Favorite video game
darkest secret
Favorite video game
darkest secret
Ape Escape
i wish there was more Ape Escape shota art
Majora's Mask
When I was younger, I used to steal a pair of my sister's pants and stuff it with blankets to fill it out, to simulate facesitting
that's pretty hot and creative at the same time.
I know a lot about mass murders/rampage killers
Earthbound or Mother 3
not doing the spoiler thing:
I'm pretty normal. No anime. Play games every now and then. Have a good job and gf. Nothing too abnormal about me. Been on here about 10 years. Guess I've had anal sex with three girls but that seems kind of normal this day in age.
I'm just here to read your guys secrets even though I think most of them are lies.
I want my former best friend to dominate me, but that's not much of a dark secret, is it. I seriously hope he's not reading this
Team fortress 2
I wish i was a qt girl
Persona 4 Golden.
I've posted and sometimes still post a lot of lewds as well as traded around my kik to flirt with other men with the knowledge that I'll never make anything out of it, solely because it makes me feel good about myself.
I want to fuck a Pokemon
New Vegas
I'm a 21 year old kissless virgin and I don't feel any desire whatsoever for a girlfriend, I just want to live alone, jack off to furry porn and study and build a career in IT. I'm perfectly content with my life and choices.
I'm breaking a rule right now but which one?
Ban evasion? Underage?
Guess who's one of the posters in the barneyfag thread posting lewds
Persona 4 or Warcraft 3
Im the guy that always shits up that one thread with the same lewd spoiler tags. I've been doing it for a while now and don't know when I'll stop.
as a teenager I used to steal then wear my sister's panties
kill youself
I like hairy men
Dota 2
I have fun playing games
I've known about Sup Forums since 2004, but never came entered since 2 years ago, since I was afraid of being underage
Really not that bad honestly. Fuck society standards.
Pokemon Platnium
I think I was molested by my cousin. Can't be sure but there was some sexual stuff going on
I also fap to pokeporn
Holy shit, are you me? I'm 19, but I can't ever see myself putting out the effort to find a girl out there. It feels like it's not worth it at all and I'll just open myself to a world of dissapointment. I'm perfectly happy with my obscene amounts of porn and my Uni work.
How can you not be sure you were molested? Were you too young or remember or was it so borderline you don't know if it can be considered molestation or not?
Balder's Gate
I'm gay
No Man's Sky.
Not the guy you replied to, but I'm the same, except I do have an urge to fuck, but I don't want to put any effort into finding a girl.
The Witcher 3
Lately I don't feel attracted to my girlfriend anymore, or girls in general. I just want to dress up as a girl and get fucked but my social life and my family's respect is too precious to lose.
Dark Messiah
I fap to traps
I came crazy damn close to just shanking my dad some time ago. Guy has pissed me off so much and one day I was about to snap so I took a knife upstairs & hid it under my pillow. Wasn't bothered again that day so I put it back downstairs in the middle of the night. It sounds like some fucking edgy 13 year old shit I know, but whatever I guess.
Silent Hill 2
I've tried killing myself twice, and I'll probably go through with it once and for all when my gun license arrives in the mail.
Legend of Grimrock
I enjoy cleaning my ears a little too much
I'm severely sexually attracted to the taboo, masturbate around 7 times a day, and afraid I'll do something bad if I stop.
Taboo how?
Don't do it, user.
Don't let life win
That's way way too fucking much. How does your dick even function? I jerk off 1 -2 times a day and I lose drive.. 7 times? fuck
Jet Set Radio.
My brain is a mess of mental disorders (officially diagnosed) and the fact that I haven't tried to kill myself in 10 years is considered a psychological marvel to everyone that knows me.
I don't know man, shit's been on a downward spiral for the past six months.
>Six months
Get over yourself.
Timesplitters 2
I fap to short things, yordles, goblins, pokemon etc
As in serious taboo, not "hurr i like girls peeing i'm bad".
I have an unnaturally high labido, I know that much, don't know what to do about it though. Frankly scared to research it.
