3 days till legion, are you prepared and ready?
What professions will you be maining and why?
Remember making gold at the start of expansion is huge if you know what you are doing
Wow Legion
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Personally I am going inscription and enchanting as they should earn the most money.
As long as they don't cock up gathering professions again like they did in wod
Which professions will be worth it?
I heard engineering is going to be kinda bad.
>Nat Pagle book from Vanilla with all the pages ripped out except the last mentioned him fishing up the Ashbringer
>You fish up Tirion Fordring, aka the Ashbringer, from that pool of green shit Gul'dan dropped him in
Mining and Engineering on my Unholy DK main.
The crafted goggles will be a good source for Obliterum.
Inscription for darkmoon cards and ventus runes
Jewelcrafting and enchanting is solid choices as well
Hey threadly reminder the new fire mage is fucking boring
the most fun thing about the class before was building up for many many pyroblast and big combustions
that was fun as fuck
now you cannot stack pyroblast,and combustion is just another generic burst cooldown
also the class fantasy was completely ruined
i play a fire mage so i can be a god of hellfire
what kind of fucking god of hellfire
has a fucking bubble of ice around him, that SHIT belonged as a talent
24 fucking 7
Blacksmithing and mining, always have, always will. Probably will do LW and Skinning on my Demon Hunter.
>What professions will you be maining and why?
The same ones I have maxed out. Why? Because it's too expensive to level otherwise.
Still on the fence about buying it. It feels extremely boring now and I don't plan on hardcore raiding so I don't know if it'll hold up at all. WoD had extremely shitty content outside raids
>no quest involving Nat Pagle helping you find the Ashbringer
If I hate anything about Wrath its the lore asspull with ashbringer.
Someone doesn't know what happens in the ret paladin artifact questline
>playing any hunter race that isn't goblin or gnome
>mfw accidentally boosted my rogue before picking professions
>mfw maxed with the worst two professions in the game now
>People go on about how great Fire Mage is now
>If you don't Pyroblast as soon as you're on a Hot Streak you're potentially wasting crits
>fire artifact is one handed sword
>blood elf themed
Going arcane. Its a staff that hungers for mana and screams at you when your mana is low
Engineering is one of the best options actually.
Good source of Obliterum from the crafted goggles, utility from Reeves, free food buff, crafted relics, pets and toys.
You can get those on any race with a small quest chain
Hunters can learn those in Legion. So there's no need to be a gnome, ever. Blizzard had their chance to make gnome females cute, then fucked it all up.
Every single Artifact has a hidden trait or perk that is undocumented (by that I mean the game itself never tells you it has it), and meant to be discovered by players on their own.
Only one I know is the Blood axe, which is the ability The Maw Must Feed
>Whenever you kill a non-elite humanoid or demon enemy, you get a stacking buff that increases damage done by 1% per stack. Up to 10 stacks can be maintained at once. Buff lasts 30 seconds, and is refreshed whenever a new kill is made.
It's not a quest, it's an engineering crafted item.
and look like a faggot as a blood elf using a robot
I leveled a mage 20-100 just on legion invasions
What a fucking awful time
Where do you get the robot dogs? I saw some in Dalaran
frost DKs cover the ground they're standing on in ice when they stop moving, and arms warriors fear all NPC trolls below level 100
>Those memories of being carried by a raid filled with mages
Inspired me to level mine.
How good/bad does your main's artifact look and which is the best skin?
Worst looking Artifact?
Best looking Artifact?
Be a goblin, gnome, or just be an engineer
In gnomergon you have to activate it with a puzzle then there are 2 more in legion.
they are named rush, treble, and friender
>Hunters only have a glyph that makes their pet smaller, not bigger
>Meanwhile Frost Mages get one that makes their Water Elemental bigger, smaller, or gives it a different model
Lock scythe has souls trying to escape kill them to get a boost of something
Feral - Increase 3% movement speed out of combat.
Balance - Ancient and powerful magic has affected this creature. Only a powerful Druid wielding the Scythe of Elune can dispel the effect. & "Feral Worgen" out in the Broken Isles (neutral) that you can de-curse with the Balance Artifact.
