35% of PC gamers pirate

what the fuck

no wonder the industry had to respond with shit like denuvo, microtransaction out the ass, DLCs and so on. When almost HALF YOUR PLAYERBASE steals your content, what the fuck are you supposed to do? as fun as video games are, it's still a goddamn business.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Almost half
>Closer to 1/4
Literally Kotaku shit

They weren't going to buy the game either way so it's not like they lose sales

Price is the main reason why people pirate. I used to buy dvd games for about $6 in my country. When Steam lowered their price for third world countries, original games now cost about the same as pirated DVDs. And now I don't have to worry about botnets, backdoors, zero day exploits, and patching the game.

holy shit that must be costing them like $0 per day what the fuck pirates

being a pirate doesn't mean you don't buy games retard

i both pirate and spend 200$ per month on steam

But OP Sup Forums told me that over 90% of pc gaymers pirate, they wouldnt lie to me would they?
>implying this affects sales more that 5%

I would buy more games if they didnt charge me up the ass for them


>$200 per month on video games

on fucking what? microtransctions?

>book analogy
So the person who made this is literally unaware of libraries?

>shitty online survey that doesn't show its methodology
yeah i totally trust its results

76% of statistics are false.

Maybe buys three games every month at full price (haha) plus an online subscription for some console (hahahahaha).

what do the 35% represent exactly?

>gamer who is currently pirating games
>gamer who pirated atleast x amount of games in their lifetime
>gamer who pirated in the last x years
>gamer who has pirated atleast once
>gamer who pirated atleast x games in x years

>gamer who didn't buy game after pirating it

so i pirated factorio and stardew valley, played them for less than 2 hours because i liked them and ended up buying both games.

am i bad now?

depending on what those 35% exactly represent i have different opinions about the topic

Why is it that 99% of analogies are made by people who dont know what an analogy actually is

>paying to pirate
Wew lad

> implying consoles can't be hacked to run pirated games

What if I buy the game used
What if I just rent the game

this i pirated Stardew Valley, after 30 mins i bought it because it was good


>tfw some libraries are starting to charge monthly fees to have a library card in texas
Fuck everything.

It's a strawman, obviously it's going to be wildly inaccurate and illogical

I love how people conveniently forget libraries are a thing.

Libraries' books are purchased legally and can only be lent to one person at a time. It's legal for the same reason that all borrowing is legal, and for the same reason that buying used things is legal. Publishers are still paid per copy of a book in circulation, even if they're not paid per reader.

With piracy, publishers are paid neither per reader nor per copy in circulation.

I've bought games because of denuvo


As a third world poorfag I've bought more niche games and recent years console ports than AAA titles. And not only because those are too expensive, they offer too little for their price. I just don't want to pay a full price for a game I'm going to spend like 6 to 10 hours completing even if I'm going to enjoy it, it's just not worth that much.

>person who made this is literally unaware of libraries?
the only people who are aware of libraries are old people and poor students

t. volunteered at a library

>Price is the main reason why people pirate
pretty sure the fact that they can is the main reason why people pirate

But you don't buy the game, you buy a licence to play. Borrowing circumvents the licence.

Actually it's a bit over 1/3 making it closer to 1/2 than it is close to 1/4

I've refused games because of denuvo

A library is not analogous to a machine that generates infinite unauthorized copies of a book.

If a library acquires 10 copies of a book, they can only give out 10 copies of the book at any given time.

That comics shows the creator does not understand the issues with IP.
The red character says nothing about how property over ideas is a completely arbitrary thing, does not talk about how property over ideas actually infringes over people's property over scarce things, and does not point out that there's a fundamental problem over the way people want to sell things in a way that's IP-dependent.

When attacking slavery, you do not ask "but who would pick the cotton?" because this doesn't justify maintaining it. It's the same thing here.

Are they implying 35% of game copies aren't pirated, 35% of people have pirated games.

Thing is, this debate is pointless. It's been raging forever, and back when it started, people said it wouldn't hurt PC. Devs like Rockstar started noting how disappointed they were with the leaks and the piracy, and people argued it wouldn't hurt PC. Devs shifted their focus to consoles, PC became an afterthought with bad ports instead of being the original platform, and people continue to argue it doesn't hurt anybody.

Thing is, devs think it hurts them, they won't agree with anybody here who says it doesn't, so what we think doesn't matter because we don't make the games.

