Why do so many peopel hate him?

Why do so many peopel hate him?

He invented:
-Digital distribution
-profitable item skins
-profitable Mods (Cs, DOTA2)
-allowed talented indie devs to make a living

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hmm yes this bait is tasty

literally everything you listed is extremely cancerous
Steam killed PC gaming

allowing the people to keep making the content you enjoy is cancerous?

Gabe's just Valve's face. Probably a bumbling NEET living off his company's cash now. Besides, Valve didn't invent that shit. Just perfected it.

>Hasn't released a decent game in a decade
>Tried to force paid mods on an entire industry
>Hasn't done a thing with his infinite success since steam

>-allowed talented indie devs to make a living

Good post

if a bad dev is able to make a living thru steam, thats only the fault of the dumb consumers

he made:

1) DLCs fashionable
2) Broken releases became accepted because "oh good always online is best for the goyim"
3) A shit spyware that don't give you control over your games you are a slave to the client
4) SKINS! the most degenerate thing that the e-sport are doing is selling and trading girl accessories (skins,etc,etc,etc)
5) Steam pushed the indie meme to the point of reaching so many shovelware and bad games that the 80s game crash looks beautiful
6) basically forced PSN/XBLA/eShop sell indie shit to compete with PC because steam don't have ANY KIND of quality control and for them is content>quality
7)that steam spyware just became stable 2 years ago after more than a decade of a client made by teen programmers (led to various account leaks by the way)
8) Game is 2 hours long? don't worry for 69,99 you can purchase the season pass

Lie, fabricate plans and features, early access
Yeah the consumers are to blame for not taking a man by his word. The man in a professional industry is not to blame for his shrewd tactics, it is the consumers fault for not being skeptical enough. Is this what the feminists call victim blaming?

how is being a dumb consumer who falls for DLC and season passes Gaben's fault? Thats your fault for being a retard

>why do people hate someone who developed innovative ways to Jew
>why does my post end in a 7

>early access

this was never intended to work
it was a gimmick

I uninstalled my steam client over 5 years ago and never installed again
Only installed once in a friend's computer 6 months when I did a clean format for him.

A man that raises this can't be good.

>-allowed talented indie devs to make a living

By taking a 30% share?

The problem is not buying DLC because I don't
the problem is that they are becoming more and more accepted to the point of a game selling for 59 dollars and DLC 49
BUT HEY.. you get skins and a wallpaper

Is it really that high?

i like gabe
Sup Forums is full of jobless commies tho

Also one of the first companies to charge full price for an account locked digital game.

Paid mods. Where fans do all of the work, and then see 75% of their profit go to Valve and the IP holder.

1. you can refund a game
2. its was litelyl all over the internet how mcuhit sucked

not only are you too dumb/blind to see the 100's of threads and articles about how bad the game is, you also pretend the refund system doesn't exist on Steam

Games get more expensive to make, it warrants DLC to make up for the lose the game engine was to develop, and also opens up doors for sequels.

I thought that was obvious but apparently, like cars, games are cheap as chips to make but the developers are just being greedy. Damn those greedy developers for pricing their DLC according to the investment they made on the game.

Robin Walker
Robin Walker

Sup Forums hates everyone and everything, name me one developer that Sup Forums likes.

I'd reply but that Engrish implies you would be an unworthy adversary. Chow chow.


I genuinely like Gaben, he seems to have a pretty informed view of the internet and alot of his motives seem founded on principle. It'll be a total clusterfuck when he rips and someone else takes over valve.



Nice one.

>Why do so many peopel hate him?

He invented:
-Digital distribution
-profitable item skins
-profitable Mods (Cs, DOTA2)
-allowed "talented" indie devs to flood steam with their early access online multiplayer open world zombie survival games with crafting

>He invented:
>Digital distribution
You some kind a dumbass?

>Profitable item skins
You mean, a user-controlled market? That's existed in MMOs for ages.

>Profitable Mods
>Paying for mods

>Allowed talented indie devs to make a living
You get a better shake on itch.io.

>-Digital distribution
>-profitable item skins
>-profitable Mods (Cs, DOTA2)
>Autistic click games a.k.a e-sports

>i see youve presented me with an argument that i cant refute but your spelling sucks so i win hahah

>Can refund
Recent development, also doesn't take the lies out of the developers mouth.
>Taking the words of other third party people rather than experiencing it yourself
Sorry, what was I not able to refute?

>its Gaben's fault I dont research games before buying them

Talk about playing the victim

>It's my fault the developers outright lied about features
Talk about blaming the victim

Look at how chopped up Final Fantasy is with DLC. That infected the scumbags in Japan.

Nobody forces you to pay for those skins, mate, why are you so angry about it?

When you build your community around buying cosmetics it sets a feel for the community, streamer types glorify these rarer skins and it impacts the youth, these are the people that other games will be developed for. If they demand B grade gambling and paid cosmetics you're damned sure they'll get it.

I personally don't like it because it seems to be another cash sink that takes money out of kids pickets that they could of spent on other games. My idea being that instead of dumping their money into all kinds of games, all kinds of genres that will benefit from the money, they're instead blowing it all down the drain on cosmetics that used to be awarded for skill or completing lengthy challenges. Sure those kinds of games will flourish under the flow of young kids money, but the industry takes a big hit as a whole.

Not trying to sound edgy but it's honestly almost like a parasite or a disease, it eats away at the host.

>Gaben can do no wrong
>Defending dlc
How is Gaben's cock treating you?

Not an argument memelord.