>Shill threads
>How is your youtube channel thread
>Twitter drama thread
How do we fix Sup Forums?
Shill threads
Other urls found in this thread:
Post more low poly models
Only if you answer the question
Get mods to delete them.
Okay, question answered. Post low poly models.
Since every thread is nothing but shills shilling shills or e-celeb trash, I would suggest starting a meta thread.
seriously, can we get a mod to make a fucking sticky?
just one fucking sticky?
how hard is it to get a sticky with the rules?
lots of boards have it
Sup Forums CAN be about videogames
lowpoly makes me hot and bothered
ill post a few friend(s)
The answer is fucking more low poly models. Get to it faggot.
Give me a second. Just stare at this for the time being.
Post more low poly models
o shit waddup!
Just hangin' dudie
what up with you
not much my boi, just admiring dat nice model.
>tfw just got into Maya
Holy shit! Now i know what it feels like when someone takes up drawing for the first time in their life. I feel old, slow, and stupid
I wish video games never progressed past this level of 3d. It's perfect.
I saved them way back in 2013. Can't remeber where, probably the 3DCG WIP threads. No idea who made this fella' but hes pretty.
Good luck, I'm a year into zbrush and I like what I'm seeing. As well as playing around with houdini.
No, it isn't. You're looking at art projects, not video game assets. The only reason any of these look good is because of high-resolution textures, and high-resolution textures on low-poly models is a complete waste.
Last of orange the fella'
That looks great to me. Don't need any more 3D than high end DS/PSP games IMO.
>finally get off my ass and into blender to make some low poly models
>actually do alright on the model
>cant figure out how to rig it properly
>haven't even gotten to texturing, the most important part
I'm not gonna make it, am I
Thanks. You too. I'm actually in a class so i can't wait to get to zbrush section! I'm mostly a drawfag so coming into 3D... it's just a whole other beast
But user, its all about the realistic graphics and high specs. So what if story and gameplay take a backseat in order to make that happen
You're a complete waste.
But seriously, its not a waste.
Having a clear, uncompressed uv and no visually noisy normals or speculars on a lowpoly, properly smoothed model is aesthetic pleasing.
The simplistic lines of the model mixed with the (usually) simple colours and shapes of the textures create a cartoony feeling.
These can be more then art projects.
So long as you are not being retarded with the texture sizes and compressing where ever you can, you game can be tiny and extremely lightweight. There is no downside as long as you follow an art style.
To continue..
With all that being said, the biggest issue is rigging and animating.
There is far less to work with in terms of poly in joint and high movement areas. (unless you planned ahead) - Might lead to some pretty shit animation with jutting tris.
Is it bad that I enjoy this low poly chibi character style more than realistic looking ones?
It just feels so comfy.
Thinking of learning unreal engine 4 but is it overkill if I want to populate it with low poly characters?
>Suddenly a 3dcg thread
it ain't bad friend. Embrace it.
I fell in love with "My Sims" because this shit. It just feels nice
Sup Forums you once know and love is dead
Just move on with your life
It's a miracle. A shit thread converted to a wonderful thread. Maybe this is the answer OP?
Too bad devs either go to muh pixel art or realistic graphics like said, so we only get low poly chibi characters in stuff like handhelds, like DS.
>so we only get low poly chibi characters in stuff like handhelds, like DS.
The limitations of the DS and other handhelds (Wii) makes devs be creative with what they got. Its sorta a blessing.
I honestly don't know why we don't see lowpoly games on other systems. I imagine its hard to keep an art style when going for more complex scenes
I need to head.
This thread better not die when I get back.
What exactly is the point of all this? Even if you manage to slap high-resolution textures onto low-poly models (which never actually happens outside of art projects), they'll still, in practice, only ever be seen at 400x240 screen resolution, since there's no reason why a game running on a platform capable of anything reasonably higher than that is going to restrict itself to low-poly. Great, you've managed to make some high-resolution-texture models that look nice on your 1440p screen, now try looking at them in 240p.
i gave my shot trying out low poly on the threads we had a year back
the textures and the polygons are two different beasts i tell ya
learning both of them was quite the steep hill to climb
Because it looks nice. Everything doesn't need to be cranked to the maximum graphics fidelity available. Why does there have to be some super complicated answer to satisfy your autistic graphics obsession.
Keep posting more comfy low poly stuff.
Shit will be dead friend. Sorry.
I wanna check out too
>now try looking at them in 240p.
I look at it lots in in full 1080, does that count?
I am not entirely sure you know what you are talking about.
I want to try and make cute low poly characters.
Is it hard to do?
Set the thread to auto update and leave it on overnight so you can see all the posts
Black tea recluse doesn't shill too much here, Sup Forums would like him.
depends on your experience
i had an easier time with textures because im a drawfag
when it comes to the polygons your mileage may vary
doing random objects are really easy to start with and practice
but making a humanoid figure was very hard because anatomy, size ratios and a whole bunch of stuff but simplicity makes it easier to manage
Sauce on this? Also moar low poly shit.
You can
>report everything
>hide them afterwards
>create threads about video games you actually want to discuss
>encourage more video game discussion
But in all fairness Sup Forums doesn't need fixing because it's always been shit. Oh, and if you're one of those faggots who scream shill in every new vidya thread you're always free to neck yourself any time.
