What do you guys say to people in online games when you really really fucking hate them? I'm not a huge rager...

What do you guys say to people in online games when you really really fucking hate them? I'm not a huge rager, but I like to say things that I hope actually strike a nerve with the person and hurt them on a deeper, more visceral level. Things like:
>make today the day you finally kill yourself
>consider suicide. It would make me and your parents very happy.
I usually use suicide as an insult because I believe that a lot of gamers struggle with the thought of suicide, so I think it makes it more hurtful. What else can I say to burn faggots?

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I don't say anything because I don't have autism

thats a pretty good one senpai

I call them tryhards

>"Be More Useless, Please!"


>What do you guys say to people in online games when you really really fucking hate them?
gg :3


I don't play online just because I don't like other people, maybe you should do that too.

You sound like a miserable sore loser.

>really really fucking hate them
Explain how you get to this level of hate to a person over something virtual, and one where muting someone annoying is a thing in most cases.

Does them trashtalking or beating you somehow mean they got to the level of killing your family or something?


fucking twatbag

shitbrained goatfucker

things like this

Roaches, it is what they are.

>I usually use suicide as an insult because I believe that a lot of gamers struggle with the thought of suicide, so I think it makes it more hurtful.
No you don't. You're just projecting your own misery. It's time to finally face it and end yourself, it will be better for everyone in the long run.

":)" short and sweet

Can someone actually take "please kill yourself" serious anymore?
It's just another meme to me

I usually discover where they're from and insult them on that.

Ruskies, Amerifats, call peruvian's animals.

Just say small shit like

>dumb tank

And leave. Some dude was so butthurt he made an alt on my server just to rant at me then log off before I could reply.

You should seek psychological help user

"Forcefully slam your face into a sharp object."

If I really felt like my team didn't pull their weight I say "embarrassing" in team chat.

"I Am The Law"

Is this you OP?


This is how you do it. Usually the most seemingly benign of insults are the ones that roast asses the most.

Nothing. You don't have to say anything. It's just a dumb video game man
