Nioh Beta Motherfuckers!

How far are you through the beta?

Have you cleared the winged bitch yet?

Have you finished all the Twilight missions?

Best weapons? Best armour? Best Spirit-bro?

Nioh thread, motherfuckers! GET IN HERE.

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doing caves on twilight, these flaming wheels are some flaming faggots i swear to go, i inch around a corner and then FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFHHHHHHHHHSSSSSSSSS

also twins swords is the shit

I just killed the first boss.
Wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, though it did take me about 4 or 5 tries.
I like using the shark spirit for the enemy placement on minimap and hp regen after killing enemies.

Finding the game pretty tough in parts and it kind of feels like Dark Souls with diablo style loot, but still pretty fun.

>these flaming wheels are some flaming faggots

Those things are fucking awful. I've killed them several times, but I'm still confused as to what it is that instantly stuns them. I think it's hitting one of the faces, but I can't be sure.

They're motherfuckers alright, though. That bitch that lurks around the first corner to the bottom level of the caves is a whore.

Thrust attacks into their faces will deplete huge amounts of their KI. Not sure what mythology significance there is but it's probably something dumb like sticking a stick into a moving wheel.

knocking enemies over ledges is just endlessly amusing.

I love that there is different fall damage depending on whether you jump or get knocked over a ledge, really means you can use ledges tactically.

does anyone know where the green bowl kodama and the black whatever the fuck that thing is that isn't a bowl kodama are in the caves?

I just beat the hino-enma boss. Took me quite a few tries. I'm just glad I found the shrine that's above the ladder.

I don't think it's the best the demo has to offer, but I've been rocking the brawler set ever since I found it. Light weight, but good defense. I've also used almost nothing but katana. I've tried a bunch of the other weapons but the katana seems to be the most balanced.

I've been having mixed feelings about the loot system so far. I can organize items by how good they are, but still, the amount of weapons and armor you can accrue if you're not paying attention is nuts.

Yeah, I do that all the time as well.
It is endlessly entertaining, except when you try to kick someone off and use a finisher at the same time and the game bugs out.

Still best track so far, wish that level was in the demo again

Although I love Souls games, Nioh actually makes you feel pretty cool and badass with the way it plays. Bloodborne was similar in that regard. Anyone else know what I mean?

>That feel when only had time to beat the first stage in the alpha

I feel like I missed out on something amazing

First boss took me more than 10 tries, but later you can get really fucking good equipment which makes the game a lot easier.Double tounge oni took me 2 tries, both battits and honoraburu man went down on my third try. Also fucking sloth talisman is op.

so, what is the blacksmith used for i read the stuff she has to say but it really doesnt make that much sense, can someone sum it up for me?

reforge lets you take a weapon's skills and change them (randomly) and soulforge lets you upgrade weapons using other weapons as material. Also you can buy shit from her but that should be pretty obvious

Reforge lets you get new attributes

Soul match levels up your weapon

I feel incredibly underpowered compared to the enemies in Nioh. Dying to a few hits while they take 10+
Perhaps I need better equipment or something

I don't know how I feel about the game.

it definitely feels like a beta and needs a good bit of polishing.

The UI is really fucking small, I do not notice it during combat and that's actually kind of an issue when there's so much shit on the UI that is at least somewhat important.

The combat feels really cluttered.
KI pulse tells require you to look at shit other than the enemy, which is a big no-no. Combo finishers instantly burn the ki-replenish stamina so KI pulse is basically useless if you use any unlocked move. Combine this with the youma pools or whatever they're called and you have this tedious minigame in the middle of fights.

Blocking is ridiculously OP. It negates all damage except for very rare unblockables and if you aren't absolutely retarded with your blocks, you won't ever get punished for spamming the ever living fuck out of it.

The tracking is really, really bad. For both enemies and players.

The lock-on sucks. Breaking lock-on when you kill an enemy and multiple are around is terrible and while you can switch locked on targets with the right stick, it doesn't work pretty often.

Camera's dogshit, but that's par the course for souls-types.

I really hate the diablo style loot because it makes exploration and drops unimportant because almost everything is RNG and you'll just find a higher level thing that easily outstrips it later.

