Let's have a BotW thread.
Will it be THE ZELDA since OoT & MM?
Let's have a BotW thread.
Will it be THE ZELDA since OoT & MM?
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Not for me. The "pockets of emptiness" don't sound too appealing. Even TP felt too big
It's literally just minecraft without building things.
Fuck off nintendrone you no longer belong here
That rusted Master Sword always makes me curious about the story each time I see it
jesus christ this shitposting.
Why is Sup Forums always so bad on weekends and fridays
It's better than having too much going on at all times, go play GTA if you want that shit.
Also didn't they specifically leave out towns, NPC's and other things from the gameplay videos to not spoil.
fucking faggot
>Better than OOT or MM
Better have new combat/movement system or a heavy focus on decent characters/quests.
i doubt the town and NPCs will be anywhere near as good as Majoras mask. and the overall design is unlikely to be good to to how open it is
>Better have new combat/movement system
it does, take a look at some footage.
Quests haven't been shown off yet.
The combat system disappointed me instantly, we'll never get anything on the level of Zelda II again I guess.
now this is shitposting.
I liked Zelda 2, but how was its combat anything to write home about? It was just a more dynamic but also more one-dimensional version of Punch Out, really.
>block where he strikes
>strike him when he doesn't
>jump around a lot
Nintendo hasn't made a Zelda above mediocre-average in over 15 years, to the point where they gave up on that to make an open world game (read: shlock that's been done to death over those same 15 years).
I've seen absolutely no reason to be excited for this game, even if by some miracle it ends up good after its years in development hell.
It's going to be shit and you all know it.
Not going to lie, haven't bothered to look at any footage because of how much BS is thrown around with games these days
I don't care what anyone says, I am more hyped for this than I have been for any console game.
And that will most likely be my downfall
I hope Link finally comes out of the closet in this game, he's been dodging Zelda's advances for years now.
>Zelda BoTW
>charged attacks
>different weapons
>fire as an actual hazard
>still wants Zelda II fighting
>swinging a sword
There's plenty of footage out there, both from Nintendo and played by others at the E3 booths. The only downside is there's no showing of NPCs in any of it, since they explicitly weren't present in the demo version to "avoid spoilers"; else, the gameplay actually looked great, and I'm not even a fan of the zelda franchise.
Why do you want it to be like worst zelda?
>Will it be THE ZELDA since OoT & MM?
I'd say so only because this is the first game that seems to not follow the OoT template which means it won't be just a better version of OoT.
Sup Forums is always bad
not early (euro) hours on weekdays, Sup Forums is very chill around then.
It's always this bad desu
Have you people seen this? BoTW seems like an actual movement of the series.
Nearly everything Nu-Tendo has made in recent years has ranged from mediocre to plain bad. They keep promising good things only to fuck up againa and again. It's unlikely BotW will be any different.
*again and again
>muh butthurt pol obsession
Did you feel clever typing that out? You proud of yourself?
Finally someone gets it.
Where do you guys think the game will be on the timeline?
Prepare for butthurt ninteno babies worshipping the empty coprirate shell of their nostalgia
I don't give a shit about looking clever, I typed it because it's accurate. They've been on a huge downward slide since at least the late Wii era.
angry nu-male beta cuck detected
>Zeldafags are about to get their own The Phantom Pain
Can't wait for the shitstorm
My favorite Zelda is Hyrule Warriors Legends.
It's fun to collect all the things and clear all the rooms. I hope that "100+ shrine dungeons" thing ends up being worthwhile and 80 of them aren't just one room with a single puzzle.
killyourself tbh fam
Ask me in 2-3 years when this becomes a Select.
Probably going to be better than GTAV, Xenoblade X, FFXV, and TW3.
did the wordfilters get removed?
test senpai desu cuck
FFXV will be shit famalam
That was a nice watch. Thanks, user.
>I've seen absolutely no reason to be excited for this game
Well, maybe that is because you just generally do not like 3D Zeldas.
It won't be as nice as the 64 Zelda's but it will probably be close to WW.
>3D Zeldas
are you fucking retarded? GTA has huge areas of nothingness
And GTA series is still one (if not) the best of all time
Lovely when someone finally answered the way I was hoping for, LEL
>What is Splatoon, Mario Kart, etc.
Which games has been bad anyway? I can understand mediocre but which one has genuinely been bad? I heard Star Fox was bad but I can't think of many nintendo games that are outright bad. That's not to say they're masterpieces but they generally are somewhere between mediocre and good at least.
There are games much better than most Nintendo games, with Splatoon being the only Nintendo able to rival my personal favorites for the past few years.
Honestly, it feels like most people that claim Nintendo games are shit just do it to "fit in" or be contrarian just for the sake of it. Again, not saying Nintendo games are great except for a few cases but I do not see how they're bad either most of the time.
damn you sure showed me.