Metal Gear Solid 3
I'm flat broke, down to my last twenty dollars, but I don't want to get a job because my girlfriend is fairly needy. So I feel like I'm only able to give her all the emotional support she needs to be successful (which she is) because I spend all day while she's at work either attending school or shitposting on Sup Forums and doing housework. I know that she'll insist I get a job if I let her know I've run out of money/am borrowing money, but because of the freedom we'd lose I know our relationship will deteriorate somewhat. And we're both much, much happier with the way things are.
Not him but pain is temporary. Even if things aren't going to get better soon, there's always that future possibility.
Sometimes I think back to the worst parts of my life and remember just how bleak they seemed; how it appeared impossible for any of them to be beneficial in any way. And I was wrong about it.
It's a matter of what your end result will be compared to what your life is currently flowing through. If you kill yourself, there's that 100% chance you'll never see a better day.
Do Sex
Future you at 24 here. I work in the games industry thanks to my astounding ability to not give a shit about the poon. Keep at it user.
Research it
garrus is my husbando and I want him to fug me
>gun license
haha i'd kill myself too
Majora's Mask.
Ever since my girlfriend left me, I've slumped into a deep depression and picked up drinking to help cope with that. Now that it's been over a year and I'm past 21 now, I fear I've become an alcoholic due to how much I crave and need a drink every night now to deal with shit.
I ship Bowser Junior and Diddy Kong
Half Life 2
I almost fucked my step sister on 2 occasions while she was engaged to be married. Closest I got was touching her tit and laying in my grandparents bed while her fiancée was downstairs.[\spoiler]
Fine. Google is turning up "HOW TO INCREASE YOUR LABIDO IN 5 QUICK STEPS DOCTORS HATE IT", which is the opposite of helpful, I'll keep looking though.
Baldur's Gate 2
27 yo kissless virgin
super meat boy
I had an awesome loyal qt 3.14 gamer gf who was crazy for me and did all kinds of dumb trivial shit i wanted just to make me happy, and I neglected her. she didn't even seem to mind that i barely gave her attention, but eventually i just cut off contact with her out of boredom. how much of a dumbass am i?
also all of these
Banjo Kazooie
i have a cuck fetish and my wife and I have agreed to let her explore with other women
My mom has cancer, I've put over 6 grand into the treatment to no avail, I had to drop out of university because I couldn't afford to go anymore, I'm working two jobs to stay afloat, I'm developing ulcers at 19 years old, and my heart's acting up again after it outright failed back in 2013.
I want to be a female and give birth to a child. I don't know why.
Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Sometimes I fap to Ciri and female videogame characters in general.
Resident Evil 2
When I fuck my husband I sometimes pretend his big beefy ass is Juuichi's
masturbated using my younger cousin's panties
If she didn't make you happy get rid of her user
Man what the fuck happened to these threads? Its all either "I jerk to traps" or "my girlfriend somethin somethin"
What happened to the fuxked up stories about murder? The one user who humped his crushs corpse right after she died in a car crash?
Where did everyone go??
Dragon Quest V
Being gay is a meme, You fucking cum gurgling faggots,
I don't understand.
I'm glad you've never had to deal with dying family members and your own failing health.
Lol that's hardly worth killing yourself over.
Im sure the news would go over well with your mum as well.
"Oh hi Mrs user, seems like the cancer isn't going into remission I'm afraid."
"Oh, well it comes to be everyone's time eventually. At least I'll die knowing my son will continue my legacy and make me proud."
"Oh yeah forgot to mention, your son shot himself lol. Little fucker couldn't deal with a few stumblings in life. Welp have fun Mrs user."
>speed read through thread
>no replie with many (You)s
So I should kill myself then? After all, if I'm already such a drain on the world then I'd be doing the world a favour.
Final Fantasy X
I've fucked 10 of my students in exchange for giving them higher grades over the past 6 years high school teacher
eh it was so many years ago and i was so dumb at the time, didn't even realize what I had
it wasn't that she didn't make me happy, i was just ungrateful and took advantage of her
i really wish i hadn't left her, feels like i'll be alone forever now
Those were all fake, bro.
The rest of us all grew up.
I'm bisexual and want a male friend of mine to do me although I don't think it'd ever happen, I still feel guilty if I fap to gay porn.
Don't have a favorite.
I want to know what human flesh tastes like. Every time I get cut I lick up my blood
shin megami tensei 3
I'm an alcoholic, and even then I have a pretty normal and boring life.