The enemy variety is really lacking.

twilight bosses being BOSS BUT NOW ALSO AN ADD was really disappointing.

It needs a lot of work, but if they're actually going for a 2016 release date, then it'll be mediocre at best.

Fully clocked it, did everything and helped a ton of people fight Hino-Enma and the Giant Oni.
Awesome game, looking forward to it.
Also Thunder pupper is best guardian.

Yeah, I think so. The character has a certain way of carrying himself, and you can tell he knows what he's doing when he's using a weapon. It's pretty satisfying when you get the drop on a group and take them down before they can react.

One of the two faces takes much much more damage. It's the one with a yellow glowing patch on it's forehead. When the wheel turns to you after charging it always shows the other face, so you have to go around it.

>KI pulse tells require you to look at shit other than the enemy
This is an issue I have also. You can have visual cues from the lighting effect, but it's easy to miss in combat. Aside from that, you have to look at your stamina bar. I usually just stick to using stamina and backing off, souls-like.

Yeah, just keep an eye out for better equipment as you find pick ups. I was sitting on a better weapon for an hour because I didn't notice it was in my inventory.

Also keep in mind if you have something that's slightly below your weapon in attack but has no familiarity, it can probably outclass your current weapon once you use it enough.

>Thunder pupper
Which one's that?


Is the cave the last part of beta? Just did first boss and a sub mission.

Raiken the little dog whos element is lightning.
You get him from beating Tachibana Muneshige since he is Tachibana's guardian and he uses him in the fight.


So what creatures of Japanese mythology can I expect to meet?

Only gotten past the first boss, that's probably why

Better equipment and skill upgrades help, a lot. Just being able to parry makes battles more manageable, then throw some sweet flashy skills in there and boom. You're a sick samurice masta.
I know that the character is based on a real life english samurai, but I wonder if William has already been a part of the culture at the beginning of the game seeing has how he seems to be trained in Japanese techniques.

maybe William was the world's first weeaboo.

>Just being able to parry makes battles more manageable
I can't parry for shit, I need to get the timing down I guess.

>start the beta yesterday, tired as fuck
>get my ass handed to me like a fucking chump

>restart today
>complete ONE mission in 2 hours, exploring everything and dying a couple times.

How many missions does the full game have? Because fuck me, one mission that lasts 2 hours is awesome.

after doing the second mission in the caves go to xir and you can level up good weapons you want to keep and replace shitty abilities with good ones

holy fuck my sides

Same, I just straight up ignore ki pulse unless I'm forced to use it due to tiny ass arena.

The game doesn't really seem designed around using it either for most fights.

You can't trade or beat moves in priority because nearly everything an enemy does has armor, so the game is just bait an attack and either dodge or guard it, punish with a combo (add kicking if it's an oni) back off for a second for stamina because you can't really hit it safely until you whiff punish again.

And that is every single fight in the game.
It is only reactive fighting.

Ki pulse is something that would work well if you were able to be highly aggressive but that isn't the game style.

>spoiling your games by playing fucking betas

fuck you retards

Two main missions, two mini-missions (the encounters), and twilight variants of the main ones. I haven't done the twilight missions as of yet, but from what I can tell they're challenge variants, including tougher enemies.It's where the wheel spirits come from.

When you get past the 2nd boss you get Kuroda's bad ass battle ox as a guardian who is Earth element.
After that you can fight a solo battle against Muneshige who will give you Raiken who uses lightning.
All in all you got 5 elements to use all with their own special passives and dots they cause in living weapon mode.

>Spoiling your life by being beta

I just like the shark right now for the health gain from defeated enemies

>spoil the game I'm going to play by playing it
not how it works, son

Shark is a good element since it also breaks armour on enemies.
Helps with some of the bosses but most people just default to fire fox and like the fire dot you get from it.

how is this game so FUCKING good?

dare I say this will succeed ninja gaiden black as the definitive hack and slash

>Two main missions, two mini-missions (the encounters), and twilight variants of the main ones.
Sure, thats the demo right?
But have they said anything about what the full retail game will have?

