Why does this game have such a ridiculously hard learning curve? Surprised I paid $20 for it...

Why does this game have such a ridiculously hard learning curve? Surprised I paid $20 for it, I got Depth on sale and that game is a million times better.

It really doesn't have a hard learning curve unless you are shit at stealth, don't pay attention to the players location or don't go for the objectives.

git gud

I'm talking about being the killer not doing the ez mode survivor shit.

same as above.

If you're shit just play Wraith.

Well no shit, this is just a Twitch meme game. Seriously there is hardly any gameplay to speak of.

>Garbage gamers are half-decent at some random non-competitive, half-assed game and talk huge smack
>Would get their ass whooped in any competitive game
You people crack me up. When you've spent years playing a fighting game and you have to take a shitload of licks from mediocre players to pros before you get anywhere then you can say "git gud".

I kinda wanted to get it. I like the idea of it and when the killer is near, I can feel my own heart beating. But goddamn it is a buggy piece of shit. I can't justify buying this shit when I get hit by a killer who's 30 feet behind me, still in the fucking house I just crawled through the window of. Oh, and I was having generator fixing related crashes as well.

I keep winning against survivors but I think I'm doing it wrong. Every time I play, I hunt down the survivors relentlessly and kill them all fairly quick.

The few times I played as a survivor though and watched some youtube vids of people playing killer, the killer instead spent most of the game stalking and getting close and occasionally causing damage, but otherwise refraining from actually hunting them down all the way or killing them fully.

I'm not sure if this gets more points or something, but they seem to play with a lot of patience and take a much longer time and never really go for a kill till the end to stop escapes.

I should've returned it but I gave it too much of a chance. Now I can't. Oh well, maybe one day I'll "get it" and enjoy the game. Depth is so much better, cheaper and a lot less buggy.
There's not really any good explanations on how to do it "right". There's very basic video tutorials but that's it. No guides unless written by people in the community. Seems another thing required to get good is having certain perks for your killer which requires... fucking leveling. You don't just get your slots and perks right away to give it more "depth". Unless it's cosmetic, that's just shit game design. You think Overwatch, a fighting game, League, etc. would ever limit your move set and require you to play X amount of hours before getting those moves? Oh and then you gotta love the offerings at the start that blink away after 2 seconds so you can't even read them.

I agree if you play survivor
then it's just 80% bars filling up and qte shit, 10% running, and 10% hiding
but playing killer is way more satisfying and engaging, because you're always the center of attention

No one cares about a genre played exclusively by dindus.

How do I drop a survivor I'm carrying when playing the killer?

R. It also lets you drop items as a survivor.

That's why most top players are Asian or White. The 'git gud' guy everybody. God forbid you spend a shitload of time into a game and make money on it right?

calm down man, you shouldn't take an asymmetrical indie game this competitively
for me it's mostly about fun as a killer
just keep at it and you'll wreck these scrubs in no time

Thing is being the killer is a tedious load of horseshit and the fun is sucked out when the majority of the game is you plaing hide and seek. Wait a minute, that's what this game is. It's fucking hide and seek. What a load of fuck

Trapper > Hilbilly > Nurse > BING BONG BANG

Yeah, I just did the free play thing from last weekend. Might get it when it's much cheaper and if people are actually playing it. A year from now? Who knows.

Hillbilly is the most fun and the best unless you get put on a bad map.

I love these FGC types. Every single one of them is autistic and needs to inject their bullshit everywhere they go.

And most of them are Sons of Obama.

I think at it's core I don't like it, because the objective goal doesn't permit you to have fun, rather than just trying to rush to victory.

Because the survivors are trying to escape and the killer is notified when they try, the incentive is to run around and quickly fix up the generators as soon as possible. This isn't fun though, just like doing errands, the real fun comes from the killer.

However because the survivors are trying to escape as soon as possible, it doesn't allow the killer to actually do anything fun or spooky, like fucking with survivors and scaring but not killing them right away. At best he can just try to quickly kill them as fast as he can before they escape, which in turn drives them to escape faster.