Actually its closer to 1/3



>muh drm
>muh always online
>muh whatever the fuck

it doesn't matter. you're stealing something and there's no justification for your actions.

35% doesn't sound bad at all. I think even 3DS is much more pirated.

>gta one of the most played game on steam
>literally bans people who mod the game

Rockstar is full of faggots

Buying used games is very obviously legal, because GameStop exists. Therefore a transfer of that license is legal. If you want to be super technical about it, borrowing is a temporary transfer of the license. You transfer it to your friend and then he transfers it back. I can't imagine why this would be illegal if selling used games is not.

Making a copy of the game for your friend to keep is what's illegal. And it's not the same because you can both have it at the same time.



Why can't they admit it?

You idiot, piracy is just one of many scapegoats for this DLC craze.

This was always meant to be goyim.

>1/3 is halfway between 1/4 and 1/2

I'm guessing you never finished high school

No they don't.

For fuck's sake, stop believing in sensationalistic BULLSHIT from idiotic sites PAID by Sony and Nintendo to spread lies to keep their already dying console bullshit from collapsing in on itself.

>The red character says nothing about how property over ideas is a completely arbitrary thing, does not talk about how property over ideas actually infringes over people's property over scarce things, and does not point out that there's a fundamental problem over the way people want to sell things in a way that's IP-dependent.

Pirates on Sup Forums don't talk about this stuff much, either. They just say
>but I wasn't going to buy it anyway
>but the store isn't losing a copy
And meanwhile they try to convince buyfags to become piratefags without realizing that this destroys their "no sales are lost" argument. That's the point of the comic.


I pirate games because its easy
Literally why wouldnt i
When its literally easier to steal your game than it is to buy it you need to change some things

I took the time.

>so what we think doesn't matter because we don't make the games.
Which is a shame, because, you know, PC is literally made for this type of thing.
I feel like Sup Forums would see a massive improvement if everybody, at least once, tried to make their own game, regardless of how shitty it turned out. And I don't mean with regards to piracy, I couldn't care less about that, I just mean in general.

Lies, too low
t. Pkek who paid for his pc games

>50k people
>implying that's respresentable for an online survey
>no citiation on where this survey was conducted and under which conditions
>their source for the survey links to their own article which doesn't have a survey at all

Take that statistic with a grain of salt until they pony up where they've conducted the research on their site.

I dont remember the last time i saw any pirate trying to convince people to pitate instead of buying, or you think calling buyfags retards is a method of convincing?

Probably goes as a surprise to burgers but that was true somewhere around ~2005.

We didn't get licensed games here. Our stores either sold pirated games published by 'localization companies' who basically applied machine translation all over and printed a disc cover. Sometimes they had cutscenes and videos removed because they wouldn't fit the CD size. There were also official localizations with CD-keys for activating games and stuff. Those costed a bit more. But either way those two were affordable.

I don't think I'd even get to play more than a few titles back then if they asked a full dollar price equivalent for a cd.

I do admit it. I feel great about pirating games. I will never stop doing it either. dunno what's so hard to understand about this, I admit this easily.

>I dont remember the last time i saw any pirate trying to convince people to pitate instead of buying

I do.

>or you think calling buyfags retards is a method of convincing?

Actually, yes. "Wow you're so retarded for buying things when you can get them for free" might be fairly convincing to many people.

35% seems very low. Maybe in wealthy first world countries. In poorer countries the number is probably above 90%.

I break the law on a daily basis, i'm sure everyone does in some way. The moral implications of online piracy are the same as reading a magazine at a store without buying it, who fucking cares.

my country bans violent games and over prices them. I pirate now and forever with no end in sight.

These fucking jews make ungodly amounts of money with their bullshit practices then have the nerve to piss in my pocket about how tough they have it? Fuck off.

Pirates on Sup Forums just consume things and aren't concerned with these issues, I'm aware.
But if you actually analyze the issue, file-sharing isn't really reprehensible. IP laws are very arbitrary over what kinds of ideas can be "protected", so to speak, and at the end of the day just generate very large expenses for most industries. They don't actually make industries more competitive or benefit the consumers.

In fact the biomedical industry actually kills people indirectly through IP law.

Don't mind me, just pirating this picture for future use

Anyone have the comics about the guy pirating bikes from a bike shop?

