Dota 2 server and it need to be accessed with steam, unlike the korean server.

This sounds more reasonable.

Japan has more people playing dota than Korea, so clearly some people in Japan do use Steam. Sure, it's not as popular as the handheld consoles but that's because the culture is completely different.

It also doesn't help that they do this to their own most popular games.

Don't pretend to be surprised.

Not that guy, but the game doesn't look challenging.

How was this game compare to that web Unity game?

Less challenging?

Erwin dies

>Not that guy, but the game doesn't look challenging.

I read the opposite, that the challenge is frustrating because of character gating.



Top lel

So that Unity game is a better use of my time?

I was talking about AoT. Repetitive + easy gameplay usually gets boring very quickly.

>character gating.
How so?

Is it any better than that fan-browsergame?

nothing officially made will ever be as complex as that Unity game

This please.

I remember that web game was Sup Forums FOTM.
How is it compare to this one?

I don't believed people who actually bought this game never play the unity version.

the only interesting part of this is that it surpasses the story off the anime so you get to see hear some new characters' VAs


torrent when

Which characters?

Is there anything new besides the beast titans?

Because they don't want to make a game as complex, they want to appeal to the casual audience as usual and the anime watchers who barely play video games to sell more copies.

That looks so unoptimized for a speedrun

The manga is shithouse though so you're not doing yourself any favours by getting more of the story. I gave up when the rangers decided to topple the government. Anyone care to fill me in on how it went even further downhill from there?

>Game released before there is even a second season
What the fuck

Fool me once...

and he was saying doom was repetitive and easy too

Can I play as the only good character Sasha?

Why not? It's still popular as fuck

the rangers are titans, the government are also titans. there are titans in the air and water.

You completely missed my point.

>no Cloud support again
Why does Koei Tecmo hate people who buy their games so much?

Armin got his skin burned off defeating Bert.

Then they cut off Berts limbs and let titan Armin eat him so he could heal and become human again

Then maybe tell your point instead of just posting shit.

Are you dense?

Spot the Sony fanboy. Almost 3M Japanese users on Steam.

>Titanfall has better zipline/wallrun mechanics than the AOT game when it's main focus is shooting and mechs
>Spider-man 2 is still the best swing/zipline game and the guy who made the mechanics is available

Koei can't do shit

Maybe you should re-read the post mate

it was pretty solid till the last two chapters which were shit

not only that, his fat burned off and he fell 50 meters onto a house and survived

>Sup Forums complains about attacking titans in a game called attack on titan

you guys are gonna love this game, all this shitposting will be forgotten. :)

>Game released before there is even a second season

There is literally nothing in your post.

The government has fallen
The king tried to become a titan after failing to retrieve Eren's power. He became a 40m high and 120m long crawling titan and was killed.
Historia is the queen.
Kenny (Levi's uncle working for the king) managed to retrieve a titan serum and gave it to levi then died.
It's now time to find the cave. Big expedition to Shiganshina.
Bertolt, Reiner, the beast titans and many mindless titans are waiting for them in Shiganshina.
Huge battle.
The whole scouting legion is killed.
Erwin and Armin were almost dead, but only one serum and one shifter to eat (Bertolt was captured thanks to Armin).
Armin gets the serum, become a mindless titan, eats Bertolt and becomes a shifter.
Erwin dies.
Current survivors in Shiganshina: Eren, Mikasa, Armin, jean, Sasha (hurt and unconscious), Conny, Hanji, Levi, Flock (a new recruit who took Erwin back with him to Levi and the serum).
Also Reiner gave a letter from Ymir to Historia.
It should be basement time in the next chapter

Silly little girl, you can't eat an ENTIRE loaf by yourself!

You dont see anything wrong with there being a game based of an anime that only has 1 season?

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as attack on titan, is in fact, shingeki no kyojin, or as I've recently taken to calling it, advancing eotena

Coming out next April

What the fuck that's not how you eat a baguette.

How do you see the price conversions?


Literally nothing wrong with it

I think you mean The Eotena Onslaught

>middle schooler girl
>little girl

Have they gotten to Eren's basement yet?

>releasing a game for a shitty fotm anime well after its month is over

yes my mistake

what a shitshow

I used to eat an entire loaf of bread for lunch each day in high school.

Great, only taken them 3 years

Judging the length of her arms versus the circumference of her head, FURTHER expanded by the size of an average loaf of bread versus the size of her hands, there is no possible way that girl is over 10 years old.

Literally prove me wrong.

screw that game, look how little those russians have to pay for vidya


there is nothing paving their way to the basement which is really close right now, but they have SERIOUSLY taken huge loses. Most likely they will within the next few chapters

i want commie devs to leave.


It's a pretty shit game.


If you missed the new scene from the second recap movie (takes place right after the end of the anime).

Also go watch the OVA.

Her clothes m8. Those are fucking middle schooler clothes.

doesn't the creator have some vore fetish or somethin'?
and isn't it a tranny?

>Sword art online is popular
>gets shit tons of games

>Attack on Titan is popular
>gets shit tons of games

>Symphogear is popular
>literally no games


Knowing that this is a Koei port I'll still pirate and maybe buy if online actually is a thing.
I heard that its pretty fun but its not like the unity game for me thats a good thing

>60 dollars for a fucking Vita port
For what purpose.


not popular with normies

It's a PS4 port

Go buy a Vita, then.

online co-op confirmed on steam store page


Holy shit, it's more expensive than mankind divided. And that's with a 17% discount, normal price shows as 49.99 wtf

Going to pirate instead, fuck this pricing. Thought it would be like 20 bongs.

Right, so me dressing in Drag also makes me a woman.

Not to play coy, I know exactly what you mean, but come on. She's obviously drawn to either appear to be, or be as young as possible.

She a tiny bitch.

Yeah, but it gotta be active too user

It depends on what you want from an Attack on Titan game. Both games just about fill different criteria, with the KT game being about more story content and detail in the series' locations. Titan killing is streamlined with the very weak caveat that you die in two 'hits' (escape and recovery are mostly trivial), your allies' flying around add some action to the background and the dead ones whose gas tanks you can loot satisfy that element of the series as well. Above all, the game is all about those cutscenes and skits, about character interaction. About seeing and hearing more of your favourites.

By contrast, the Unity game is strictly about mechanics. Everyone has the same baseline grapple and attack mechanics with variations coming in their active abilities, attributes and appearance. Titans are dumb and unresponsive but still capable of killing players if they get careless or take on too many in one spot by themselves. Since hooking and attacking are all dependent on your input, any mistakes you make are all yours. The swinging is pretty good too, since you can't moonswing and need nearby objects to reliably stay airborne.

>Armin is so weak there's literally a button that causes other players to kill the titan for him.

it's not going to be active if everyone pirates the game.

Sasha is objectively the best girl. Hanji is the second best

>This game came out
>Muv-Luv action game never