There should be some sort of goal instead of just escape which is like, "Search the area to find a special item, before being able to escape." like a talisman or jeweled mask or doll or something. Or like "You can't escape till you perform a ritual.", something appropriate but which also requires some clever action rater than just running around generator hunting. That way it gives the killer time and the chance to mess around with and spook the survivors rather than just going on a rampage as soon as the round starts.

why is autohaven wreckers better than say...coldwind farm for Hilbilly? Less obstacles?

Also how to you get him to turn when charging? I know it's possible.

what's so bad about that? I find it fun, and there are loads of ways to easily track down your victims

You can use your mouse to steer or use the look keys which by default are the arrow keys. Rebind them to Q and E. Input methods stack so you can turn even harder if you use both.

You can easily turn 90 degrees at the start of a charge, letting you charge past the threshold of some obstacle someone just ran around and then turn and hit him.

Also allows you to charge at someone without even having line of sight. Excellent way to hit people working on the generator in the Ironworks.

Look troll, you were the one who originally said to 'git gud'. You were the one saying to put in time and effort into a shitty video game for no real reward. I'm just one-upping your try-hard attitude and letting you know I've put in more effort to things that are much better than this shitty game.
That's actually a great idea but unfortunately that would require competent devs.

You bitched and moaned because someone said git gud in response to someone claiming that a game having a learning curve makes it a bad game. You are autistic and I know that you dindu nuffin.

It's just a baseless comment that doesn't help at all. Of course the objective is to improve, no fucking shit. How DO you improve is the question? What strategies do you employ? Whose the best killer? Etc.

You should send that idea the devs way. It doesn't sound too hard to implement.

>You think [...], League, etc. would ever limit your move set and require you to play X amount of hours before getting those moves?
what the fuck do you think riot points are for? pretty princess points? you pay up or you grind hard, and only if you grind FUCKING hard can you get champs and buffs.
i don't think you could have picked a worse example for content-locked games if you'd said pre-patch tribes ascend. the amount of games and hours needed to get the riot points for the full game is astronomical.

I don't know how to do that, someone else do it for me.

Oh I didn't think League did that. I always hated the game. Sorry I used that as an example I was wrong.

i thought you were joking at first but it was too sincere. it's just an awful, awful system and i don't know why people put themselves through it. it's a bar set at thousands of hours to get all champs, and getting bonuses for each game sets you back more as you pay out to get them. sorry for rude.

I don't get why anybody plays League or MOBAs really. They're very counter-intuitive and really boring.

This, this game does not take much skill and its a stupid game to be a try hard at. Its fun but not competitive.

That's because you're a shit survivor. Stealth is the least effective playstyle, friendo.

>mfw im global on CS GO and a gold nova tells me to git gud

Wraith gets shit on by everything. Hillbilly is the deadliest fair killer; Nurse is broken and doesn't give fuck, if they see you and they're relatively ok at warping, you will not get a chance to escape.

>finished season 1 of Overwatch at rank 65
>Rank 50 players think they know more about the competitive meta or balance

no, I just think survivor is boring, that's it
I don't like that playstyle

>Level 100 in RO2

>Thinking your ranking in a broken MMR means anything
Lol m8

There is no level 100, user.

when your team mates are getting chased and hooked. fuck em. fix the generators and let them die, get your fuckin ass out of there. better them than you

>he doesn't attempt to save/unhook literally everyone

>when your team mates are getting chased and hooked. fuck em.
> fix the generators and let them die


See, here's the thing. You get points from doing certain actions like chasing a survivor or hooking them right? But if you kill everyone in five minutes, you lose out. Point wise, it's way more effective to deliberately let people live so you can farm points off them. This also ties into the game's ranking system where you need to consistently hit X number of points to rank up.

This leads to absolutely ridiculous situations like where the killer will knock someone down and walk away. Eventually they will either get up or their own or a team mate will heal them. And then you hit them down again, just to farm for points. It's not fun for the survivors, it's not fun for the killers and it just makes everyone a giant chore.

Since points directly tie into money as well, you have all the incentive to farm like a bitch. Instead of playing well, you just farm.

Like, imagine if you were playing a MOBA and no one was interesting in destroying towers because you got way more EXP from just killing minions all day even if you lose. If Overwatch was actually about kills instead of pushing the objective. That's Dead By Daylight.

>it's another episode of "the killer and remaining survivors farm bloodpoints off each other at the exit"