How can one country ruin video games so much?
How can one country ruin video games so much?
America ruined everything, not just video games.
Japan makes bad games too.
That's not Germany or Australia.
As ass backwards some of the culture and society are in the US, things could always be worse.
>the country that fucking invented video games
Because we shove our shit games everywhere with graphics and "epic" storytelling and people eat it up just because we are Americans.
wew lad
Not about making bad games, but literally raping the industry to pander every fucking kind of casual baby so they can suck their money
>America runs the console market
>Japan runs the console market
>two decades of excellence with no lack of great eastern games, and western games on PC
>America back to the console market
>things getting progressively worse ever since
Weeb pls.
same reason america ruins everything else
He is absolutely right though you memespouting shit.
Didn't the new Gal Gun game have an $80 piece of DLC that just lets you see through girls' clothing?
Not as much as these cunts.
Dunno but in a land where a woman can be preisdent, fat burger women being the standard for sexy and niggers being allowed to go ape somehow makes me want to vomit
>Japan runs the console market
>heading towards another crash
>only japan and usa make games
>japan doesn't give a fuck about their western consumers
If we didn't have usa, we'd be left with Japan, and guess what, we'd be getting exacly what they're already giving (probably less, since most of what we get would have to come from fan translations without usa). How is that better?
>tfw we hardly have hardcore nerds pouring all of their passion into a fun project that ends up being an amazing vidya anymore
One nuke is not enough
Gas the cucks!
How could they ruin something they invented?
Think about it.
>summer will never be over
Because they buy the most games, it's why most games are set in America. Blame the rest of the world on why they won't buy more games.
Sweden and France(including French Canada) are leaders in the video game industry but I have never played a game set in Sweden and there's like one game set in France and it was buggy and garbage as fuck.
>you will never spend your time by going to european websites just to complain about their countries
Feels good
>you will witness Trump kill all the cucks in your lifetime
Sweden is a mudslime cuck country.
>How can one country ruin video games, arts, entertainment, the environment, social trends, other countries and possibly the Earth so much?
Krauts and Aussie didnt make any games or house any publisher with influences in the industry.
They have wealth despite their stupidity. Basically retards with cash.
Just imagine if the western video games industry and the xbox were removed out of existence and the industry was focused on Japanese games
Holy fuck it wouldve been so good but now we got cinematic games, thousands of $60.00 first person shooter variants, the whole PC clown gathering and indie games. Western games in general have killed this indsutry, they literally already killed it once.
Americans dont respect the art of video games, its a cash cow to them and they will see it die to make a buck.
Sweden and Canada are the leading developer powerhouse
French are full of americaboo/weeboo indie hipster shit.
Because the other countries bend over
We set the standard, bitch, go cry to ur commie mom about it.
$90 and I'm pretty sure it's a thing you can unlock in game.
>Sweden and Canada are the leading developer powerhouse
No sweeding is making SJW battfield 1 owne dby an american company, they are cucks. Frencies are ubisoft, making shit AAA games too.
Naughty Dog, Rockstar and Insomniac are the only good American developers.
look at these butthurt commies ITT
Fuck off, you pathetic weeb. If the industry was Japan-only, the last two console generations practically wouldn't have happened. Mismanagement across the board has fucked the Japanese industry for years, and it's only just now sort of recovering.
Also, see . America is far from the only offender on the Western side of things. I would also add that Canada's perhaps most prolific representative on the development side is Bioware, and they're a fucking cancer.
Ubishit came from France but their biggest games are made by Canadians. Their France studios made 2d sidescrolling artsy fartsy weeb shit and mobile games at best.
that's not canada, the ones that ruin literally everything, from music, tv, movies, and especially video games
bioware is just an EA drone aka an American puppet.
They believe in tipping. Everywhere you go, anything you buy in America, a small amount of it is raised up as a "tip" to the person who's giving you something. This is why they promote dlc, it's basically paid tipping. They enjoy it.
I'm not sure if you've been paying attention in the last couple of years, but Bioware's internal staff is just as terrible as their overlords.
Wrong country faggot.
This guy got it.
Dank maymay, my friend.
OP wasn't really specific with the 'how'.
their internal was replaced by cheap intern courtesy of EA. the black panther poo in loo only came since me3: 4 years after EA bought it.
i´m more mad about americans taking a good horror movie and remaking it into unwatchable boring garbage.
t. seen the 2015 martyrs and poltergeist remake + diabolical
why did you sell us their right then, commie cocks lover?
>how can one country ruin video games
>talks about 2 countries that have ZERO impact on video games
Fuck off you attention whoring moron
I don't blame America for putting loads of money in the industry, what I blame America for is soccer moms and SJWs censoring my games.
>censorship in those countries don't have any impact on gaming
Who's the moron here?