Oops, misread your post. I haven't read anything about it's full length yet.

Twilight has harder enemies, more aggressive enemies and the bosses can summon adds to the fight.
In Twilight you can face off against special enemies such as.
Biwa Player, summons demon faces forever until killed.
Demon face skeleton wheel bastard that is also on fire, will cleave your ass and set you on fire.
Purple eye humans, more aggressive and harder to kill than normal humans.
I don't think there are anymore other than ninjas on the side mission.

It's fun. It gives me a different feeling then Souls or Ninja Gaiden, but it's fun to play and visually appealing. Also how long has it been since a good samurai game has been out?

So that's why I had enemies in the minimap and my bro didn't.
What do the other spirits do?

good games arent popular

only shitty streamable meme games get attention. this is one of those games that wont sell well but will be teh best of its generation

GOTY for me so far
fuck xenoverse

Ninja Gaiden 2 already did that.

Who /r1+O/ after every fight

>prostrate for nurikabe in Twilight lower caves because he's boring as shit to fight
>he attacks me

Tell me exactly what I need to hear to kill Hinoenma in one try.

Im against second boss bitch. But i only have changed the katana once, and it was at the fucking begining.

In the same time in the alpha i changed 12? times? One better than the old one.

I know there is something new about weapons but i cant find it. I dont have any fucking sword better than the one i got hours ago.

>good games arent popular
t. hipster

how do you join other peoples games to help them out, not a single person in general, just for helping

Weird. I have way better weapons than I started off with.

The best weapons I've gotten were from revenants. Kill those.

>About to perfect Warrior of the West for the first time
>Go for the sick parry
>Mistime it and take a bit of damage
>He was 1 hit away from death

Dodge backwards from the spin2win kicks. Don't try to get more than 2-3 hits in before backing off.

you need to increase yoru weapon drop rate then and luck

luck decides how good a drop is

why does perfecting him matter?

Honourabable battru user-kun.

This is great

I just want purple 2kat but purple 2kat doesn't want me. I have purple 2kat but it isn't the purple 2kat I want.

I need razor shave leg cutter not wind stab swoosh slicer.

>mfw I discovered you can follow up a katana counter with two fully charged Iaitos and a heavy attack
>mfw Revenants dropping in seconds

My dudes, let me inform you of something great. There are some really small details in this game that are cool as shit. I'll name two:

1. When you hit an enemy off a ledge and they are swinging their arms in panic, I noticed if you continue to attack, you will perform a kick as if to add insult to injury. I do not believe this was my triangle kick.

2. There is a hard parry built into the game. While you can purchase a parry with samurai points, you can perform one from the beginning, but only if your timing is perfect. It won't trigger an animation either, it will just push the enemy back a bit. I've done this twice, by accident, and I really don't think that I just blocked really fast. It felt like a new animation and sound.

>Kill enemy via countering
>Feel both like a true samurai and Weeb

I like to think that's how Williams is feeling as well

Now you realize the indestructible technique utilized by Muneshige. Go forth young teleports behind you unzips katana nothing personnel boku tachi jibun WOOOOO

>How far are you through the beta?
Just need to clear twilight caves.
>Have you cleared the winged bitch yet?
>Have you finished all the Twilight missions?
no (these two questions are redundant since the first one would answer both of them)
>Best weapons? Best armour? Best Spirit-bro?
Spear, Tatenashi, Thunderdoge

How do you build your character properly?
No idea what to do with my stats

Pick a weapon you like.
At the level up menu, see what stats affect which weapon.
Raise those stats.
Also choose Ninjutsu or Onmyo magic.

>always get an elemental 1kat in the first mission
>make a 1kat walkthrough
>none of the 1kat purple holding revenants drop an elemental kat

>How far are you through the beta?
I reached ugly boatman boss. Need to git gud.

>Have you cleared the winged bitch yet?
See previous answer.

>Have you finished all the Twilight missions?

>Best weapons? Best armour? Best Spirit-bro?
No idea. Need more info. In the meantime I will smash everything with a hammer.

I really wanna learn up on the magic build. I've seen some despicably effective shit in Nioh threads involving magic.

