>tfw you exterminate all the juice
Why would anyone play woto when this exists?
autism erp
Top Tier:
Racer: 2nd highest speed. High survivability once you increase max health/regen and you will need it for the hazards and busters.
Buster: Extremely dangerous in the hands of someone who knows how to shoot. They can get levels fast and quickly become an almost unstoppable menace especially in pairs.
Mid Tier:
Hazard: Has no other purpose than to ruin others day by crashing into them. Worse than buster because they have to risk their hp to do so.
Low Tier:
Bully: A worse Hazard. Can still win races with high hp and a steady pace.
Ambulamp: A support unit in a game where it is very much every man for himself and people can turn on your easily.
Star: Just kinda meh in general. Can turn invincible but not as good as that sounds unless you stack points.
Heaven or Hell Tier:
Flash: So fast you will never need to upgrade move speed or boost. It handles well but you go so fast it can be hard to handle well at high speeds. Try to save boost for turns.
>Flash: So fast you will never need to upgrade move speed or boost. It handles well but you go so fast it can be hard to handle well at high speeds. Try to save boost for turns.
But move speed is actually important??? Also you obviously mostly boost on straights?
Flash's base speed is faster than other classes when they are boosting. Using boost on turns make high speed turns easier.
what are the fucking controls?
Ye but when you put points into speed it lowers your boost usage because go faster. When you have level 4 speed you can pretty much boost through entire laps.
Racers top speed can catch up with no top speed flash.
And of course in races between other flashes it's often the factor determining the winner, who gets speed earlier.
Mouse for driving, left click boost, right click item, shift reverse
>Play flash
>Super high speed
>Suddenly oncoming vehicle
>Have no time to turn
I'd take racer any day.
No one is forcing you to play flash though. If you want to play slow, crutch vehicle go for it user!
I don't really have problems running out of boost because I mainly use it for turns as I'm too afraid of some hazard going backwards hitting me to use it on straightaways.
>And of course in races between other flashes it's often the factor determining the winner, who gets speed earlier.
I would love to see a race with two or three flashes surviving long enough for that to happen.
What's wrong? You can't 360 boost yourself out of the way?
Depending on the hazard some actually follow patterns and go in the middle of the road, hug the walls etc.
>I would love to see a race with two or three flashes surviving long enough for that to happen.
Those do happen sometimes and are pretty fun. Especially because then you actually have to think about whether you want more speed or health.
Also if there aren't any other flashes you really shouldn't care much about dying early. You can lap people using racers easily, especially with high speed.
>Also if there aren't any other flashes you really shouldn't care much about dying early. You can lap people using racers easily, especially with high speed.
Though true (I've done three laps before a buster can do one before) the early game is the hardest part of playing flash. You get punished hard for little mistakes and other people will see you as easy points.
I did it! With bully!
What was the piercer like?
>tfw played Piercer before it was removed
Was kinda slow, but the thrust was decently fast so that in a sttaight line you could evade anyone after you and you could even thrust at non straight lines but it takes extra control
Overall just ended up crashing into walls a lot.
Could have been great, since it could zip around corners or through blocked sections with ease.. but thats all it could do. Was slow otherwise and didn't do enough damage on things it did hit compared to itself.
>Tfw haven't lost from fresh start yet
All these shitters not working together to take me out as the leader.
Ambulamp should be removed. They are too slow to help racers or flashes and busters/hazards don't need any more help being cancerous.
The lamps getting a speed boost or invuln for landing a heal might be nice
>tfw somebody was one lap away from winning and I crash into and kill him
Fuck hazards.
I just wanna drift mang.
You shouldn't be able to get points going backwards.
KYS [s]q.q[/s]
>not winning as flash while driving in the opposite direction to everyone else
>not winning as flash driving in reverse the entire time