user, what's the absolute worst part of your favorite game?
User, what's the absolute worst part of your favorite game?
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The part where you have to kill yourself a bunch of times to get the Hadoken in Armored Armadillo stage
The slums mission in Jak 2
>want to play KoTOR2
>remember Peragus Station
Why the fuck does Bioware always do this?
Victory Road
Please kill yourself
There's a chase scene in SH2 that always got me. It's not so bad in normal, but if you're on hard you have to get the turns down perfectly, otherwise you'll fail. It's one of THOSE moments.
Coco Park in CTR
>Peragus Station
If you know what to do, it's literally only 20-30 minutes of boring gameplay before it's fun.
"Boy I sure love fighting the flood!"
A sentence never uttered in the entire history of halo.
I kinda like popping the exploding ones. It's satisfying for some reason.
>those missions where you have to use the hover board
i will never undestand that track, all of them are great designed and interesting but coco track looks like an alpha track they did for testing
The whole process of getting the second star in SMRPG. Good fucking lord. Star 5 is a close second. I hate johnny, but much less than I hate yaridovich. Just a god damn chore. both of those weigh down an otherwise marvelous game.
Act 3 without trav/durance 2 WPs
Nightmare of Mensis in Bloodborne
It works and has a cool aesthetic and lore but gameplay wise it doesn't really have anything new or exciting going for it.
>the "go through Vigrid again except everything is on fire" level
>the drawn-out motorcycle level
>the drawn-out shooting level before GOAT Jeanne fight
>that bit with the turret
>pretty much every QTE (easy enough to remember after the first playthrough but they shouldn't exist in the first place)
The core gameplay and style is so good but christ there's a lot of bullshit shoved in.
I actually do..
>HoMM 3
>normal is too easy
>hard is too hard
I second that
I love kojima, especially his early work.
But that pal card was nothing but bullshit padding.
>3 separate laptops for key card entry
>can't warm card up with hands
>card does not become cold when dropped in drainage water
Look, I get it, it's a video game and blah blah but how does kojima write and direct such a good game and then just fall flat on all the schismatics of this one part? I know MGS was always designed to emulate a horrible hollywood B-Movie, but this part. What the fuck.
As much as i like the original Metal Gear i find myself thinking about the whole game as a chore
While sequels improved on it, the characters and setting was ruined.
>Oh god this elevator only goes up
>oh god this elevator only goes down
>which key card opens this door better try them all while being shot at
Yeah I like the original metal gear as well but there's some awful design choices in there. Why couldn't higher level cards open lower level doors? It couldn't be that hard to program an AND/OR into higher level cards could it?
Still a really neat game for the time though.
It only has one save slot.
Some of the missions in TS2 make me want to fucking break the controller in half. Still my favorite game.
Double whamy of Peragus/Telos in kotor 2
For me its having to go back and get the sniper for Meryl
Kojima has a backtracking fetish.
I guess it's because he spends a long time getting each area just right, and the player can blow through them pretty fast, so he adds backtracking to try and force the player to take in all the level design?
Still a shitty way to go about it.
Considering he insisted on realistically melting icecubes in MGS2, I consider Kojima kindof a genius asshole.
Alone: Borning as shit and slightly difficult, not the good kind difficulty. The one where you feel like capcom has forgotten consoles don't run on
quarters. Unavoidable bullshit.
With a friend: Meh ok.
>Learn how to single turn clear missions in Valkyria Chronicles to farm XP.
>Realize it's pretty much mandatory to beat the game.
that wasn't the worst part for me. the metal gear hangar with ladders everywhere and constant harassment from otacon was horrible
worst part of my fave vidya is the community around it. go die in a fire internet.
The thing that makes him interesting is that he's crazy enough to actually try and do the batshit insane stuff he comes up with sometimes.
Like just straight up lying about who you play as in MGS2. Who else can use manipulative marketing to sell a game, and be fucking praised for it?
And then we get a game missing a bunch of content called "the phantom pain"?
He's a master troll.
I hope death stranding has some insane mechanic that drives people insane.
>Shoot the legs from it
Made me drop the controller right there.
The deeps roads in dao
First 4 hours of Jedi Outcast. Then the game becomes fucking amazing.
You think that's bad, try playing Metal Gear 2 on MSX. Same concept, memory alloy key but here's the thing - you literally have to go back to the very first area of the game to change the shape of the key.
