What's more important, gameplay or story?

What's more important, gameplay or story?

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sexy dogs

holy shit, done in one

>what's more important in a game
>game or not game


I want to ____ isabelle

Gameplay is core but the story can give gameplay extra weight and artificial meaning if it isn't ass



Why are people on this board obsessed with having this meaningless argument? Obviously it depends on the game - some are going to mechanics focused, others narrative focused

shut up and post dogs

Well, you can't make a game with NO gameplay (that would be a movie)
You can certainly make a game with no story

Note that a game with NO story, of any kind, is a tech demo
Any character models, level details, item descriptions or anything else even implicitly informing context to the game is technically "story"

So a game with none of that is a mechanics test in the most basic of it's engine's default assets (which are usually untextured and have no associated artwork)


I guess what I'm trying to say is that you can't make a game with no story (or at least it would be pretty tough)
If you try to make a game with NO context the player will still add context to anything they can

For instance, you make a tech demo of some swinging mechanic and you use an textured human model to swing around
The player will project themselves onto that model because it's familiar

Even if the game was first person and there was nothing but a really basic level a person try to add some sort of context to their current situation, be it through the level, the person they think they are playing as or why the person they are playing as has this mechanic you're testing

All of that is not "explicit story", which is easy to exclude from a game, it was all "implicit story", or story subtly told and assumed as the player played

I don't even know what I'm on about though, none of this matters


I never liked those kind
They take too long to clean and you need to be hard to start using them

This really isn't the place for this but you can get pic related for $10 and a condom for a better time
You just put the condom on the open back-end of pic related to get suction when you use it and remove the condom to clean it easier
The only issue I had with it was the condom can degrade against the polymer, so maybe buy some back up ones


It's shit

keep posting

This is now an Isabelle thread

A game can be carried by either

Better than that memester posting his stubby in every thread. Isabelle is cute.

dont be meen to skinny bitches

both are equally important for different reasons

Have this then.

Big tits and females who are not wearing many clothes

But we must be mean to skinny bitches because we're already bullying phat ass bitches with our dicks.

Equality, user.

Remove the pictures in a book, and it's still a story.
Remove the words in a book, and it's not.

In video games, gameplay 1st.
Rule is dependant on the genre.
Single player has to either have super epic story with weak gameplay, or super epic gameplay with passable story.
For Multiplayer - it has to have good gameplay. Story is just a mild bonus there.



It used to be gameplay, but after The Last of Us and Witcher 3 have won GOTY, story is now more important.

Needing an explanation for this. Please leave the internet.

Gameplay > music > story > graphics

How does this relate to video games?

Sup Forumsfag leave.
Music is not as important and sound design.
Your order is literal hipster shit.

Depends on the game, for some instances the gameplay is more important than the story, like in the Souls games. Other instances, the story is more important like in Nier. And for some very rare games, the experience itself is more important than either like in Drakengard.




A really really good story can make up for average gameplay. Like, as long as the gameplay meets a certain minimum standard then a good story can turn a mediocre game into one at least worth playing.


Depends what I am in the mood for. This is why I play more than one game.


I'd say gameplay

If I wanted a story I'd read a book or watch a movie. That's not to say games should have little to no story or its okay to have a shit story I just don't enjoy games where the story is the main focus. I'm not a fan of having to sit through cinematics every 20mins of gameplay and it usually is a deal breaker for me.



Thats just me cause I play old ass beat em ups.

gameplay first then story. books can forfill story.

It depends on the game. Some are better for the story and some are better for the gameplay.

He's right though, games like Jet Set Radio wouldn't have been the same or as memorable without it's unique soundtrack.

The first Mario and Sonic games are remembered partly for the music and sound design. Hell, even shitty games like Sonic 06 and Unleashed have songs that you can go back to and say, "hey, that was alright."


Obviously gameplay in a fucking video game you dolt.

>Note that a game with NO story, of any kind, is a tech demo
what are tetris and pong?

Yeah but a game with a good story and bad gameplay is a deal breaker but not vice versa

Gameplay is always more important than story.

Gameplay obviously. I play a game for the gameplay. If I want a story, I'll watch a movie or read a book.


It's all about context.
If the game is story centric, the gameplay has to be, at most, responsive, varied, and at least have a role in the game's story rather than a distraction, otherwise what's the point of a game with a heavy story where the only way to progress the story is to play an unrelated game of rock, paper, scissors. Yeah sure it's the most responsive game of rock, paper, scissors ever made, but it has no affiliation with the gane waht so ever, might as well made a novel or movie.
A game can have no story as well, as it is never a requirement. You can use them as a means for entertaining a group of people, competition for who can get a fast time/high score, or even making your own stories of your adventures in a game's world.
Video games are an expressive medium where the whole point is interaction, use it to the fullest extent.
