Come sit, STALKER! Tell us about your day in the zone!
STALKER thread
Come sit, STALKER! Tell us about your day in the zone!
STALKER thread
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I couldn't get into the game, what was the end game even? Where do I even need to know it's so confusing
someone post the guide before this thread dies
How is that confusing ? You get your first missions from Wolf and Sidorovich, they get marked on your PDA, you loot stashes and at dawn wait near campfire for the night. You progress to the NPP core, developing Lore & story along the way, get two small plot twist in the process, and you're a Stalker.
Got you bro
>He waits at the campfire when it's night time.
Pussy ass nigga.
Began the game again yesterday. Vanilla except for Absolute Nature, Absolute Structure and the lesser headbobbing tweak from the ZRP.
That was a good evening.
Have another for good luck
Nah, it's super comfy atmosphere and bring a touch a roleplay. Night isn't really special in Stalker. It's darker but don't bring anything else really. In Vanilla in doesn't even help that much for stealthy approach, and it doesn't make anything more tense. The only remotely scary mutant are invisible anyway.
Modding seems to have stalled, there's not really been anything I've wanted to try. It's either kitchen sink soup shit or autistic gun porn with the same ezmode vanilla gameplay.
>playing AMK: Autumn Edition
>battle my way to the X-18
>poltergeists, flying stuff, a few snorks as usual
>suddenly a burer ambushes me, I panic and start running up the stairs
>finally turn back and see if I'd lost it
>fucker's right behind me, crap in pants and unload Saiga-12 into midget's face
Such is life in the Zone.
>what was the end game even?
You discover you're Strelock, end up to the Monolith, you have some bullshit endings here but really, you don't want to make a wish, and you actually can progress further, you discover C-Counciousness project (basically a project aiming to control the noosphere, which is boldy put a collective sub-counscious network around the world that can influence human mind) and can either join it or destroy it.
>master difficulty Misery CoP
>going outside at night
you can just drop grenades at your feet if you want to commit honarabu seppuku
>mfw the first time I've played the game I had no idea how to pass Red Forest
Remind me how to get around that place's radiation.
Is getting ALL OF THE radiation reducers enough?
>spoilering a game this old
make sure to spoiler
"it was his sled"
Am I the only person that thinks these games aren't as hardcore as players make them out to be? They tend to drown you in loot, especially CoP.
Feels like the average stalker player goes and grabs all the unique loot from the start of the game, making things trivial to beat while relentlessly talking shit to new players that haven't learned to shoot heads consistently yet.
There's literally everytime, every stalker thread, people that ask how to start because they want to go for a first playthrough.
Ecologist Suit, nigga.
i hate how they made the SEVA suit suck balls in CoP, yet make you forced to use it for THAT section, and the eco suit isn't useable by the player and only the chopper pilot gets 1.
Finally got my duty bulat and sphere helmet for ultimate ukrainian specops stelkeran.
an-94'd the poltergeists and psydogs at the last helicopter b4 going to last map. assembled my full squad and stocked up on supplies.
i managed to fit my other armour in my backpack with goldfish etc. so i can swap to it after tunnel opens up.
now i just have to get my bro's through the underpass alive
>Am I the only person that thinks these games aren't as hardcore as players make them out to be?
They can be somwhat unforgiving for the new player who either don't take in account bullet drop (which is their fault) or think non-headshot hit can be somewhat effective in early game (and this is the game fault, because that's honestly sometime complete bullshit).
Once you understand headshot is the way to go OR when you're geared well enough to make any shot viable, it's balanced and not really hard.
>Middle of nowhere
>Waiting for sun to come up
>Suddenly an army of bandits come from nowhere
>Run into anomaly
they aren't hard at all if you plan, prepare and use caution.
If you try and play it like a western AAA fps like CoD etc you'll die like a little bitch
>they aren't hard at all if you plan, prepare and use caution.
Yes, that exactly what I meant. Unforgiving for new players that don't know how to handle the game.
Like rushing through the military-controlled bridge like a moron.
ZOMG I know right? I thought the game will be like Metro with only one direction to go but in this game I have to look at my minimap to know where I'm going like wtf? o.0 i can't even.
Thing is, the starting period of any STALKER game does have you working with poor equipment. At that point, trying to kill anything other than a Bandit is likely to not be easy and even require a couple of quick loads with how hard it can be to hit the head with shitty weapons, even at mid-range. More casual players will often drop the game at that point, but yeah, you soon start getting decent stuff that makes it easier to shoot your way through things provided you have cover and do things patiently (something that, again, not everyone is willing to do).
>yet make you forced to use it for THAT section
Funnily enough, that was my favorite section of CoP. The atmosphere and environment was fucking cool, especially with the story of what you're doing and how it got like that is taken into account. Honestly, I'm sad that it's a one-way trip. I would love to actually explore that shit more.
I know you americans think ''le shit le fuck umm.. BAZINGA XD'' to be hilarious but some people would like to actually know what mods do without the unecessary memification for example what the fuck is the LURK section supposed to even convey?
Look up LURK on Moddb then. I didn't make the guide I just grabbed it off
I have very low intelligence and linear games I do not have to think, I want to like Stalker but game is too hard for me to play, understand
like, i've prepared for the CoP underpass, i went through every damn anomaly with my svarog to find as many artifacts as possible to sell to beard etc , so now i have seva as upg. as i can get it, my sphere and bulat as upgraded as i can get it, and my AN-94 with gp-25 kostyer and a shitton of ammo and 'nade's for it. i even managed to fit the 5x tac scope and 5x nvg scope into my inv. for when i need to hit distant targets.
so when i'm in the tunnel getting swarmed i can dakka as much as I like at the muties, and can PLOOP them with nades if they bunch up etc.
