You can only live with one genre for the rest of your life

You can only live with one genre for the rest of your life.


Strategy dood

Xcom is tactics


RPG sounds best I think.

As a second choice I pick Adventure.

>a genre

fantasy encompasses many of the other genres

>Shooter and Western are different """"genres""""
>you can't RP in Sci-Fi settings
>there can't be any comedy in literally any game
kill yourself my man

>some of these girls aren't even virgins

da fuck

what game would i find in the western genre
like RDR and wild arms?

Some of those genres define gameplay and some are actually settings.

Like, If I pick RPG, then I don't pick Fantasy because that's a separate genre in your pic, but dose that mean none of the RPGs I get can be Fantasy RPGs?

>mixing mechanical genres with thematic genres
You fucked up

Reminder to import hot girls from Siberia and if they don't meet your expectations you can deport them back to the frozen hell hole where nobody will pick her up again due to being used goods and her mother will consider her a life failure

I have a feeling this isnt for videogames

i already do


Open World Adventure Action RPG, really loved Fallout 4

some the boys aren't either

>some of these girls are so young they're probably still virgins

>Action shooter
What? A sci-fi could be a shooter or something else. This doesn't make sense.

Sci fi
next dumb question

>v goes to a party

With that hoody I'm fairly certain thats the /fa/ kid who lurks b sometimes.

RPG because everything can be an RPG, with it you have shooters (i.e. Fallout 4), choice and dialogue based games (idk Fallout New Vegas I guess) and those shitty text based games covered


That's some bizarre list of genres. Some go by mechanics (shooter, simulation), some by setting (fantasy, historical) and some by style (comedy, thriller). And many of them don't make sense in general (for example, I would probably recognize biographical game if I saw one, but they're not really a thing, while "war" could imply wargaming the genre, or games where war is the setting in general) and it omits numerous major genres (from puzzle games to tactics) such that they can't be included in any of the listed genres even with good faith.

My very own biography as god of this universe.


Just fucking kill yourself OP



I choose


And where do you see that on his list he provided?

Also no, it is a turn based strategy:

>a plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim

Since he didn't specify on what kind of strategy, I can play Total War, Civ, or XCOM

Grand strategy is something like Crusader Kings

You are an hero

>And where do you see that on his list he provided?

Also no, it is a turn based strategy:

>a plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim

Since he didn't specify on what kind of strategy, I can play Total War, Civ, or XCOM

Grand strategy is something like Crusader Kings


what did he do?


Words can sometimes have different meanings when used by laymen and people more involved with the subject and you'd expect strategy/tactics games enthusiasts to want to differentiate games and elements within those games more precisely. For some bizarre reason the established more precise definitions haven't caught on among people playing slightly more mainstream strategy/tactics games even though the distinction is equally necessary (and indeed, out of necessity they come up with distinctions like micro/macro, to mean things that pretty much are tactics/strategy respectively) but in communities like wargamers (and real-world militaries) the distinction is absolute, and the same goes to games like Chess and Go where strategy and tactics are viewed as clearly separate entities.

You can look at it from real-world military perspective where you have tactical < operational < strategical < (grand strategical, used in some militaries) levels of operation, or you can look at it from more abstract sense in which case you have general long-term planning (strategy) and methods used in achieving specific goals (tactics). Doesn't matter which definition you use, X-Com would be exclusively tactical. Hell, while dictionaries might not list specialist definitions, the one you linked acknowledges the more macro scale of strategy: with good faith you can rationalize flanking an opponent as "major" or "overall" aim or immediate decision of making a single move now while your moves in the long-term will change depending on the situation as a "policy", but the choice of words suddenly start making more sense if you assume there's two levels of operation and that the scale of strategical decisions is beyond the scope of X-Com.


what the fuck

>no fighting games
Do they fall under Action, or are they just not included?
If they aren't included, RPG.

die in your sleep

Listen here you autistic shit, I'm telling you that XCOM is considered in turn-based strategy. Strategy is a common genre. Strategy is also a genre mentioned by this thread.

I don't even know why I have to explain this shit to you. It's why someone can qualify a first person shooter as "horror FPS" or "RPG FPS". Don't be dense.


When used in manner that is useful in this context, strategy and tactics are separate and distinct entities with no overlap. In military context tactics are command of forces engaged in battle. Strategy is selecting long-term objectives that would ultimately win the war (while operational level of war connects them together, deploying forces to fight for those objectives, concerning itself with stuff like logistics, and grand strategy, if you were to make the distinction, would be long-term planning beyond the scope of military matters, like diplomacy). These words have been used in this way since forever (and they appear in exactly this use if you read NATO Glossary of Terms and Definitons or other modern publications)

Or consider Chess: In Chess tactics are things like pins, forks, skewers, capturing techniques and such like. Chess strategy concerns itself with things like pawn structure and king safety, details that are beyond any human's ability to calculate: you deal with general and intangible details that only affect your long-term plans. Either way the distinction is clear and same as military tactics/strategy, they are separated by scale and immediate tangibility of decisions.

Consider this from this perspective: It's clear that some video games include both large and small scale components (think of Total War where it's 100% clear) and let's say we use "strategy" to describe "all games where you command military forces" (an approach that suffices for someone who doesn't play these games and is equally uninterested in commanding nations, regiments and squads). Now, in what word do you describe the large-scale component in these games (like the turn-based portion of Total War)? There's no word for it! So perhaps you should start using "strategy" and "tactics" the way they have been used elsewhere, including other games, for hundreds of years because it's a necessary distinction.

biographical video games

this chart makes zero sense and I hate it.

These aren't even gaming genres, just themes.

Might as well go RPG. I already RP as a dude with chronic depression irl

>>Shooter and Western are different """"genres""""
There's Western turn based strategy, Western platformers and other shit, Western isn't a genre, MOST of these aren't genres, at least not for video games.

I legit thought this was a movie genre list because 80% of the shit on there aren't gaming genres at all.

Mixing film genres with video game genres is dumb. Sci-Fi and War especially make no fucking sense as video game genres since in Sci-Fi, you can have games that are completely removed from each other; you can have a sci-fi point/click adventure, or space sim, or FPS, or even a fucking kart racer if you wanted to make one. Hell, Meteos is a sci-fi game and that's a Bejeweled clone.

What you said applies to way more than just sci-fi and war.

The image is feces.

>get my favourite type of game
>can have nearly all the things in that image too because this image is retarded
>modded to death
Despite the image being shit, this is objectively the best choice. Anything that isn't 100% realistic could be defined as having some element of "roleplay".


I've always wondered the context of this image. What did he do? It can't be the guy fawkes mask, kids his age wear troll shirts and forever alone ones.

RPG because it's a very broad genre