Restoration - Treant in Dalaran tosses an apple when he recognises G'Hanir. Flowers growing at feet when still.
Protection - Allows you to see hidden demons.
Retribution - When you kill a demon or undead, they turn into ash. Chance to instantly kill on an auto attack (white[sic]) swing.
Holy - Increased damage by 100% against Undead.
Marksmanship - (Stacking) Speed buff.
Survival - Eagle called to aid under 40% health. Turn into eagle when dead/ghost.
Fury - Ressurected by Odyn, must kill within 8 seconds to stay alive.
Arms - Fear trolls.
Death Knight
Frost - Growing frost patch on the ground while standing still.
Unholy - Chance on kill to leave the enemies rotten corpse discolored and swarming with flies. Chance on hit to finish off enemies below 20%.
Blood - Stacking 30 second buff every time they kill something. Each stack gives a 1% damage increase and I assume it stacks infinitly long as you kill something else before the 30 seconds is up, max 10%.
>want to make Jeeves before Legion
>it's like 11k worth of mats now
>unholy DKs are stuck with the 15 year old abom model unless they want to PvP
>Arcane Mage gets a talent that gives them a pet
>Frost Mages get a talent that lets them get rid of their pet
>No Fire Elemental talent for Fire
Fire - Corpses burn.
Arcane - Flat 2% damage increase in Broken Isles. whispers to you every now and then, when you use certain abilities
Frost - able to speak to an NPC in Dalaran (pretty certain it's only Frost Mages since the NPC remarks you have Alodi's staff) which gives you a 2hr buff that increases XP and Rep gains by 5% in the Broken Isles.
Windwalker - Knock back effect on some attacks, when jumping from a certain height. approx 1.5x jump height
Discipline - Chance to do "massive" damage. Smite builds up over time and then unleashes on a random cast. Approx 20 minutes.
Shadow - Blade whispers to you.
Outlaw - 2% Movement speed increase upon killing lasts 30/60 seconds.
Elemental - Certain air elementals in Stormheim become friendly.
Restoration - Watery ground effect, and start kneeling when AFK
Affliction - Killed enemies can leave behind a purplish soul.
fuck yeah
Apocalypse has some good skins.
I just wish there was a more traditional, slender gothic-ish longsword skin based off Frostmourne.
I like the blue variation of the middle one. Guess I'll have to do Mythic Dungeon achievements to get that one.
Which of the melee dps has the best DMG?
Is Blood a decent Tank spec?
How're the Resto Druids?
I was thinking about making a troll rogue.
Ok i get therew a new xpac coming out but these threads are waaaaaaay too frequent for there not be to some shilling invoved
The question is weather the shill is being paid or if he does it for free
Jeeves is still relevant too, because Reeves in Legion doesn't give bank access.
Does the Ashbringer one proc on Undead players?
it'll really ruin my immersion if a Ret Paladin kills a Death Knight or a Forsaken and they don't get vaporized
ooh yeah
Of course not. Forsaken players have always been classified as humanoid for gameplay reasons.
Proc only works on non-elite normal mobs anyway.
>they made the Blingtrons and all the other Engineering shit Toys, you just need the proper proficiency to use them
>Jeeves is still stuck to just my Paladin
never ever pick your class based on what's effective at launch
find something that's fun and not underpowered shit
play what you find fun, just don't go off making an elemental shaman or something else blizz hates
Weren't they undead in the beta?
And it meant that paladins, otherwise non-threatening, nuked the fuck out of them with exorcism.
Nothing for enhancement shamans?
hacking you as we speak
I specced into Engineering/Mining so I guess I'm just going to be making a shitload of goggles and putting those up?
>tfw Alchemy/Enchanting
Why am I scared Alchemy will have a bad payout in raids?
Why am I scared Enchanting is going to be oversaturated?
IIRC that was in the alpha, not in the beta. Could've still been in early beta but it was no longer in when I played beta way back.
>Chrome username is some Memeborne character
make the Hunter item that lets them tame mechs
between the sheer volume of huntards a bunch of them have to be stupid enough to not be engineers, and also stupid enough to pay thousands of gold for it
It looks like that'll be the main moneymaker yes. Others are the item that allows non-gnome or goblin hunters tot ame mechanical pets, and the relics (fel and wind).