Because most people are normal. The majority of people are not violent criminals.
People who fall very far outside of the standard spectrum of behavior are considered deviant, and may be forcibly institutionalized if necessary.
This is going to sound edgy as fuck, but why did you prioritize your mother's health over your future?
That's fucking retarded.
I love my mother, but even she would rather see me getting through school than squander that for her health.
The most important person in the world is You.
If you remember that, you will succeed and be happy.
Wew laddo.
I used to have a bro teacher like that, he also recorded and sent those videos to the bunch of us that got close to him.
Then his plan to blackmail the ex students for some easy sez and money like in those japanese hentai backfired big fucking times and he got jailed.
So don't do that.
Family first was ingrained in my mind from youth. It's also worth noting that I lost a full paid scholarship over that heart failure history, forgot to put that.
You don't even have a husband
Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines
I frequently erp as a slutty submissive female and have a litany of depraved kinks.
Mother 3
I write stories about guys magically transforming into girls.
>Witcher 3
I have a boyfriend but I'm not sure if I'm even interested in him anymore, seeing him and actually sexing him is such a hassle
Dragon's Dogma
I once had an internship as an assistant teacher to a 1st grade class. Whenever they had gymclass I had to help them get dressed, even the girls.
I felt up some places I shouldn't have felt, whenever I look at young girls I remember those darker times vividly.
>I used to have a bro teacher like that, he also recorded and sent those videos to the bunch of us that got close to him.
jesus how stupid can you be, let me guess, he was a coach and didn't actually know anything about what he taught?
Why would I lie on the internet?
Go out in some blaze of glory then, if you've accepted death. Try to change the world.
Better than shooting yourself.
>Favorite video game
That's like asking for a favorite movie or music album. Impossible, because there are multiple of each media that are superior depending on my state of mind.
Gun to my head, I'd probably go with Golden Sun, if only because it's probably the game I loved the most when I first played it.
My extreme cynicism comes from projecting my own inability to value anyone else outside of the goods and services they can provide me.
I am incapable of forming meaningful social connections, and fail to have any sort of empathy for others.
In spite of this, the social mask I wear in public makes me come of as extremely arrogant to others. While this alienates me, it also makes be generally appear competent, and I have seen this manifest in raises and increases in job responsibility over the years. I am 24 and making almost six figures in a low cost-of-living area.
Holy shit, that felt good. Thanks, OP.
Well its a good thing I don't record the acts and I don't do it on school grounds if you want another dark secret I once choked a kid for calling me fat back in middle school to the point where he passed out and my friend and his older brother took him and tossed him out in the field, I never went to jail for this as I was disguised with a camo ski mask and stalked him
I molested a mountain lion.
I used to catch and stab grasshoppers with pine needles for fun when I was a kid, trying to puncture their breastplates was much tougher than going through their foreheads. I always thought it was weird that they cried blood if you squeezed them. I would leave their punctured carcasses laying around our driveway. I also used to pull the light out of lightning bugs and toss the lightless husk aside to play with the light and catch more lightning bugs attracted to the light.
at a sleepover when I was 13 I gay molested my friend. Saw him at Pride two months ago, he's even gayer than me now.
That's another thing I've been throwing around. I've honestly thought about flying over to the Turkish\Syrian boarder and teaching first aid to those who need it there. bets case scenario? I tried to help others, and do so. Worst case scenario? I get owned by ISIS and spout a dank meme before getting beheaded.
I've given up trying to get a GF/sex, I just lay in bed awake all night telling myself it'll be worth it more in the long run after i graduate from college
>tony hawks pro skater 4
>lost my virginity to my 2nd cousin at 14 with mother awake in other room
You caused this, it's your fault he turned towards the gay.
Warcraft 3
It's cool my dude, I got kicked out of my student teaching practicum for talking about masturbation in front of my class.
Pic related
I broke my friendship with a guy I knew because he claimed my tastes in games were shit, and he just became a total asshole. My other friends still think I'm friends with him
Your more of a drain by killing yourself and putting your family through the mental and financial anguish of your funeral.
College is a meme and useless to 95% of people, be glad you're not going stupidly into debt and wasting time. You have a chance now to do something.