We can all agree that this is the worst final boss in soulsborne right...

We can all agree that this is the worst final boss in soulsborne right? Assuming king allant is the demons souls final boss

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That's not aldia

You can parry gwyn

gwyn would be the best boss but the parry mechanic ruined the experience

>design amazing looking ayylmao for the final fight
>give him generic beast moves
>and a move that makes you have 1 hp but you can get most of it back because he takes ages to recover
I was disappointed desu.

>Bloodbabies instantly deflect to DS2
No, Nashandra was alright, she wasn't even the final boss, Aldia was.

I'd say Gehrman is more of a final boss in the game.

Who even knew that they should've consumed the cords before fighting Gehrman in their first playthrough? I didn't even get three cords in my first playthrough.

Then just don't parry him?

>boss has flaw by design that you can exploit

Lol don't do it

Nah, that was Nashandra. Moon Presence was one of my most memorable fights. Kept getting my ass kicked by Gehrman constantly, finally managed to beat him, and then the MP fight started while I had no vials left and was 1 hit away from death, but still somehow beat it without getting hit on my first try.

him and true king don't count as final bosses, they are cinematic fights there to show how the king has fallen/how your hunter is acceding. Also, every great one loses their child, MP loses its child (you) in the same way kos lost hers

if there's a shit in your room you can look away and pretend it isn't there.
but the smell actually remains

it literally says it in the lecture building

Or you could just not to it...

We call that a self challenge

You don't HAVE to do alot of things.

you don't have to attack MP when he takes your HP down to 1

you don't have to upgrade your weapons

you don't have to level your stats

what's the point of this argument? Ludwig is one of the best bosses in the series because you can't cheese him

>immediately after Gehrman so you can't prepare
>confusing attack forecast
>surprise, you can't use blood vials

Fuck you he was good

>Ludwig is one of the best bosses in the series because you can't cheese him
>summon Valtr
I've never beaten him solo

>summoning in any souls

you should be ashamed

they should have made you fight gherman again if you died to MP Tbh

Worst boss? Nah Dark Souls 2 had a worsse boss but Bloodborne has the worst "story"


He wants to help me though!
I use the fact that I get a free vermin as an excuse to summon him

>Bloodborne has the worst "story"


Soul of Cinder > Gwyn > power gap > Aldia > Allant >= Moon Presence

I got all 4 umbilical cords on NG without knowing what they were for so I did not consume any of them. I then fucked up my chances of getting 3 umbilical cords in NG+ so is he really that bad? I might as well just skip him all together.

It's not really that Moon Presence a bad boss per se, it's that it's pretty average, and that's highlighted more by having the amazing Gerhman fight literally right before it.

Why are the DLC bosses always so much better than the base game bosses in any Souls/Bloodborne?

Because they already have a base to improve on.

>muh DLC final boss

Classic bait. I enjoyed it.

Also yes OP, Moon presence would be the worst boss if Nashandra didn't exist (or if she wasn't B-Team DarkSoulsFanFiction).

He was just too easy. Cool design, but the setting lost it's atmospheric sense after the Gherman fight. MP just seemed tagged on, and while needed for story reasons, was sort of a lazy execution imo.

at least gerhman was cool

Gehrman is literally the best Souls boss
The music, the atmosphere, and his style of fighting are all 10/10
My fucking dick

He's not actually the 'final' boss though. I would agree though except for maybe SoC, which imo is a better boss fight.

This. Got her down first try. The first hp drain was an "oh shit" moment, but with guidance you can easily recover full health in her downtime. Shit's ridiculous.

Also had the worst ending.

>worst story

Tell me that this is bait.