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Continued from >>349790075
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At least put NIOH in the title.
Randomized, so if you're hell bent on finding one, probably a good idea to check revenants with the lmao2kat emblem.
Go to Twilight Grasslands.
That's how I got every one of the end game weapons. By just fighting revenants.
I just tried out coop in the small area with the grass and the other dude killed everything in one hit and the 2 huge enemies at the end in 2 hits
I didn't even have time to catch up to him
The difficulty difference between regular enemies and bosses is pretty retarded. I managed to learn and git gud while fighting enemies, after I stopped trying to dodge everything like Souls, and instead blocking, changing stances and using Ki pulse, but whenever I get to a boss they just fuck me up. Probably took more than 20 tries to kill the first one, and now at the second boss I die in less than 5 seconds. There's not even any room to make a single mistake and try stuff out.
I wonder if Will Keith is playing Nioh?
I want a cape that covers both my shoulders.
Unmatched Warrior is pretty close though, dig the gold blue look.
Guess I'll continue in here.
Sure I did it earlier in that very thread. I've copyrighted it as a response to saying artificial difficulty and the shogun agrees.
I said authentic in the combat, not the setting, but come on a bit of embellishment is allowed there. Or are you saying Yokai aren't real or something?
For humans the Ki works the same way in regards to getting tired but Yokai work differently because they're just that, Yokai. Monsters from another world. It gives them a very different monstrous feel which works great. Besides that, they still become highly vulnerable when their Ki is depleted, like you do, and you can still see and manipulate their Ki like other enemies.
An enemy being able to be stunlocked by what everyone already knows are some of the most powerful tools in the game is not a full indication of AI. Try fighting him without and you'll see how clever he can be. He pressures you when you're low on Ki, fires at you when you're at a distance, and uses combination attacks with the doge. Even normal enemies show shades of that and utilize their different stances.
Nioh is the first of it's series but whatever, there's a difference between noting it's inspirations and assuming it to play identically to them. Many fell into that trap. Again, you wouldn't have been needing breathers as much if you were managing your Ki properly with Ki Pulses.
The items facilitate the currency and forging, while giving you extra items at a shrine. Things that make the items important for more than just simple equipment. I don't know why you're acting like random items are ever on par with rarer equipment that stands out or is gotten from bosses, games always have things you don't look at, but this game gives an actual use and reason to pick them up that works with the ecosystem.
>advocating killing off the variety, options and potential for many unique builds
I should probably just go back to playing the game.
>host doesn't greet you with a gesture
>host attacks yokai wall without gesturing it
Why can't I harikari myself?
Like this? This was the first time I found one. Seems pretty uncommon.
RIP Ken-sama... ;_;
You can by blowing the horn and not doing anything. Leaves the host with a nice surprise as well.
The Hero set also has a short cape.
such doge
much wow
Blowing the horn is such an evil thing, especially in the last bit of the cave.
It's such a wonderful feeling, but I can't help but feel a bit bad about it.
I always blow it when the host can't see me and they're close to an area I know a large group of monsters are at. Just on the off chance he thinks it's legit.
Purple raikiris?
Anyone know where I can get a purple raikiri?
To that crazy fucker wearing all purple unmatched warrior armor who left a revenant near the shrine on the first sub mission, thank you.
On a related note, thanks to the guy who left a revenant with a fire katana that has +25% dmg to revenants.
Yes. Purple Raikiri's too.
I got my Purple Tombo-Kiri from there.
is it as simple as it seems to purposefully leave a revenant?
Dude, the bull's human form has such a baller outfit. Shame we can't grab it.
If I go to the very first mission and let myself get killed. Will level 1's be able to see my level 55 Revenant with over 2.6k HP and 800 Damage attacks?
yeah, if you want to be nice about it, just pull something to kill you near a shrine.
That's not the bull's human form. The bull is his Guardian Spirit, like how yours is whoever you pick, and Muneshige's is Raiken. It's pretty likely that they'll have a duel with him too.
I think thats a winthin 10 levels limit
incorrect, i found a level 1 revenant as a 45. although it might be different for twilight missions
He's still baller as fuck with that cape.