Demonology locks get a skull off-hand that talks shit to them and flies off to attack enemies.
No idea about the Destruction lock's artifact, but it's the Rod of Sargeras which was used to blow up Outland and is ridiculously powerful lore-wise.
i talk a lot of shit not putting my real name on there
Ah gotcha.
But undead could speak common in the beta, right?
>New models comes
>My happy go lucky girl gnome becomes bitch face gnome
>Not a single one looks kind of okay
>bad payouts.
>when We have our fucking Cauldrons back.
This shit alone could sell for 2K.
>tfw all my chars are on Silvermoon EU
>3 days til 800 minute login queues
i guess its worth it for a booming community and not dead server.... right? ;_;
Rob Paulsen voices it right?
>How good/bad does your main's artifact look and which is the best skin?
I'm happy with the blood artifact. I'll probably be using Executioner or Bonejaw
>Best looking Artifact?
Every iteration of the discipline artifact looks great
>Worst looking Artifact?
Fury with BM are tied. Every fucking fury skin has that dumbass dragon on it and the BM skins all look like jokes
I was thinking about either a fury war, or a blood dk.
Login like 5 hours before launch and don't log out
flame on or controlled burn?
>check affliction artifact description
>it mentions necrolytes
I am genuinely surprised that blizz remembers necrolytes are a thing
Yeah. It made sense lorewise but Blizzard didn't like the factions communicating, especially on PvP servers.
Demon Hunters can now communicate through demonic though...
>Guldan trusts one of the adventurers that helped kill Archimonde and foil the legions plans on Draenor with the fucking Scepter of Sargeras and actually trusts them not to betray him
lol what a loser
guys i miss old disc priest atonement is gay
there are [evil group] necrolytes as enemies in pretty much every expansion m8
>warrior artifacts in general
Fury got it the worst but they're all absolute dogshit barring the flail skin on prot and a couple of the arms ones.
>tfs she sees your dick
You meet one in Legion
well as for that i'd say go blood dk
if someone ask you to tank on your warrior it aint gonna be fun
if someone ask you to dps on your DK you'll probably still have fun
You should be playing destro lock
Mage is arcane, not demonic you a shit.
Why does Beastmaster get the gun artifact?
>Binds to Battle.net account
>tfw Sargeras
Necrolytes are a very specific group of void-using orcs, essentially evil priests. They were pretty much replaced in orc society by warlocks.
Fem Gnomes used to look happy, but everyone bitched that they looked "psychotic" and too happy.
Almost as bad as the male humans' thousand-yard stare.
that juiced up arcanite reaper is nice
Reading the description you mentioned it's some necrolyte from Azeroth of old, not Gul'dan's goons.
because MM got Alleria's bow and they couldn't think of a good crossbow artifact?
But what if you don't want to betray him, user?
Warlocks should side with him instead of attempting to murder him like morons.
Are Pocket Fel Spreaders going to go up in price after the expansion launches or are the people more autistic than me already stockpiled like a hundred of them just for that
Post your oldest screenshot. Will you play that character in Legion? Is it your first character ever?
I can't even find a decent raiding guild on my dead server
fire mage has always been the god of hellfire with purely firey abilities
a lot of destros main abilities have always been shadow and fel
this is what a god of hellfire should look like
Orgrim Doomhammer wiped out 99% of the necrolytes in canon when he took power from Blackhand and Gul'dan went into a coma. Then their souls got fused into human knight corpses by Gul'dan to make the original death knights.
What a weird outfit to put on a creepy sex doll
The arms main skins are beautiful. It reminds me of Yogg's prison in Ulduar.
This game was developmentally dead at Cataclysm and that anyone still plays it is a testament to addiction.
You could say it was put into maintenance mode around the entire year of Icecrown, though.
Can someone explain survival hunter to me. I just don't understand... why?
Yeah, that one and the Sky Champion skin are actually pretty fucking good, but I main fury so I'm basically fucked for appearances since they're all so bland and uninspired.