Post your favorite card video game

Post your favorite card video game.

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What cards you got from this?

The 3 magnet warriors.


What is this?



Isn't this supposed to get ported to pc?


Cockatrice? I guess


Best post on the thread

What fucking retard draws this anime? Even ignoring the hair, wtf.


They do nothing more than moving cards around so their arms and hands are massive.

Lost Kingdom

I liked Digimon Digital Card Battle, although I never finished it.

Too bad it died out too fast because of the developer's lack of foresight.

You already posted it.

However this was pretty fucking neat and I got it for a buck on psn a long time ago. It feels more like a puzzle game. Has some pretty interesting mechanics, definitely not typical.

It's Re:CoM


magic's my favorite card game but I don't think it's ever had a good video game

probably the best card vidya game i've ever played was pokemon on gameboy.

Another one I liked. The grid placement, deck master, and element system were pretty neat. It's p2w though, and I quit when the reboot happened.

Don't know why Tagforce 2 in particular, spent a lot of time on it. Don't even really care for GX all that much.

I remember a trippy journey through some weird vortex/space thing when playing that

>All different kinds of cards rapidly flashing to the rhythm of the guitar
>Cool-ass music as the board is being shown off
>That montage of monsters attacking

No YGO game has made an intro that's even half as hype as this shit

his arm isnt that long take a look hes holding a handful just above the logo

The soundtrack of this game was extremely well done in general.
Shit felt classier than Chess although you were moving retarded monsters around.

This game fucking rocked when I was younger.