The two giants with the long tongues was the hardest fight I've ever had in video games. I had an easier time beating Ninja Gaiden on Master Ninja. This game is an artificially difficult piece of shit. It's like playing Dark Souls 2.
I mean there's a good chance we can get his armour set too.
Damn, that sounds like so much fun. It's too bad I can't check my revenants stats or something to see how many people he's killed.
Do revenants disappear after they die?
I have one of those too, but it doesn't cover your shoulders. It looks like a kid putting a towel under the neck of his T Shirt.
This is bait but ill tell you that you're bad anyway. That fight is all about timing a the right weapon, high stance spear line them up hit once move hit again and so on.
I can't wait to see the new weapons they add.
I hope we get a Naginata that isn't just a spear remodel and we get a new weapon moveset and skillset.
What weapons are you guys looking forward too?
are you certain there are more? the stats dont allow for it
>beat them first try
>went back and solo'd that entire fight for my two friends because they couldn't do it
>made a new character with Ninjutsu and it's even easier than before
They're so fucking slow. If you Ki Burst Flux all day long, they can never catch you.
Hell, if you're that desperate, open up the Ninjutsu Skill Tab and get Smoke Bombs and Backstab.
If you're even more desperate, also spend one point on Magic, then get Sloth Talismans.
Developer said there will be a little over 20. Of course this will include Ranged Weapons most likely.
I did it on my 3rd try, the lower elevation makes them punch above your head, I abused that and concentrated one one slow and steady, I didn't attack unless both whiffed an attack nearly at the same time.
Patience is key but they don't have much HP.
Easier than O+S and Ruin Sentinels imo.
doesnt that include theother types in teh same classes ie. axes and hammers? curved sword and straight
3 pronged spear and other types?
i think what we have is all were getting just different types of 1kat and 2kat that add upto 20
i dont think the menu or character sheet can support more weapon types
can anyone tell me what agility damage bonus does on a weapon? I reforged it but I don't get any extra damage
Wait, walls respond to gesture? Tell me more.
What are some good investments for ninja and magic skill points?
The passives? Or are there some gems in those usable items?
what the fuck is this weeb shit
Jesus Christ, Smoke Bomb trivialises Twilight Grasslands.
>plow through Twilight Grasslands
>get to the end
>die over and over against the Two Tongue Oni, and even when I do kill them, I got nothing left to fight against the Two Wheel Demons, the Demon Head Summoner and the Revenant Summon
>looking through skills to see if anything can help me
>see smoke bomb
>description is kind of vague
>go back to last area of Twilight Grasslands
>kill first tongue ogre and the floating heads
>time for two tongue ogres
>smoke bomb
>both ogres run into the smoke but then just stand completely skill
>start aoe spinning with spear
>insta kill both of them
>smoke bomb again
>wheel demons run into smoke
It's so brokenly overpowered. I didn't even have to use a single elixir my last try
Bro but twilight version.
Weeb Souls
You can always just link more weapons to a single stat can't you?
In the caves, there are those wall yokai.
The first one you find has a scripted grave next to it, which will say "Technian died from wall due to hostile/friendly/neutral behavior.
So just go up to the all, and do a gesture that's not the one listed on his grave.
The other wall in the cave is random I think, so just pick one and pray.
Agility is a stat. Pressing the Options button to bring up the help is your friend.
Smoke Bomb and Sloth Talismans literally break the game.
Weeb Souls. Though it's much faster and significantly harder. Reminds me more of Ninja Gaider and Onimusha
Agility is your movement. If your weight is Green, it's B Ranking Agility. If it's Yellow, it's C
If you're not wearing anything, it's A.
they have
i dont think there will be any more movesets is what i mean
no nunchucks or whips or anything
just different kinds of what we already have
if you add up whats in the alpha its around 20
then why the fuck does it say agility DAMAGE bonus
This game has some of the most retarded wording I've ever seen
>The other wall in the cave is random I think, so just pick one and pray.
Last time I found another Revenant close to the second wall which also said which emotion type was wrong.
