What game is dead and you finally let go?
What game is dead and you finally let go?
probably paper mario
Final Fantasy
its not dead yet, there`s still dlc to come out
there is still SOME hope, but considering its current state, for me it's dead until a new main game is announced
well, not this one is 99% gone for good
has been dead for what? more then a decade?
Harvest Moon
looks like the plug might get pulled on Final Fantasy this year too.
Jack and Daxter
Crash Bandicoot
Banko and Kazooie
World of Warcraft
I'm talking about any series you once loved and after so long without a game or just good game you finally let go. Doesn't have to be those three games.
Story of Seasons is made by the real Harvest Moon team and is actually pretty good. Harvest Moon as a title is just made as a cash grab.
Why does Nintendo neglect Metroid? I understand in the past they haven't sold well, fuck knows why, but surely they could assign a small, talent and savvy team to create a new 2D digital download Metroid? It's ridiculous that there hasn't been a proper Metroid Metroidvania game in 12 years and that was a remake.
well, then I'd say metroid, but there should be an actual game on sale that I don't want to buy to say that I let it go
I honestly don't know what's going on at Nintendo, they are letting it rot for no reason at all. Even taking down AM2R was pants on head retard, that would have been 100% free advertisement.
i know about Story of Seasons being the 'real' series now. i guess i should have said Harvest Moon/Bokujou Monogatari. it might not be dead for everyone but i haven't enjoyed any of the games in years but i kept buying them anyway.
The main line Metroid has always been in the hands of Sakamoto. Ever since Metroid 1 on the NES. After the backlash of Other M (and a bit of people not really enjoying Fusion) Sakamoto most likely just doesn't care enough to keep it going. As for Prime I feel Nintendo wants Retro to handle something new. And with so many people loving Tropical Freeze I can't really blame them.
Street Fighter 5
Capcom fightan games in general
Silent Fucking Hill
Shattered Galaxy
not only dead, but completely forgotten by everyone
At this point I'd be ok if they moved the franchise for good on portable consolles, like pokemon (or the last good Castlevania games) and make them 2D (or some gimmicky 3D that plays 2D shit), they'd be less expensive to make and dare I say easier considering the formula is there and there shouldn't be another gameplay reboot.
Metal Gear
Tales of
Command & Conquer
Angry birds
The problem is what Sakamoto wants with Metroid isn't want fans seem to want. Which is a much greater focus on story. Try to fit a backstory for Samus with people she once knew. And because of how Nintendo is they will never hand the series to a different person.
Tropical Freeze was fantastic. Retro are great, tell me they couldn't develop a great 2D Metroid game with a relatively small staff and investment.
>There will NEVER EVER be a new game to this series
>even if they do make one, they'll probably fuck it all up
Why would he want story in Metroid? Has he gone senile? Does he think the original Metroid games worked so well due to the fucking story?
Metal Arms.
>tfw trilogy NEVER
In all honesty he can keep writing whatever fan fiction tier for samus as he please, what we really need is good gameplay. I somewhat enjoyed Other M but oh boy, it was a all over the place.
>RE4 camera sections with literally zero things to do but walking just because
>clunky movement because of the great decision of not using the nunchuck just to be retro
>said decision made switching from third to first person a nightmare (and the only reason I had to try more than once the metroid queen)
just fucking make another 2D metroid and slap all the sitty story you want on it
if a single autistic could pull that off on his own (in 9 years) then fucking nintendo can too
As I said Nintendo most likely want Retro to do other games. Hell most likely the reason they didn't do Federation Force is because they are working on something else.
Don't know but that seem to be what Sakamoto wants since the last two mainline games were story heavy. Guessing he just didn't want to keep making the same type of game and felt it would spice things up.
>dead before at least 2 CPT
You fucking wish fucking GGfag, your game is trash and will only be played by 5 faggots
I was gonna post this
fuck it hurts so much
Oh and Castlevania
Is there any game series that had a good run and then ended?
Shit taste
>tfw ZoE 3 never
I will never let go
I still replay jack and daxter, maybe is shit but i like it bc it remembers me a lot of my childhood
Command and Conquer.
Silent Hunter.
Quake Champion
You need shit taste to still be playing it? Yeah you're right.
>Fourth game ends on cliffhanger
>Sanzaru has no plans on working in the series any time soon
>Suckerpunch too busy sucking Infamous off
Almost giving up on the idea of Sly 5 in this lifetime
I didn't even know that was a thing until you said it then.
Battle network and Star force
And how do you feel about that?
Ace Attorney
I can say without restraint now Capcom is 100% trash. That was all that was holding me back. Fuck them.
Saints Row
I just want a game that returns to the series's roots rather than all the lolwacky shit they've turned it into.
>4th game ends with them getting a fucking time machine, leads to nothing
>5th game ends with Gat getting a chance to reboot the entire series, leads to nothing
They could've done it twice but what do we get instead? A lolwacky spinoff.
