Preowned game shop in bongo

>preowned game shop in bongo
>NMS copies can barely fit on their huge shelf space

We get it

it's a boring game

That happens with just about every new game. And how Gamestop preferred economy works. People buy the new game, then trade it in for a pittance. Its essentially the same scheme college book stores run, and people eat it up. It's why developers abd publishers hate Gamestop

Don't worry they hate steam too because Gaben takes like a 30-40% cut


just say cex you fucking mongoloid


>Don't worry they hate steam too because Gaben takes like a 30-40% cut
are you dumb?
why would they hate steam when they get 70% of the money instead of 45% they get from retail

I don't understand why people buy games they won't like. Like really, are people that bad at judging what they will and won't like?

The only game I've ever sold right after beating it is The Last of Us. The only reason I even bought it was because I enjoyed Uncharted 2 & 3 and thought TLOU would compare.

>Data Source: OnLive

What? Why in the fuck is that a source for this graph? OnLive was a game streaming service. They obviously used other sources to get that info and are not the original source.

>The only game I've ever sold right after beating it is The Last of Us

why?, that game has the best multiplayer made in the last decade

>playing a multiplayer game on a console

No, I'm good. All my friends RL friends are on PC because we aren't retarded.

>Don't worry they hate steam too because Gaben takes like a 30-40% cut
Every shop takes like a 30% cut

Well, it's not like you can play it somewhere else

>I don't understand why people buy games they won't like. Like really, are people that bad at judging what they will and won't like?
At this point I'm trying out new genres, cause I'm fed up with some already. It was a great decision, but I'm not sure if I'll like something when I buy it.

At least the sandbox game meme is dead now

i feel like i'm the only sane person in the world

why was there so much hype for minecraft in space?

>Like really, are people that bad at judging what they will and won't like?
Why do you think there are so many people falling for the memes on Sup Forums or Sup Forums? Because people can make up their own opinions and if they like something they fear to be judged on the internet.


Should have never preoder the game


>b-but m-muh open world

That was why.

sony backed marketing in a time where people are eating up unfinished multiplayer (l o l) open world survival games

>£45 for a pre owned game
People actually spend that much on games?