Dunno if that was a developer one though or if it actually was from a player doing a wrong emotion.
Complete the beta demo. Feels good man.
Because it's scaling from your agility. If your agility is A, then your going to get more damage from that scaling.
It's the same as Flynn's ring from Dark Souls 3.
Honestly, it's not that hard to understand.
Maybe it means the damage bonus is triggered by your agility
40 masterrace. 400 DMG Spear.
I don't get any damage increase no matter how I change my agility scaling, i'm always at the same attack rating
Counting everything as a separate type and ranged weapons, we only have 10 right now. That's less than half what they said. There's also an empty slot on the Skill customization and Learn Skill pages, and it could even scroll further right or have more added.
Use the fucking help option. It says "Increases damage corresponding to your agility level."
>Use the fucking help option. It says "Increases damage corresponding to your agility level."
Yet no matter what the scaling is on the agility reforge or my agility level, I don't get any extra damage.
Wear the heaviest armour you can. Make sure you got C Scaling. Then go hit something. Don't use the status screen.
Then take off everything except your weapon and hit something again.
but souls are weeb already
So when I go to the shrine it says my kodama are 15/25 but I've gotten all the kodama in the missions. Is there something I'm missing here or is that just how it is in the beta?
The Souls series is literally westaboo, not weeaboo
But that doesn't make any fucking sense. Are you telling me my character sheet information is irrelevant? What kind of clowns created this game
Just how it is.
Souls series is made by pic related. It's full on westaboo.
Who /3kat/ master race here?
Well there are at least 2 levels which are disabled in this beta, so probably in those.
>what is a beta
This is why they have a survey asking for help on problems they can fix for release.
This is also why so much changed from the Alpha
Any games made by Jap devs is automatically a weeb game by default
Damn right.
Main weapon is a sword and sub weapon is TWO FUCKING SWORDS.
It seems redundant but I'm not stopping.
I feel like this game gets much easier after the first stage because of all the gear and high stats you have then.
It took me forever to beat the first stage and then I just blazed through the caverns to the second checkpoint without dying WHILE exploring every area.
There should be a super hard mode that resets your level/gear for each new mission. That would be great
wait isn't is made by nips
how is it westaboo
No, weeaboo means wapanese, i.e. needs to be a white guy who wants to be Japanese. This game is Weeb Souls because the main character is literally a white guy in Japan.
>not 4kat
step it up fampai-tachi
I'm pretty sure he's saying it's westaboo since everything about the game is western design. Western style medieval designs from armour, to weapons, to architecture to even the lore.
So long as they balance it around that Idea I would be down for reset mode.
I've been playing this game with a wooden sword as a challenge until now.
Did anyone use sloth talismans during alpha? I remember it was the most broken thing in the game, so much that they changed it.
Used to be a buff you put on your sword and each attack would put a slow debudf on enemies. Now it's a shitty targeted skill that doesn't last at all
Westaboos are people who are obsessed with western culture. Souls games are made by Japs, but are heavily influenced by the west.
What? Did you use sloth talismans in the Alpha? That wasn't how they worked at all, they were always the ranged talisman throw. Can't say anything about how long they last now though.
Have you played Souls games?
The attack rating that's listed is always a gross simplification and sometimes flat out lies. Nioh at least has a chance of fixing it before release, in Souls/Bloodborne you really need to know the game mechanics and the mechanics of every specific weapon to accurately gauge what to do.
It's western in design everywhere except the gameplay and it still retains uniquely Japanese quirks rather than making attempts to mimic western game design philosophy.
At this point they're basically saying if it isn't set in Japan then it's westaboo.
There's a difference between someone that likes fantasy and someone that is obsessed with western culture. Miyazaki likes a specific genre whereas Kojima is obsessed with being as western as possible.
But then Dark Souls doesn't even have Japanese voice acting, while Metal Gear does.
>equip 2kats
>it's ok I guess
>select high stance
>motherfuking Niten Ichi Ryu
>Smoke Bomb
This is hilariously broken.
>on any random twilight map
>agro everything
>smoke bomb
>10 enemies dead
come @ me bro
Nice Bra