Being an Aussie is suffering.
each countries have their own censoring code, morons.
Australia didn't ruin any video games.
The few times that games have come into conflict with Australia's laws they've just been censored to a minor degree only in this country, ie. Fallout 3 and South Park Stick of Truth
It doesn't even really affect you, if you live in america, what are you on about?
The main problem with the video game industry is its pandering and dlc bullshit. Basically a back and forth by the developer and the consumer on what is gonna move the money.
All those 'art' majors on the reviewing board man, they're too busy with their shit to even review games anymore.
That's the most obvious post in this entire thread. That doesn't change the fact that their strict policies aren't preventing a majority of game from even being released there, censorship or not.
Early Access too. If we're talking specific things in the industry, yes. DLC and EA are the top contributors. Second would be overhyped marketing.
>pandering is the problem
how do you make fifa without putting niggers in?
i didnt sell shit and with that attitude i´d drop the nuke on US if i had the button with me right now
They don't ruin games? Most censorship here turns some games into totally different experiences. Also suggest you read up about the over 200+ games denied ratings because of minor issues that could be ironed out. The Australian Classification Board are just a bunch of lazy fucks who don't want to write up reviews and changes.
>That's the most obvious post in this entire thread. That doesn't change the fact that their strict policies aren't preventing a majority of game from even being released there, censorship or not.
Name a single game that is banned in Australia, go on
Keep in mind we now have a R18 rating, and games that are not store shelf allowed (which is only rape games) are still legally allowed to be imported
Retarded fucking attentionwhore, fuck off.
easy there, Kim. go back to sucking chinese cock and eating charity rice.
>from even being released there, censorship or not.
Store banned =/= censorship
You can legally import any video game into Australia
You can legally import any game into Germany as well, as long as it doesnt have a Nazi flag or Hitlers face in it
if battlefield, cod, mobas, wow, fifa, nba... aka game that matters arent censored then the problem is non existent.
you can buy "banned games" on steam through keysites. it is a plus because they dont censor it to meet the M equivalent.
Game has an RC rating here, do you know what that means?
>Australia censorship meme!
Thats like me saying
>US is still a slavery state!
Yeah, once upon a time, because we didnt have a R18 rating. We also never had/never will have restrictions on imports. I can import or just buy online absolutely any video game I want into Australia and its entirely legal. Educate yourself retarded attention whore.
why you like talking cocks so much are you gay?
i dont get how you´re still posting here when they shot everyone in Orlando´s Pulse
you´re next user. life in US is a death sentence :^)
>I talk about other countries when I have no clue how they work!
Fuck off attention whore
Games that are given an RC rating in Australia are considered banned material. There's only a few places in Australia that will legally let you import them, because the RC rating is given to things that could be considered in lines with material such as child pornography.
>life in us is death
>dont even know how guns really sound
ayy lmao 3rd world nigger.
just take more dick. we tolerate gays because they dont reproduce, unlike your sorry backward poverty welfare ass.
Are you implying I'm not an Aussie? Are you triggered by the tripfag so much you've become retarded. Go on. Move here and import a RC rated game. I'll laugh when you cry to Sup Forums about getting party van'd
>two countries that have no impact on anything
>vs a country that is responsible for; early access, pre order bonuses, day 1 locked content, increased DRM, esports, P2W, global push for increased copywrite laws, kickstarter, movie games and fucking EA
You have absolutely no fucking clue what youre talking about.
I have and continue to, so far iv got 30ish imported games
Wheres that van? Oh look its fucking no where because its not illegal.
Fucking moron attention whore, nice try with the samefag too
>for not wanting WW3
And filtered
>games become censored/don't get ratings to be sold in those countries
>sales effected
>companies begin to change their structure and pander to a wider audience to sell in those countries
>no effect on video games at all
>implying I turn my trip off to deal with idiots on Sup Forums
>America was never in the console market in the 80's or 90's
>Atari and 3DO don't exist
Just because Microsoft was the only one to actually do it right doesn't mean you're right.
>not wanting ww3
they cant do it while we are still here so they decided to ruin europe with commie practice and rapefugees.
Grats, you live in a part of my country that isn't retarded or you're just trying to hard to win an internet argument.
Yeah, you're delusional man.
Yeah, your brightness sure enlightens us.
Do you honestly believe that is comparable to all the shit that other guy listed? If so then you priorities are pretty backwards.
No, I agreed that things like DLC and Early Access (Green light too) are utter shit, also OP never specified 'what' or 'how' anything was ruining video games, so it was up to each poster's discretion.
SJWs cry and bitch about everything so yeah its true.
>implying the blame doesn't lie with those who allow such practices to be profitable
Oh but that would require pointing the finger at more than the scapegoat, as well as some introspection on your own country. Silly me.
Even obscure weebtrash is better than most American games.