Why are you intimidated by good gamers?
Why are you intimidated by good gamers?
I'm not.
I'm intimidated by obsessive gamers. They got this nervous tick and they don't feel right when your around them.
Another ebin 50-0 thread
Why is Sup Forums intimidated by the prospect of making original, non-repeat threads?
If you aren't LTG then i'm not sure what to expect.
I mean you have to either be his fan or someone who hates him soo much you waste your time doing this all day. lmao
What? Who are you and why are you talking to my wifes son in such a way? You literally know nothing about me.
Remember the day LTG came to Sup Forums and rekt some femen cunt.
I'm intimidated by those guys who feel autistic who knows all numbers, mechanics etc. related to the game and can pretty much beat Dark Souls without taking a single hit
I'd be more intimidated because he looks like he wants to hurt me
If he plays video games that is of no consequence.
He's fucking based, that video he made on Boogie was legit right on
I forgot how /cgl/ is just tumblr with a Sup Forums skin
>good gamers
>posts Low Tier Nigger
c'mon son
>I live paycheck to paycheck
Isn't he the guy who sucked ProJareds dick?
>being a racist ass motherfucker
Come on man, get dat ass ban
Reminder this guy lost to a Smash 4 player.
It was 3:40 AM he didn't play seriously, come on!
You're crazy if you thought I was taking that match seriously. Get that ass banned.
I'd point you to the man's racist Twitter tirade if he hadn't gone private and autoblocked half of Twitter after he realized how bad what he said was.
What's the deal with the "wife's son" meme? Step-fathers/mothers have been a thing for a long time, why make fun of them now?
>playing a shoto
Manhood is being redefined caring for another mans seed is pretty cuck though
Jesus the people in that thread are terrible.
They are on the same planet as me
It really convinces people of that when he goes batshit in response, desperately proclaiming how little he cared.
Not if you raise the boy in your image and actually make an upstanding citizen of him.
9 times out of 10 absentee fathers would do terrible jobs raising kids and just create more wastes of humanity that perpetuate the cycle of retardation.
The excuse is built right in!
I want to cuck LTG
Post the YouTube link of this guy getting btfo by some whiteboi
>They got this nervous tick and they don't feel right when your around them
I can agree with you there, I'm just around to have fun on vidya, its not so serous we need to fight or die, damn.
>mfw they want to show me their "cool" gun or knife they carry around
online only is fine but I want to stay the fuck away from the extreme edge-lords and the psychos in real life
Can someone please tell me whats a fair character?
I realize i can't use
charge characters
zoning characters
rushdown characters
the same character as LTG
please tell me Sup Forums, what can i do to finally become a real fighting game player accepted by Low Tier God?
If you're not playing with Abel, Rose, Rolento, Guy or Dan.
Then you are a low iq scrub.
Don't use:
>charge characters
>zoning characters mirr
>rushdown characters
>especially no mirror matches
I'm fairly sure i've seen him raging on Rolento.
Also off topic but why the fuck theres "two-step" captchas nowadays
lol no.
At least in the fighting game community, their attitude is shit. They are not the sort of people I want to be around.
>implying you could cuck hold the african warrior
bulls cant be cucked. he'd fuck you and your wife then make you drink his piss bottles like pic related
Yea...But that wasn't him playing Rolento.
And the guy was playing Rolento like him.
LTG is known for complaining about the same exact stuff he does, including:
-Fireball spam
-Being a chicky bastard, always backstepping (or rolling back with rolento)
-50/50 grab setup
-grinding for knock downs.
>Also off topic but why the fuck theres "two-step" captchas nowadays
Because the people at google are incompetent, they really think their captcha methods are good.
They are meant for sites where people just post once in hours or need to login.
His livestreams are the best. I told him "that Cammy was good" when he lost to one and he yelled, "you said that Cammy was good? Get that ass banned." It was beautiful.
>shoto who spends half the match setting up throw traps
BAN THAT ASS, you're garbage
You say that cammy was good? but what would you know about cammy you sorry ass scrub ?
get that ass banned, you don't know what good is.
MODS please! ban every cocksucking faggot who trolls and says that cammy was good.
Did he actually ban you?
When LTG streams his online matches you guys watch them together, like Sup Forums does for e3?
He did. It was funny as fuck, so I don't regret it. I have a lot of old YouTube accounts from 2008. I most definitely recommend getting that ass banned if you ever get a chance.
bet you felt weak and powerless to that true warrior when he sent you packing! Fuck a cammy player, what the fuck is that, BAN THAT ASS!
You sound just like that nigga
I'm a big LTG fan
Why fighting games community is so fun?
For me, it's the shit talking and drama also hype of course.
Because people get so fucking mad when they lose. The salt is real.
Cringey as fuck.
What's the deal with the constant shilling of this one e-celeb?
He's based.
Because at the low levels, the salt and anger makes up for the shitty playing. At the higher levels, you're seeing good play at the expense of lolcows and rage. So no matter where you go, there's something worth watching.
You mean you're him and you make these thread and that's why the post to poster ratio is skewered and you need to kill yourself?
Who is she?
How did the monkey get such a fine looking lass?
she left him after he started talking about rhino cock.