>To Fix Sup Forums
Kick out anyone that doesn't know what a quaternion is, then maybe.
i squared = j squared = k squared = ijk = -1
>Shill threads
Better mod oversight. Bring back (and enforce) the "1 thread per game" rule. Don't let marketers or mudslingers run Sup Forums with a small army of interns
>How is your youtube channel thread
I hate it too, but that's what the kids are doing these days. We need a Web Culture board, or an e-celeb board, or something
>Twitter drama thread
As above. Right now, Sup Forums is the only place to talk about gaming-centric e-celebs. It needs its own board, or a rule forcing such discussion onto /soc/
She's cute
Moderation. Delete Sup Forums for a few months and bring it back unannounced. Turn it into a police state like those old mspaint drawings.
I know the thread I was about to post this got deleted, but...
Anyone else love this art style? People complained about BD and the FF3 remake for using chibishit, but I find it adorable.
Did this game get cancelled? As far as I've know, this model was the only thing that's been publicly released.
>It needs its own board
No, it doesn't. This site doesn't need to cater to every topic under the sun. Topics without a board for discussion should simply be moved to /trash/ or deleted, but that requires proper moderation. Hiro has done fuck all too, so I doubt we'll see more boards anytime soon.
I thought Hiro would do something about it when he made that giant sticky Sup Forums shitpost thread, but then I remembered that it took him 4 hours to answer like 20 questions with less than an elementary schooler's vocabulary when he was doing a Q&A on /qa/ and then he broke the servers.
God, what a qt. Somebody kickstart this!
Honestly it's fine to throw in as many extra polys as you need to ensure smooth joint deformation, as long as it LOOKS low poly, that's what matters, you don't need to conserve polys on modern hardware like you did on PS1 or whatever style you are trying to imitate.
We all here think the same, user.
E-celebs of all kinds need their own shitty board.
"shill" threads often don't exist and you're just being a fucking idiot and spouting memes.
We have a board for My Little Pony, and e-celebs are where you draw the line? The younger audience grew up with LPers. It's part of their gaming experience. They're gonna talk about it. I think Sup Forums's scope has gotten a little wide, but they can't drive anyone out now, as the discussion will simply move to other boards. The best solution, right now, is to make a containment board.
Ban people visiting reddit. It's that simple. If you're visiting reddit and getting here like a fucking cyber mexican you've no businesses being here.
IMHO containment boards were a mistake, they should remove /soc/, /lgbt/, /mlp/, etc and try to move these people out of Sup Forums. Sup Forums is the only containment board that should be kept.
Yea they tried to do that with Sup Forums when it was /new/ and /news/ and it didn't work because the niggers would start posting off-topic threads on other boards. I remember /sci/ being even worse than it is now.
I want a filter on any post made containing the word "reddit" and its derivitives on Sup Forums
There has never been a good post that is good for the board that contains the word reddit
Stop being butthurt and go back to where you came from, it would solve so much it isn't even funny.
>delist Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and all other problem boards
>no linking to these boards outside of other hidden boards like /qa/
>zero tolerance to-the-letter enforcement of rules
>all bans are permanent regardless of severity of offense or past history
>rangeban evaders after first offense
>boards remain hidden until post quality improves
>boards that fail to improve will be removed and their entire user base rangebanned from the entire site to avoid retaliatory board raids on the rest of the site (especially in Sup Forums's case considering they kept threatening to take the site down with them should anything like Sup Forums harbor/deletion be done to them again)
It's time for serious measures to combat serious problems.
Although the best scenario would be liquidating all the existing mods leftover from Moot's tenure and bring in new ones, pay them, and make sure they actually moderate and not use boards as their personal antfarms.
How would you even implement such a ban?
They are two seperate sites on seperate domains and servers and have no connection to each other other than some cross posters. You would understand this if you were older and not some mongface with shitty parents trying to fit in with the other shitposters
And you have to be 18 or older to be here, but that doesn't stop your underage faggot ass, now does it?
How would you implement it? Answer me child
>Right now, Sup Forums is the only place to talk about gaming-centric e-celebs
Of course it is.
Of every single possible website and domain currently active on the entire goddamn web, including the thousands of news sites that allow viewer comments, the hundreds of sites and communication programs that are entirely driven and customizable by their users, and most likely the source website of the topic itself, not even mentioning the ever-burning stars of social media where anyone and everyone comments on anything with severe verbal diarrhea;
the ONLY place to get any conversation traction about e-celeb bullshit is on some off-the-road jaded shithole called Sup Forums that's mostly about anime and porn.
And you want to wonder how this place had sunk so low. Dead weight faggots like you treated Sup Forums like it's the center of the Internet, and it became a black hole that attracted bullshit from all directions.
It's a hyperbole. Cool your autism.
High quality textures make low-poly models look amazing.
i want to fuck hocu
>shill threads
I assume you mean threads about indie games?
If so, go fuck yourself, threads about indie games aren't what's killing Sup Forums
People like you, killing discussion of anything but AAA schlock are what's ruining this board
>tfw no low poly PSG game by Platinum
Eat shit. You don't get to handwave "Niche Board Request #7024 and #7025" as not being serious, and even then, you're still a faggot for carrying a conversation in hyperbole to begin with.