Would Sup Forums change their starter preference now?

Would Sup Forums change their starter preference now?

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Who cares


Depends, do the first 4 gym leaders change type as well?

I always pick fire, so Sup Forums can call me edgy faggot.


What comes out of Grasstoise's cannons?

Yeah I'd pick fire bulbasaur

They all look retarded now



if the water charizard were more aquatic in build and had more streamlined/fin-like "wings" it would be pretty good.

>more charizards

Please no.

>charmander ends up as the best among the 3 again

>That venusaur



Wooden cannons always shoot coconuts in video games.

>That Sableye

Vine Cannon...Razor leaf blasts...Solar beams...duh.


lol charmander and evolutions look pretty good

I don't know but if he shoots ya, it's gonna hurt

No, Charmander is still the worst.


Normally, I go bulbasaur, but fire bulbasaur looks like hot shit and I am digging the sea dragon thing water charizard has going on.


Firesaur a best

Yeah, I'd hate all of them.


Brock is ghost
misty is normal
surge is psychic
erica is fighting

>gen 1 mons

He's the first member of the

>misty is normal
And she has an OP Tauros. I still have Miltank ptsd from childhood.


Good thing Rollout didn't exist in G1.


Here's your red exclamation

Oh man thats fucking ugly. Only one I would want is wartortle and only wartortle

Fungal spores.

That 'Wartortle' is too Squirtle, it's like he's skipping that puberty stage, and the blastoise is in recolor only. It's like they stopped caring when they reached the last one.

No, she has Bidoof. Six of them in fact.

>Not Firetoise, Grasszard and Watersaur
Absolute idiocy

>favoring literally the worst of the nine redesigns in the image
I'll just write this off as bait and move on. Taste this bad is normally falseflag memery bullshit.

Is everything alright?


Blastoise is still the coolest.

"JUST" look. very very ugly and worse than both original bulbasaur and charizard evolution line.

>water chamermender
doesn't look that great, but it's a decent looking dragon therefore it gets a free pass.

>grass squirtle
awesome and flavorful. the middle evolution seems a bit tard due to that circle. looks like one of those rapey indonesian dancer, but overall is very good and gets my pick.
Possibly the only one cooler than the original.

is there one with fire suirtle grassmander and bubblesaur aswell?

Holy shit this is so bad

It is still as it always has been, namely they all look great except for venasaur.

Charmander still looks cute so no

One of the best generations. Have you fallen for the autists meme?


Still always water.

REMINDER: there is a literal Pokemon board to contain you autistic fucks



Fire bulb family sucks the others look like alola forms

>the pokemon with fucking cannons didn't become a fire type

I think the only one being autistic here is you user.

Wartortle, blastoise and ivysaur look like shit. The rest look better than the originals.

you people that scream about this are more autistic than these threads

It's fan art. These aren't alolan forms.

>One of the best generations

>fiery fox

japs are shit at programming more at 11

No because i hate all three of the gen 1 starters already

Give us that Crystal Onix from Johto. Give it a water resistance or some shit.

>trying to argue character design by posting game design flaws which were later fixed in fire red and leaf green

Nice strawman but nah, you're retarded. Gen one has the best pokemon and the best designs.
If you disagree you are either underage or have objectively bad taste.

bulbasaur looks like a gay retard now

charmander as a water type looks okay but not fond of the final evo

bulbasaur still pretty fuckin good

how does someone with taste this bad exist

There's literally no rule against posting pokemon threads on Sup Forums.

Seriously, go look. There's even a specific rule about not posting generals except on /vg/, but not for pokemon.

It's there to contain incessant, constant pokemon threads that are run 24/7. It's not there to prevent you from talking about a video game on a video game board.

Ever notice how threads about ten+ year old games on Sup Forums never get deleted and people don't flip out demanding they go to /vr/? Congratulations on being retarded.

Still blaistoise.

>b-better u-u-use the o-o-one thing that is a meme because I have no personal experience.
I hope you get locked in a hell where you can only play pearl for eternity

I'd finally have a preference between the three in Aquazard. It's the only one of these three I like. Which I guess fits because Charizard's the only one of the regular ones I don't care for.

I honestly do think that gen 1 has some of the best designs out there, and this is as someone who started with gen 4. but whenever I say that I usually get blasted with being called a genwunner and a nostalgia fag. I mean I realize the gen 1 games are garbage but they fixed a lot of shit with FR/LG as I understand.

>which were later fixed in fire red and leaf green
in gen III

>That Blastoise

What would grasstoise shoot?


Dank fumes?

Flower petals?

It was still literally just a remake of Gen 1 with quality of life changes across the board. It was released in Gen 3, but it was still a Gen 1 pokemon game.

Seeds, duh.

Both his cannons are tree dicks
Every time he fires hes blowing his load

the Venusaur looks uglier than before holy shit

the feet fire is way too much, but otherwise is pretty cool
charmander line is perfect
the last was lazy as shit...which is weird since there is a turtle grass pokemon already

Now I'm even more interested in Bulbasaur.

Every gen has some good and some bad designs. Everybody has favorites. It's fine if you like gen 1 the best, it's just annoying when people go around shitposting about it.

Those are all awful

Brock is Fighting
Misty is Ice
Surge is Water
Erika is Fire
Koga is Psychic
Sabrina is Ghost
Blaine is Grass
Giovanni is Poison

The bulbasaur should have had a volcano back and darker skin.


>that grasstoise


I dont think you understand what that word means


Please ask your handler to look up the definition of "generation" for you.

I have that Sableeye and Compound Eye Moth somewhere. Got them in Mallorca.

>Fire Venusaur doesnt have a live volcano on its back

And how was a ten year old in the 90s going to know all of this? The internet wasn't as common then as it was now, you couldn't just go to a website and learn everything there is to know about a game in two hours. You had to play it yourself, and figure out this stuff yourself. Learning how to play the game was one of the best parts about playing the game.

That's one of the worst things about games now, no one bothers to learn how to play it themselves anymore, they just go read about everything on the web. It's even worse in online games where people think you're 'ruining' it for them if you don't know something.

>Erika's gym gets set on fire
>wtf i love fire now

Gym leaders i found OP

Whitney S/G
Winona R/S
Crasher Plat
Erika B/R

Cynthia the only elite to beat me in a normal play through

More like Gamefreak in general. Literally every generation has one obvious bug in the games.

>Holding down the run button in Gen V games makes moving NPCs run faster too

Honestly I don't see how those are issues if it's the first entry in a massive franchise.
Remember that when pokemon first started it wasn't a massive RPG with minimaxing and a competitive meta,
it was made to be a Dragon Warrior knock-off

This is bait