Crash bandicoot thread
mind over mutant is better than crash 1,2 and 3
Dont give it (You)s
Sorry i had to
Friendly reminder
Honest question user. Is it just brighter? I don't really see a difference in that image.
must suck to be blind
I'm playing Twinsanity on an emulator for the first time. It's surprisingly good.
it is
the run and jump gimmick was already boring by the second title
look at the pixel difference on the CTR's and the Crash Team Racing in the logos. The difference is massive.
he is baiting you retard
now he will say "b-but I was not lying"
It starts to fall apart with glitches and bugs the farther you get.
It could've been a pretty decent game had they not rushed it. It's actually one of my favorite OSTs in the series
I played it multiples time and never saw a single bug or glitch
that's because you don't know how it's actually supposed to look like
Maybe on an Emulator from 3-4 years ago. Theyve come very far in the last few years. Especially ePSX.
face it tell me 1 reason why mind over mutant is worse than let's say crash 3
Crash 2 is one of the best 3D platformers of all time.
>you will never 4 player CTR again
I played on the PS2 like a year or two ago and the game was clearly unfinished. There are a ton of levels and scenes that were cut. Look it up
Does MOM have dingodile?
The answer is no
No, the game itself does actually have several bugs and glitches. Nothing game-breaking, but there are great videos of what you can exploit in it.
It's also painfully obvious in some parts if you look hard enough. Crates and enemies in random inaccessible locations, dodgy AI, character freezes, nonexistent sound, level shortcuts etc.
>watching the whole Breaking Twinsanity
It still makes me laugh
What was so bad about WoC?
Even the title for this game looks like shit lmao
People trying to copy the same Crash Bandicoot from PS1 without actually understanding what makes it fun.
Prove it.
Protip: You don't need to, because you're fucking right.
Loading takes so long, I only played the PS2 version
>Graphically worse than the PS1 ones
>Frame drops
>Eternal loading screens
I had fun with it tho.
long loading timestbh
>Crash Bandicoot is twenty years old
Super Mario 64 will be twenty next month.
>whole game based on a gimmick rather than platforming
there, 1 reason
I'm expecting spyro shitters anytime now to appear in this thread. Don't forget the "Crash fans got off easy!" posts.
Check this 4.
I liked it. Thought a bit of the music was nice.