Don't feel anything either way honestly. Maybe when it comes out I'll feel strongly one way or the other.
Wouldn't mind arena shooters to make a comeback desu. UT2K4 is one of my all time favourite games.
Splinter Cell
Mega Man.
I should have let go a long long long time ago.
It's pretty surreal remembering the hype for Legends 3.
The Elder Scrolls.
Oblivion was mildly entertaining after Morrowind. But Skyrim and Bethesda's catering to their new fanbase of 12 year olds has erased any depth the games and their lore had for superficial stories and streamlined gameplay.
At least I can still play Morrowind, so I don't really care.
Nintendo in all their wisdom decided the world of Mario is only big enough to house one RPG with unique characters, turn based battles and story.
I literally would've bought a wii u if they stuck to the same style pre super paper mario
So did you give up on B&K when Nuts N Bolts released or after the developers had to make another damn studio just to give the concept another go?
Tomb Raider
The only one that isn't dead is ace combat.
>buying a console for a one game
Even if they made a dream game of yours, you would still regret for throwing money in the trash.
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater...
y mane? come back 2 me bby...
Fallout 4
God of War
MGS series
After seeing what they did with dungeon keeper i'd rather them just let the IP rot away and do nothing with it
Custom Robo
Front Mission
Jet Moto
Breath of Fire
Jagged Alliance
Fuck, that's a lot dead games I loved.
>Front Mission
Sim City
Test Drive
Midnight Club
Jak and Daxter
Rip in peace Maxis
Rip in peace Midway
Rip in peace not-Acclaim
I don't know where the fuck you are Criterion but I hope purgatory is at least comfortable
Fuck you square in the shithole Naughty Dog
At least jap vidya is still decent.
And muh Dungeon Siege
Is there any other Jagged Alliance games worth playing other than JA2?
Back In Action was shit but that goddamn bullet trajectory system got me going. Mods slightly fixed it but it just isn't the same.
Shit I forgot to add SWAT series on the list.
Silent hill
Metal gear solid
Resident evil
I accepted mgs being done when 4 was out which is probably why I wasn't disappointed by 5 that much
My compadre, the SWAT games are awesome
Advance wars
Intelligent systems is stuck making shitty nobility dating simulators now
Golden Sun. And it's a shame because it had such great potential.
Command and Conquer
Legacy of Kain
>Recently finished DDeus Ex
>Credits roll include staff photos
>Some of them wearing a Thief T-shirts and jumpers while smiling
How can people be proud of that turd?
Sly 4 was a mistake, Bentley had absolutely NO reason to build a time machine
>That stupid ass ending
>They literally interview people on the streets of LA about their opinion of Kane
That picture hurts deep
Megaman was my fucking childhood, especially the X series
>Final interview is Joe Kucan's brother
EA can fuck off
>NO reason to build a time machine
user, everybody's got a reason to build a time machine.
Deus Ex
They'll more than likely make another 2D Metroid before giving up on the franchise. And that game will likely be good, do decent, and things will likely be fine.
MGS as a series is pretty fucked. I could see them try making some non-Solid Metal Gear games in some new Metal Gear [insert new word here] line. But Kojima is gone and it will likely be and feel like something else entirely even on the off chance that it would still end up being good. So for all intents and purposes it's almost definitely dead.
Spyro? If someone was to actually invest enough in it, it could happen. But I am not holding my hopes up at all. The last time they tried to reinvigorate Spyro they tried lots of good stuff that just ultimately couldn't compare and meshed together sort of poorly in the end. There is no telling if they would ever return to form even if they were invest anew. If they would try picking up where they last tried instead and attempt making it actually work this time. Or if they would once again try something completely new. My confidence in either case isn't particularly high, and that's assuming it happens at all.
So yeah. Metroid is just about the only one of the three I actually have confidence in.
>le megamon is dead meme
You got hundreds of games to enjoy. There is a big difference between dead and just being a horrible series
Small list.
Splinter Cell
Armored Core
Silent Hill
Resident Evil (there is still hope for 7)
There is literally no series that still captivates me.
There are games that I still enjoy, they are new IPs for the most part.
Those designs are disgusting. Good riddance.
Wild Arms
Breath of Fire
Dark Stalkers
Virtua Fighter
Ninja Gaiden
With Skyrim Remastered coming out i doubt even the modders are going to bother with FO4 and going to be focusing on modding the better game instead
Anything valve related
dark souls
anything dead rising
anything dead island and zombie related as a genre
anything bethesda
anything indie (miss my faster than lights and project zomboid days, tho and minecraft, stl regulary listening to the music)
anything rockstar (especiallly manhunt)
and many many more
Stop reminding me of this. Fuck you.
MechWarrior franchise.
Just a reminder that this is how Mega Man canonically ended
Guild Wars
Fuck you and fuck your shitty anniversary, Arenanet.