Made me kinda appreciate backtracking in MGS1 more.
MGS1 was originally a re-make of MG2, but for some reason kojima decided half way through "ehhh nevermind it's a new story now"
Ah no, say it ain't so, I just got the game.
>Roxas tutorial
>I can't wait to fight Orochi AGAIN
always hated slugging through this part
It's still a really good game.
aren't chalice dungeons entirely optional?
dark souls
the second half of it
... huh, i guess it's half a game and not actually my favorite game
i fucking hated that part and i still cant take roxas seriously, nor ventus
Man kingdom hearts story so good.
>everyone important is reincarnated as sora in some way shape or form. sora is the most important person in the fucking universe for no fucking reason.
I hope KH3 is a reboot with a new story because that shit is fucked.
God damned that shit dragged
I still dread going to Maridia every time I replay Super Metroid.
This part in Dead Space is the reason I put off replaying it.
>Path of Radiance
>Chapter 25: Strange Lands
Clank missions, at least in the PS2 games. They were sorta ok after that.
yeah but you have to go through them if you want good bloodgems and platinum trophy
>Demon's Souls
>all of Stonefang Mines except for Flamelurker
Dead servers and certain unlocks being tied to online play.
You can cheat it all in with Action Replay, but it's a pain.
>lots of people hate it and I agree story is seriously fucked.
>still a really fun sandbox style game
>waiting for helicopter is fucking unforgivable
>sometimes instant, sometimes takes up to 3 fucking minutes.
Did they make the time it takes for him to get to the LZ fucking random just to fuck with us?
This shit gives me PTSD. Why? It's such a goddamn pace killer it's not even funny.
You're absolutely right, user. Why couldn't it be just like Phantasia and pass through it right away?
>lets give bosses two attacks a turn
>party wide attacks
FFIII was such a bad game.
those border patrol missions in gta v. then you later have to help one of the captured spics kill border patrol because he says so and trevor feels sorry and you dont even get a reward for it
I had so many problems with this when I was younger.
werent those optional?
It was a great game , but the salamander just requires too specific of a setup to not be pure luck as to if you live or die
You might as well write "all of disc 2"
>Latheon Gorge
>Escape from Derris Kharlan
>Tower of Salvation
>probably a bunch of others I'm missing
We have a powerful angle, a summoner in possession of most of the powerful spirits, and the fucking messiah WHO CAN FLY and just grab the fucking fruit, but an evil looking fish is too much to handle so we'll have to do a long drawn out puzzle sequence which you'll have to redo all over again if you fail it.
Crash 3
The plane levels, even worse if it's on time attack mode
Boy, I sure could use some Meat!
-t. Weedmon
pic related
Fuck this entire area.
>mental breakdown
fuck i got a ptsd attack from this, it was the last 'mon that i needed in the city and for the love of good those weedmon and penguinmon were the bane of my existence
my gf got it right the first fucking time i couldnt believe it
>tfw got the achievement
never again
back in the day you had to work for your fun
yes. i was hoping a border patrol mini game like the hunting one but it was all just a set up for some gay political satire
Possibly. I genuinely don't remember much at that point, which might be a self-defense mechanism.
The mission in San Andreas that requires you to have a minimum breathe stat so you have to go and grind pearls for an hour before you can start it.
One of many reasons I will always consider the NES FF3 superior to the modern version.
The aiming is just not accurate enough on PS2 to complete these without frustration, on GC it was alright but still hard as fuck
DQ7 in its entirety. So much fucking backtracking.
why is tyrion lannister in the cover?
Aint that one of the longest story modes in gaming
Farming armour on all the EDF games
Just utterly pointless and annoying, but totally required for the later Inferno levels on each game. I do it every time because Inferno is fun as fuck
>Didnt include the Owl Robots in the arc as you'd just fought them recently
>Put Orochi in there anyway despite having already done 2 identical fights prior, one being in the zone just before the Owl Robots
Favourite game, but that was a pain
>want to replay the game
>remember that part
>and that one
>oh, and that shit too
So what's the game that's basically a one big "that part" for you?
If you really can't hack it, there is a mod that skips it. You'd be an absolute pleb if you did though.
Don't you hate as well how cheats used to be everywhere in some games, but when the servers are closed nobody ever released their cheats even though it didn't matter any more?
Very frustrating considering its an easier option than AR to unlock online play rewards