D-do you want to see more?

>D-do you want to see more?

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I want to see cute djungarian hamsters

Yes please


No. Now get the fuck up off the floor.


>Uchikoshi wrote the garbage that was ZE3
I just wanted the end of the trilogy

Show me your cunny

Was this Uchikoshi's best series?


SO what was the context of this? I remember seeing many anons say that it was you in the washing machine, but why? Why is she sad?

>playing Uchi shit

>post yfw this fucking scene

Because they forgot to put in the fabric softener

After ZTD I can't look at Uchi the same way

She seems cute. I bet she is the best girl.

>t. ZTDbabby who thinks that one game being shit means everything he ever worked on was shit

What order should I play these games in?

The order doesn't really matter, they're hardly connected to each other at all. They're designed to work as stand-alone titles.


Delta MINDHACKED the can away

Man that VN brings memories back.
Yuu Asakawa is the best fucking girl, I'm glad she's sombra in overwatch too.

Anything she voices is the best girl.

Blick Winkel

I had to use a guide for her after she left me for dead about 3-5 times. Fucking bitch.

Wrong. Pic related.

Which do you do suggest I start with?

Ever17 is boring as shit. Only worth it for the ending.
Remember11 doesn't even have an ending.
999 is ever17 lite. Pacing issues fixed.
VLR it's great for a 45 hour ZE4 propaganda.
ZTD is almost as bad as DR an retcons 999/VLR crap.

Uchi is a hack.

It's been a while since I've seen an user with impeccable tastes.

Is that ketchup on lettuce?

She likes yo user

The submarine is tiny and sinking under the weight of the two of you, so you hop out and send her up alone. She watches you drown. Bad end.

>Ever17 is boring as shit. Only worth it for the ending.
Not being all guns and explosions everywhere doesn't mean something is boring.
>Remember11 doesn't even have an ending.
It doesn't have much of an ending, but it's still a fantastic visual novel.
>999 is ever17 lite. Pacing issues fixed.
They are nothing alike apart from the fact that they both involve people getting trapped and time travel

Spoonfeeding is bad, user.

the "Sigma is an old guy" wasn't as powerful as this one

>Not being all guns and explosions everywhere doesn't mean something is boring.
Having long periods of times where nothing fucking happens is bad. Shit has pacing issues.

>It doesn't have much of an ending, but it's still a fantastic visual novel.
Story driven without an ending can't be called good. R11 had so much potential, but once again Uchi failed to deliver.

They are nothing alike apart from the fact that they both involve people getting trapped and time travel
Some twists too, but it can't be helped. Uchi keeps reusing the same shit over and over again for """sentimental""" reasons.

Will Uchi ever surpass Coco's route?

Nope, mostly because he just keeps trying to do the same shit again and Ever17 is only "good" because its twist is legitimately fucking mind blowing. It obviously doesn't work as well when you're seeing it for the third time.

Fat chance, he's the type of guy to fail catastrophically when you need him to deliver

Man this shit was boring as fuck (except for the last route) and had zero likable characters

Is the ZE series better in that regard?

>That tweet to Akairiot where Uchi says he loves his art

He probably faps to it too.

Yes and no.
Characters still suck ass.

He already did with Remember 11.

Yeah, no.

Fuck Remember 11s cliffhanger ending.

>she was actually in love with Blickwinkel and not the guy he was controlling

Is kid the biggest cuck in VN history?

You should read Ever17, it's pretty good.

>it's pretty good.
This taste is of a liar.

it's blood

There's like zero competition frankly.

>Having long periods of times where nothing fucking happens is bad. Shit has pacing issues.
I never got why people say this.

Mystery over mystery are constantly piled over and over in the four basic routes.

Well, except Sora. She sucks.

I'm reading Higurashi right now and seeing how I've already watched the anime all this foreshadowing is so noticeable. What other games are like this?

>K1 mentioning Satoku put enought traps on the mountain to stop an army
>Mon visage when

Umineko I guess, but the solution is mind-dubbing stupid and very cheap on a mystery point of view.

>but the solution is mind-dubbing stupid and very cheap on a mystery point of view.
Don't worry. I enjoyed ZTD.

Ghost trick