I never said gta was bad, you were talking about how it has stuff going on at all times
Yeah, I said it because I wanted someone to post that even GTA has nothining in most places and they have still good reputation.
I like them just fine, even if they have only gotten worse over time.
If you're a fan of 3D Zeldas, that's even less reason to get excited -- Nintendo has given up on making them in favor of making Far Cry clones.
>mediocre isn't bad.
Unless you're a NEET who stays home all day, there is no reason to waste time on mediocre games.
That's actually a fantastic video.
I'm talking about the overall world size, not density. If more than 80% of the game is a grassland, why make it that big? I know there will be some towns, but if younhave to travel for 15 minutes of samey valleys and mountains fighting the same enemies before you reach an interesting landmark, then it's simply not fun. Zelda 1 is bad compared to every other release in the series, even the mediocre DS games, and open world games are a waste of time
You are right, but you still dodged the question.
>Zelda 1 is bad compared to every other release in the series
I'm not usually the one to make a post like this, but:
Opinion discarded.
Actually, no, let me throw more shit at you: are you the same type of person who complaints that you can't warp in Dark Souls before getting the lord vestle? Travelling somewhere in a video game forces you to commit to that travel in a certain way. Not everything in a video game is supposed to be fun, some things are there to add to the atmosphere or experience. You don't go on an adventure to have fun, you go on an adventure for the feeling of adventure. And travel time is necessary for that. Otherwise a game lacks scope.
Now don't meme at me that I only want walking simulators without any gameplay. But I want a world to feel atleast somewhat like an actual world.
difficulty =/= combat system
No one's posted cow tits.
They said that Nintendo took out some towns and npc from the overworld to not spoil some things.
I really doubt it
It'll probably end up being a flawed but good game that won't be able to live up to the insane hype it's been given. So people on Sup Forums will shitpost to death.
Even if Aounuma lied about towns and npcs because they havent coded them yet the fact that they'll be in the final product still remains
It will be THE ZELDA since the original LoZ.
Seriously, though.
Are there actually Wii U owners on here who are gonna buy an NX for ONE GAME and give Nintendo their money just to play this supposedly "better" version of Zelda U?
>It will be THE ZELDA since Zelda II.
As much as I like Zelda 2, it never was THE Zelda.
Up until SS released, it was the black sheep of the series, really.
>tfw zeldafag AND metal gearfag
Just fucking end it now
It wasn't a black sheep until Miyamoto called it that when OoT came out.
Ok. Go have fun with your "fun" Zelda 1 with "amazing" combat and exploration (consisting on burning random busges and bombing random walls).
I just mentioned it because I knew someone would reply with "muh return to roots". You can make a world feel alive without huge stretches of nothingness. You can basically zip on a straight line and ignore everything on Zelda U. How fun.
I'm a nintendrone and even I know when something is not for me, I don't take everything they shit out.
Now, if they show some dungeons with actual PUZZLES and if I see that it has a sense of progression and not just "complete this tutorial area to get all the powers and go" thing they have now, then I'll give it a chance
I was loving what I saw in the videos, but when they zoomed far away, everything looked bland. I know it isn't possible to show details due to the draw distance, but it still made me lose interest. "oh look, ther's a mountain that way, and this way we have... another mountain" The world is too big to be interesting
>it was the black sheep of the series
Stop saying this. Just because it did a different style doesn't mean it's a black sheep. Fuck whatever YouTuber who started that.
Just because you're bad at playing video games doesn't mean that an actual challenge is off putting to everyone else.
t. not a casual
I played Half Life 2 already.
user, please read my post again. I liked Zelda 2.
Good for you.
Maybe you should learn English, then, if you want your posts to be understood.
Zelda 2 is fucking garbage
>m-muh git le gud
I beat it, it's fucking garbage.
can i play it on my wii u without downgraded to shit graphics?
But I literally wrote just that.
I like Zelda 2.
As far as we know, yeah. The game supposedly looks the same on NX and on Wii U.
You can see OP's image yourself; clearly the answer is no.
MM is literally the worst
wha? ok we'll see
>I beat it
I don't believe you
>But I literally wrote just that.
user, "black sheep" is a negative term, especially when you also say Skyward Sword was one as well.
Is this a new Sub-Zero meme?
Black sheep means something that is kinda shoved aside in favour of something else in a group. Like I said in that post, I liked it, but it generally isn't appretiated enough to be THE Zelda.
Do you really want to argue semantics? I made my point clear enough I hope.
I agree. 99% of gamers dont have the patience for even 10 minutes of Zelda 2 bullshit.
People buy PS4's for ONE GAME, why is it okay for one group of retarded fans than another group of retarded fans?
This looks like it would be great with multiplayer with gmodlike shenanigans. Too bad it won't have it.
No, black sleep means the outsider/someone that doesn't fit in you fucking faggot