How do we fix the Sonic franchise?

How do we fix the Sonic franchise?

Other urls found in this thread:

cancel it

turn the series into eroge

Make Vector the main character.

It's simple.
We kill the Mario.

We're working on it, mate.

> Keep the 3D games in the "Generations" style
> Christian Whitehead for 2D games

No more 2D stages in 3D games. Keep the 2D games separate, from 3D ones. Release 1 2D classic game a year, and 1 3D game every year. The 2D games will be like mania. The 3D games will be like unleashed and adventure, they will have hubworlds, chao gardens, and 6 playable characters.

Anyone have that image where Sonic gets shot through the face with an arrow?

Blue arms

The Adventure series was trash though, lets be honest

Ringadingding baby, we have our winning answer.

christian whitehead AND headcannon tho

Yeah, I forgot about those guys. Mania was the first time I'd heard of them though

Convince them that Sonic was never good.

>People still make "fix Sonic" threads
Are you people not up to date? Sonic Mania is singlehandedly repairing the franchises reputation and gameplay. All we need is a game like that every 2 years and a game like Colors or Generations every 2/3.

They could probably stand to cut down on the 2.5D sections of the 3D games though. Now that we've got Sonic Mania I feel like they should just keep the 3D as it's own thing and the 2D as its own thing, the 3D games don't need to keep trying to be something they're not.

Now its outdated, so yes, but the platforming, storytelling, and gimmicks were better than this new shit by a long shot.

The only two that came moderately close were colors and unleashed. But they fucked those up by making the levels 2.5D and having sonic as the only playable character.

They should have added tails and given him a flying stamina meter instead of a boost meter, and given him his tail spin attack from adventure 1.

They should have added knuckles with gliding, and digging for extra rings, along with punch attacks for enemies.

The rest of the characters should be optional, like shadow, rouge, and amy should only be selectable characters in level select after you have beaten the stage.

Human on Sonic girl romance

Make the 3d sonic games play only like the sonic stages in Adventure 2

Stop trying to give a serious meaningful plot to a such a light hearted simple concept.

It just comes across as ridiculous to anyone whose not an anti social otherkin spastic.

Kill Sonic

>I literally haven't played a Sonic game in 8+ years

Hardcore Tails H-game. Choose your fetish/fetishes and live it out in VR with the supplied Tails Onahole (comes with pussy and boypussy inserts.)

It was outdated even in back in '99
The voice acting is terrible
> "Watch out! You're gonna crash...AHHH!"
The less said about Big and E-102 the better

Colors was the perfect example of what a 3D Sonic game should be. Just Sonic and speed (In the 3D sections). The writing and VA was genuinely good too.

Shadow and Rouge can just go. They add nothing to the series at all. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy (Since CD was good) is all the series needs. Not a "Sonic and his army of stupid side characters" game

> Run to end of the stage. Beat Eggman. Rescue animals

Literally all it needs to be

>Sonic colors writing

Go and look up all of Eggmans little PA system announcements. The little 4th wall breaks were decent too

>The less said about Big and E-102 the better
You best not be talking about plot-wise because E-102 is probably the only time in the history of Sonic where they've done a pretty decent little story without coming across as too edgy and having ancient demons from outer space n shit.

>The writing and VA was genuinely good too
The VAs from Colors onwards are pretty good but don't act like the writing isn't cringy as fuck. I'd take edgy Adventureshit any day of the week over Baldy McNosehair jokes and Sonic always trying to make sarcastic quips that aren't even half as witty as some of his lines in the 90s cartoons

Take sonic unleashed as a base. And make another act out of the same area, maybe a little shorter than act 1. Thats literally all it takes

I was talking about the gameplay side of E-102.
I kinda liked his story bit but just hated the "hold A to win" gameplay


You say that like it doesn't prove how damaged the franchise is

make a super sonic 2, 3 and 4 like dragon ball

>Making more acts out of the assets they have
Literally this. If Sonic Unleashed was almost exactly the same game but all of the werehog levels were replaced in the base game (aka on-disc) with the day stages and high-difficulty stages they introduced in DLC, I'm fairly certain it'd be widely regarded as the pinnacle of 3D Sonic.

How can 2 compleetly diffrent people be so incredibly fucking wrong?

I never said the franchise wasn't damaged, I'm just saying that stuff like "the plot is too serious" and "too many characters" or even "too glitchy" haven't applied since pre-2008 (Boom aside I guess). Sonic still barely averages 6-7's out of 10 these days but for entirely different reasons to last generation and the one before that.

I dont know. I think unleashed is as good as it is because of the werehog. It wouldn't be the game i love without it and it heavily ties into the games theme of day and night offering different things. But a bulkier act 2 day thats a little shorter than act 1 should have been added. I liked most of the bonus acts though and they were fun to find, and tons of dlc acts for both sonics was great.

Kill 90% of the fans

To each their own. I'm not going to go into detail about my own opinion of the Werehog levels but in the eyes of reviewers and the average gamer, the game WOULD have been much better received without the Werehog.

Yeah well thats fine. I liked how the day levels actually let you go fast and feel like an unstoppable bullet while the night focused on more traditional level designs with 3D platformer, combat systems, and collectibles. Both halves were made well and completed i feel, outside of some cut sections for a few levels to reduce length.

I think the problem mostly stems from how your time is spread out, too. Werehog itself isn't inherently bad by itself (although the fight music is shit and sometimes the camera is unhelpful in platforming sections), the problem comes from the fact that, if you take hub areas out of the equation, you'll typically spend more time in werehog levels than daytime levels just because of how they're spread out and how quickly you can blast through the speed stages. If there were more day stages and slightly shorter night stages, to make it about a two-thirds time split (two-thirds day one-third night), that'd be a much better game in my opinion.