This is your guilty gear tonight

This is your guilty gear tonight

I hope he likes flaming hot cheetos and cheerwine

I ____ to ____ that _______


Bridget is my guilty pleasure

I want to caress that boy!

Guilty of what? Daddy taught not to be ashamed of our sins.

Well I'm disappointed as fuck.

I feel guilty after what I did to his gears.

Why are you disappointed user?

Bridget is pure! PURE!

i fucking wish. Regardless of whatever porn content he has, i mained the fuck out of him destipe him beIng low tier. It least theres jacko

Bridget is the best wife (male).

What keeps you people going? He doesn't look that good in official art and the fanart out there is crap including the doujins, so what is it?

Having a penis is the definitive mark of a sinner. Who misguided Eve into committing the original sin? A living penis.

Very Yes.

Being a girl (male) automatically makes her better than any other wannabe waifu.

Pure sex

Boys shouldn't be ashamed of their asses.


What the fuck. Boys can't be girls.

It's really simple actually, just make them wear a dress.

But that doesn't do anything

>you'll never be as cute as bridget

why even liv

Just inject yourself with gear cells and hope for the best