>The UI is really fucking small, I do not notice it during combat and that's actually kind of an issue when there's so much shit on the UI that is at least somewhat important.
I wish there was a slightly more noticeable indicator of ki pulse, the little light particles around your waist are good when you're taking it easy one on one with trash mobs but anythin bigger, faster or in larger numbers, you're focusing on the enemies, not William. Maybe if the particles were a little bigger/brighter, or pinkish red (Because its the color that's picked up fastest/easiest by the brain, before anyone asks) Or ideally if it was the weapon itself that did the whole "attract particles" thing, not to mention it would look better too.

Holy shit.

You'll probably want at least 7-8 in every stat for utility.
After that just pick your favorite weapon type(s) and either onmyo or ninjutsu.

This is the first game in months that I was actually able to play for hours straight

Twilight missions unlock after clearing the second boss.
They're much harder versions of the other missions, with enemies being replaced / new enemies spawning.
All those bandits in the first area? More or less replaced by oni and skeletal warriors.

>You'll probably want at least 7-8 in every stat for utility.
What? Really?

I'm gonna do a new run, wear only the Mariner Set and not level up too high this time or not at all.

I went full weeb and used only the 1kat and 2kat. I manage to get the full Youngblood set (the armor William wears in most of the promo stuff) and maxed out the armor and the two weapons (Raikiri and 2kat from Semen Demon) you get from beating both twilight stages to level 37.

I also rolled the shit out of them to get good effects. Got Familiarity Damage boost B and Thunder on 2kat and everything either dies or gets slowed down first then dies.

Is the Spear the easymode of this game? It's damage is tied to health so I imagine it must be. I know how the Axe/Hammer is, watched my brother playthrough with that.

I'm getting curbstomped by ball'n'chain and I want that so badly.
I want Nioh-kun to abuse me more.

Its unbelievable how this game forces you into the zone and makes the player master its systems to be able to go on the offense and not just die like a bitch

that "boss" at the end of "of withered grass and yokai" was amazing

Most of the good armor and weapons require 8 or 9 in stats.

Anything you take past 10 is your main stat/s.

>Thunder dog's description mentions it is super powerful when it pairs up with it's mate
>Woman from the art dropped a little while seems to also have a thunder dog

Sick team ups confirmed?

That would make me erect.
As long as William stays true to his celtic God waifu.

The girl is Muneshige's sister. Chances are you have to beat her to get a technique or modify lightning dog, possibly into a thunder and lightning dog spirit combo.

The Tachibanas are gonna be doing all they can to help out their main man Billy A.

Its good, just weapon physics and combo system don't match. if each attack in a combo attack from a different direction and weapons can bounce off walls and interrupt combos.. well, you see my drift? Either you weapon combo and phase weapons through objects to the sides of you, or you weapon physics and you puppeteer .
But w/e. I'm nitpicking. I do enjoy the game, can't wait to see what scythes as a weapon will be like and maybe some spears with a bit more flare in their design than the ones we have now.

I just dread all those "Hioh is teh soulz" clickbait blogposts that it'll spawn when it comes out. "ten things that make nioh harder". "Why you'll love hating nioh". and then the inevitable thousand and one "X is nioh of its genre" ofshoot posts that will spawn about other games.

I love games, I just sometimes hate the drivel it generates, you know what I mean?

His adopted sister (At least she was IRL, not so sure about her Nioh incarnation) and his wife. The Tachibanas are popular historical figures in Japan even to this day, and are often portrayed in Japanese fiction as being starcrossed lovers.

Keep at it. If worse comes to worse, you can try summoning or grind for more levels. Revenants can drop some good gear as well.
You can do it! It might take a long time, but practice makes perfect.
If you want some more motivation, powerful equipment drops in Twilight missions...

>TFW there won't be a cure for autism in your lifetime.

>Realize my eyes are starting to ache
>Look at clock
>It's two in the morning
>Last time I checked it was 10:30

I'm exhausted, but it's a good kind of exhaustion

Somewhere in the Twilight version.

>not this

Either way they're clearly fucking since they have the mate pair spirits.

you mean his wife
unless he married his sister