Pirates have to buy at least one copy of the game before they can rip it and upload it.

>I will never stop doing it either
you will when you get older or when you die
never say never son

Germany or Australia?

You'll be hearing from my lawyers.

don't mind me i'm just pirating this gaem

>almost half
>2% away from a third
>15 % away from a half

I guess half sounds better to push your shit argument. Most people pirate a game to demo it, and if it's good they buy the real thing. I'm not gonna pay 70 bucks for a steak advertised to be god tier to then have some dennys country fried shit slop thrown on my plate and be unable to send it back.

>PCucks are thieving entitled shitbags
#whoa #breakingnews

Console gamers are the only ones who truly care about this industry.

gaming will die before i do user. it's already mortally wounded.

>mfw Sony and Nintendo say it's illegal for me to have a digital backup of a game I BOUGHT FROM THEM LEGALLY
>mfw they say we're not allowed to pirate games that they don't sell anymore, all because they're too lazy to resell them

Well, how the hell is anyone supposed to play them?

And my country bans pc ports of console games to force me people to buy console. Fuck that.


That's not a very large basis to be honest

35% of our website's readers pirate more like

>above 25%, which is half way between 50 and 0.
>rounding up when above half way

Sounds right to me.

Seems way more accurate. Good job.

Console gamers are fucking plebs and are the entire reason this industry isnt worth caring about

>most people pirate a game to demo it
you're a fucking moron

most of the world is 3rd world shitholes and most of the world pirates shit

kill yourself for being so delusional

>buy three games every month at full price
whether you have disposable income or not, this is just stupid

>35% of PC gamers pirate
>Survey doesn't take into account every active PC game player out there
>Survey doesn't further break down the numbers into classification by age, gender, etc
>Article doesn't explain how they distributed the survey to the masses, what languages it was available in, and which parts of the world they concentrated on
It's like that Ashley Burch "survey" which was just a fucking strawpoll multiple choice so people were putting in their answers when she was looking for a specific age group. These fucking game journoshits can't do one god damn thing professionally nor thoroughly.

>hurr durr people who buy games instead of just stealing them and then whining that they aren't good enough are the ones ruining gaming!

Good thing we all KNOW, console players don't pirate games.

Ive spent more money on ps2 games in the last month than i have on AAA games in the last 6 years
The modern industry can go fuck itself

That doesn't make the pirate the same as a library.

A library legally acquires a finite copy of books and then puts exactly that many books in circulation through lending. It's not the same as making more copies of books and then giving them away with no requirement that they be returned.

With borrowing, the publisher isn't paid per reader but is still paid per copy in circulation.

With piracy, the publisher isn't paid per copy in circulation either. This is what they care about.

I'm not saying the law is right. I'm just explaining it because you don't seem to understand what the issue is.

Surveys like this are pretty damn unreliable. I mean, the results you get are highly dependent on where you go to ask, and who actually bothers to respond sincerely, and you'll always be getting a subset of all gamers, not something that'll necessarily represent the whole.

yeah, better don't make any games for PC
i'm sure those 65% of pc customers society doesn't give any profit at all

>How can I be sure that you wouldn't...

Because he just said so? Jesus fuck these strawmans are getting weak.

and by this you mean games will be near impossible to pirate at lunch? sucks to be you i guess

Games that make money have more influence on the industry than ones that dont
Console games are the ones who buy all these shit games that plague the industry
They did more damage than i ever have

Only 35%?
God damn that's low compared to android where some games reach 90+ piracy rate.

>finite copy
And that's exactly where any argument you may have had falls apart. In the age of digital distribution, there are no finite copies.

You're right about the red guy being a straw man. Surprise, it's a comic.

But I don't understand your reasoning. He's a straw man because the blue guy doesn't believe him?

No one ever lies in order to justify wrongdoing in real life?

the piracy rate for PC games is certainly 99%

no one in China/India/Russia buys shit

>paid per copy
But copies cost nothing to produce.

I pirate a lot.

Mainly when things aren't even made available in my area at all.

>grouping the occasional pirate with those who pirate everything
>forgetting that some people buy the games they like afterward or once they drop on price

For me pirating is like the opposite of pre-order. I want to see if the game is worth it before I spend money on it and these days demos just don't get made that often.

you mean launch?

Bur you have to maintain the infrastructure involved in keeping the digital copy available
Steam doesnt run on fucking magic you know