>when he just stands there
it's just annoying to have to quick save and reload a million times to get everyone through alive
>mfw the Monolith show up after wasting explosives on the snorks.
except when you get to that section you can swap out the seva for your other armour and go party with those assholes
That was an absolute bitch.
I've never used explosives in the STALKER games myself. Assault rifles for humans + some kind of shotgun for mutants = everything dies rather easily.
>no STALKERSOUP, OGSE, Call of Cherobyl
Somebody should update this image.
the nade launchers let you assfuck whole mobs quite easily.
the defensive grenades are the best though with their 30m shrapnel range
Where did I get this item?
if you do wolf's missions the first mutie lair he gets you to clear out (the boars at the fallen tree) the boxes at one end contain one.
other rookie missions from sidorovich or wolf can reward you with one too.
I tried to shoot enemy from afar with pistol but are my bullets disappearing?
You're too far away. The Makarov is an absolutely shit pistol.
Why guides never list build 2571 but list shitty mods that """restore""" cut content?
Can I find anomaly here?
Does anyone know what the fuck is up with the mouse cursor being super slow in menus but fine in game? Sensitivity setting doesn't affect menus. How do I fix this? Google didn't help. Gave me some shitty console command that didn't do anything. (cam_inert to 0)
X-Ray engine is unoptimised as fuck, brah.
That's not relevant to this case.
Also STALKER easily runs on 2004 or even 2003 PC. Just lower visibility slider to half and object detail to 3/4 and it's fine (doesn't look any different either). The thing is it doesn't support multi cores.
will my 300$ laptop be able to run it?
Probably, don't expect waterworks though. I used to play it on late 2007 laptop with 2,2GHz C2D and GT8600M GT.
There is water in this game?
I used to be able to run it with a rather bad laptop back in the day when it released. But the framerate sucked to the point where even gun reloads were choppy and skipped several frames.
There is, but I didn't mean it literally.
I've tried starting this game multiple games, I always alt f4 in the first 10 minutes, but this time I stuck around for a bit longer. This will be good to play in university
Who else spends hours getting mods set up on their stalker, put about 10 hours into it and never go back to it? I've started the STALKER games about 50 times and only finished each of them once. Too many good mods to try out.
>higher difficulty = more powerful weapons (both ways), and a smarter AI!
Someone tell me what font that is so I can fix it, this shit was debunked years ago
are these games fun shooters?
No they are stealth games
actually they are GSG games
If anything they're atmosphere shooters.
I think the middle one is supposed to show the fact that LURK has no HUD and instead uses screen effects to indicate your HP and Stamina
I'm guessing the bottom one is supposed to show the amount of guns there are in the mod
>are these games fun shooters?
No the stalker games are pretty meh, I bought them a while ago since people on Sup Forums praise the game but man what a let down.
It is a mediocre shooter at best also the game consist only of the color brown, no other colors are in the game, in any case i refunded the game.
>Pripyat Underground
>Everything going well
>Zulu trips over a body
Faggot, get out Sup Forums.
>i want to see rainbows, lens flares, bells and wistles, unnecessary amount of reflections and shitload of other graphical bullshit in my games, because i like to feel like I'm in a new Transformers movie.
gunplay is great, especially with mods
but people play it mostly for the atmosphere
I assume people in these threads are talking about AMK, aka The Way It's Meant To Be Played™
>atmosphere shooters
That guide's awfully outdated.
Grab this couple years newer and latest version.
Now, if there's potential rookies out there, thinking of starting the STALKER trilogy, Consult this Starting Guide,
then see the /vg/'s huge Stalker General for more tips and links: Play in the release order. Start with no mods - only latest patch, OR get the full "Starter Pack" first; these contain bug-fixers and light visual mods that can help performance as well.
Leave big overhauls for later playthrougs. Avoid the "Complete" -mods. Always play on MASTER difficulty for best realism and atmosphere, and disable crosshair.
Don't give up in the beginning! The starting gear sucks ass and first area can be a bit boring.
Kinda correct.
LURK has no HUD, and instead uses jelly-screen overlays to convey your character's condition. At worst, you can have half a DOZEN different jams in your eyes at once! The mod also loves to use bloom and blur, meaning you tend to not see shit, captain.
The gun-thing is actually more straight than it may seem. Some Traders would randomly, literally kill themselves, by spawning HUNDREDS of rifles on top of themselves at once.
>Am I the only person that thinks these games aren't as hardcore as players make them out to be?
After 9 years of playing, they definitely do not posses same level of challenge (in vanilla form), but at the same time I see weekly Stalker-newbie threads, with just about every single one starting with the OP complaining about not being able to survive the very first mission in the game.
I don't even mention nor use the cheat-tier suits and shit in the beginning myself.
which atmosphere do you shoot at? stratosphere?
Why can't I loot the suits people are wearing?
Also I think I fucked up since I killed everyone in the first camp
>Why can't I loot the suits people are wearing?
Just cause.
>Also I think I fucked up since I killed everyone in the first camp
...oh, You think? Didn't know you could do that!
>I killed everyone in the first camp
you can't do that
STALKEr's environments and European setting deeply remind me of growing up in a very depressing small town in England that got hit badly by the Thatcher years, it really felt like I was there again, the muddy and dark green grass, the bleak grey skies, the rotting apartment blocks, the long roads on the moors.
I genuinely would kill for a STALKER style game set in the UK, so much potential. Anyone else know this feel?
I can't find the crack can someone help me? Trying to replay the game.
How hand holding are stalker games?
Can you kill quest related NPCs? Main quest one too?
Not at all.
Main quest NPCs are rarely just out there, so most of them you can't. But there are a few that you, indeed, can.
Anyone has that screencap of the guy killing everyone in the rookie camp for 100 rubles?