What is the best Jojo video game?

What is the best Jojo video game?

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The broke ass Capcom fighter

Heritage for the Future?

that rat episode has such good quality

I fucking hope we get that kinda quality for bites the dust

Yeah, that shit's dank. Not even a little balanced but it's laughs.

Newest episode was fucking great, but I want to see Damo animated.

Heritage for the Future.

the one for PSX.

it had an awesome story mode that followed Stardust Crusaders closely and had a lot of references to the manga in the game.

All star battle is alright.


I just got to part 4 last night and I've loved the anime so far. PS3 game looks fun, is it any good?

Yeah but it's mostly fanservice stuff, as an actual game it's just passable. A ton of fun with friends though. I'd recommend waiting on it until you've experienced more of the series though, you'll spoil a lot. There's a LOT of content the anime hasn't covered yet, Part 4 was written over 20 years ago and the series is still going to this day.


All star battle is easily the best
i main johnny

>not Eyes of Heaven
I bet you haven't even seen the cute ending

>Stardust Crusaders
In other words it's overrated shit.

Rasen Kaidan

Whoever was in charge of animating Akira's super should be given a goddamn oscar

Stands are completely garbage.

They're a simple "Overly specific gimmick power of the week" devil fruit knock-off. How the fuck can anyone like them more then Hamon?


It's pretty cheap on PSN so I might buy it after experiencing more of it as you said. Watching some gameplay footage there's a lot of characters I haven't seen yet.


>Last weeks episode

Yeah Stands made JoJo a generic Shounen, and it shows in its fans.

user at least fucking research the subject before deciding to complain about it.

Yeah, Parts 4 onwards are all longer than 3 which was already longer than 1 and 2 put together so there's quite a few for them to cover. Hopefully since they're doing Part 4 in fewer episodes than 3 they realise that most people hated how drawn out a lot of Part 3 was in the anime and they'll be able to catch up soonish.

Jojo predated One Piece, if anything is a knock-off gimmick is the devil fruit

I don't know about that


Oh boy! cant our hourly jojo thread!

Gameplay wise, Heritage.

But as a core JoJo fan you'll like ASB much more.
Either way, just stay away from Eyes of Heaven.

>implying 1 and 2 weren't generic as fuck outside Jonathan dying
Please experience more than just the first 6 years of the series from an adaptation user.

maybe because ripple is the even more generic shitty ki/nen/haki/chakra

I know right?
I leaves no room for LOL and Twitter screencap threads!!

>not liking Eyes of Heaven
its literally the best

>October 20, 1999
One Piece premiere

>October 5, 2012
Jojo Premiere

Get fucked you stupid cunt


Bait so weak it's not even deserving of a (You). Try again.

What is manga


This bait is stale, but here (You) go.

Why the fuck is Valentine so shit on ASB
>No health
>No combos
>Shit Damage
>can't survive long enough to get love train

anime only people.

>people responding to obvious bait ITT

>shit gameplay
>shit fanservice

>the best



No, don't be an even bigger retard than the baiter. Only an elitist from Sup Forums would even attempt to post such weak bait to try and make anime watchers look bad.

Oh boy I love this pic

You know i would love that these moved to Sup Forums

Hopefully this is enough to satisfy you.



Jojo has videogames, it's Sup Forums related. Same with Berserk, One Piece, etc. Talking about anything but anime or manga on Sup Forums will get the mod cocksuckers so uppity they'll shitpost you out of there.




It's MLP
e621, search humanized fluttershy. Artist is sunnysundown I believe.

What does rohan write there?

Koichi is gay

>tfw iggy main
>Never get hit
>spam tackle and GHA
>always win

Pretty much all the animations were outsourced to make them as manga accurate as possible. You can practically overlay the panels onto most of them.

The same he does in the manga? "I can't hurt Rohan Kishibe"

How many times are you going to post this shitty bait?

Koichi is mine*

how many times are you gonna respond to it?

Johnny is a best

Anyone know where to get the CHD for the english version of Heritage?


>Psychopathic world conquering vampire

>Aztec gods of fitness

kys, fag

>le aztec gods of fitness image macro meme

"le meme" is not a valid argument. Try again. Jojo is anything but generic shounen, that's why it's so popular.


*used to be
I haven't read the manga, but from part 3 onwards its shit. Jojo number 3 is stupid and unlikeable. His name is not even jojo.



>I haven't read the manga

>Part 3 onwards it's shit
>What is part 4, 6, 7
>His name is not even Jojo
>Ku(Jo Jo)taro

Why are Part 2 fags so insufferable?
>Muh Hamon
>Muh Tricks
>Muh Joseph
>Muh Pillar Men
Get over yourself you delusional fuck


here, have this

Nobody even calls him Jojo.

>He didn't like part 3

Read the manga

>moving goalposts

Like very first chapter
>His friends at school call him Jojo
And I haven't read the manga in many years

Not the dude but part 3 is really the shittiest part
even Vento oreo was better

>background non-characters call him jojo

What an asspull. Part 3 is just Joseph Part 2. Jotaro hardly even does anything

because joseph is also a jojo, dumbass, that would just make things confusing

>3 the shittiest
>not 1 or 6

>Judging The rest of JoJo because of a bad part

6 isn't shitty at all what the fuck is wrong with you

Shit, yesterday episode was really good

I'm still hoping for a new ASB-like game with opening tier graphics and 60 fps

Joseph = Jolyne > Josuke > Jotaro > Giorno > Jonathan

Still not all that jazzed about KQ's anime design. Some shots it looks good, but in others it doesn't.

Go read part 7, dweeb


Not him, but 6 blew. A decent cast won't save a retarded plot that moves at a snail's pace.

>remember the rat chapter as being fairly inconsequential and boring
>the anime adaptation is one of the best episodes in the ENTIRE SERIES, and one of the best episodes of anything I've seen of anything this year

How the fuck is it this good? Whoever directed/was in charge of animation needs a goddamn raise. Tonio episode was 11/10 as well.

Also 7th Stand User to answer your question OP

>2 near the bottom
Good. I'm sick of everyone rating it so highly because le tricky man.

The design for pretty much every character is shit, because it goes for the end of part 4/part 5 artstyle instead of the god-tier early part 4 stuff where Araki wasn't afraid to go off model for the sake of humor.

KQ is fine.

Why are you so insecure? We get it, you have shit taste. No need to shitpost all the time.

Fucking pathetic.

The irony is that you're doing the same exact thing.