What's your favorite TF 2 class?

What's your favorite TF 2 class?

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Medic. Kills take no skill, healing takes no skill, and he has auto-heal.



Because landing pipes is the greatest feeling.

Soldier, gotta go fast

I've been playing demoman more recently because stickies are too strong on so many maps matchmaking sticks you in, though I usually play soldier


Meatshots make my dick hard. Sandman stuns with meatshots make my dick harder. Flagrunning makes me take my hand off the mouse to masturbate. I want Miss Pauling to sit on my face.

If you don't play demo or soldier you are a fucking casual

*If you play demo or soldier you are a fucking casual

easiest fucking class ever, for scrubs

Is there someone like Reinhardt?

My favorite class on overwatch is Reinhardt

>t. pyro main

heavy i guess...

The scout might be one of my favorite characters in any media I've indulged in period.

>that maniacal laughter after a killing spree

>tf2 fucking sucks now

Engineer in arena is always extremely fun, I don't enjoy engie as much in other modes because managing teleports is tedious and dull.

Otherwise Medic and Scout. Medic is a lot of fun because that syringe gun can REALLY catch fuckers off guard if you get behind them, I heal off their wounds faster than they can kill me, I'd run into base, heal everyone up, then sneak off briefly to kill a few people, run back, and repeat till I got charge. Extremely fun to play as. Scout is fun just because it's so twitchy and baseball'ing a player across the map to stun them long enough to fill their face with boomstick will never stop feeling good.

>Overwatch devs play TF2 more than the TF2 devs play TF2

>dat spychecking
>dat sentry-saving
>dat utility
>dat sexy fucking backdraft that saves my teammates and fucks my enemies

Pyro's got a low skill floor and I'll freely admit that W+M1 exists, but if you master Pyro you can do so fucking much for yourself and your team.

engineer always

I like ana a lot because of that. You can shoot her darts at Pharah while she's really high in the air and fall back with your sleep dart and your piss jar

Demoman was my favorite Before they killed off Demoknight

Now I'm more of Soldier/Heavy/medic/engie

>Mains scout in TF2
>Mains Tanks in Overwatch

Soldier, pyro, and engi because I can't aim.

I only play spy or sniper.
The rest take no skill and aren't fun to play but spy and sniper are good.


Okay, that skin is fucking gorgeous.

Scout actually, a class that actually takes skill, dumb splash damage fag

I like scout cause my aim is decent.

Engineer for defending and shotgunning people.

and Heavy for mowing down newbies and surprising people on defense.

a Pyro main actually got a Med pick on a koth map in i58 today.

It's still weak as fuck though, outside of pubs where people are dumb enough to walk into your primary fire, there is little reason to ever run a Pyro.

I'd like to see the Flamethrower's flame reworked so it's less buggy, takes more skill to aim, and is more powerful.

Does TF2 the absolute best cast of characters in games?

It's pretty good.
