>There's still no Budokai Tenkaichi 4
There's still no Budokai Tenkaichi 4
ultimate tenkaichi is BT4
there will never be
Ultimate Tenkaichi killed Spike's DBZ games
>Wanting a game made by ningens
Shit taste
it's another hamfisted forced meme
Burst Limit IS Budokai 4 you nigger
Who fucking cares
Don't remind me OP. I get depressed every time I remember we haven't had a good DBZ game since Tenkaichi 3. Yes, Xenoverse is shit, fight me.
Raging Blast 2 IS Tenkaichi 4
Hell, Xenoverse plays a lot like Tenkaichi.
But stick with Raging Blast 2. It is literally, LITERALLY, Tenkaichi 4 with a different name.
What you don't realise is that when people ask for Tenkaichi 4, they aren't asking for a game with the same mechanics, they're asking for a game with a larger roster.
>most DBZ games have shit graphics with everyone being shining so much they are a star themselves
>no DBZ game with Naruto Storm quality graphics
honestly shitty PC mods can look better than official games
The only characters T3 didn't have was Hatyhak and Super characters.
No you don't understand we are budokai tenkaichi 4
>Xenoverse plays a lot like Tenkaichi
No it doesn't, it's a downgrade more then upgrade.
>with a larger roster
Why? You want to play as THAT guy, that fucking freeza soldier? You want to play as pilaf? Maybe that fucking devil with the pitchfork from the original dragon ball series? Maybe you want to play as Chichi father.
You want a big rooster with pointless characters? Why? Considering they all play the same, what is the big deal with a smaller but more charismatic cast?
The only thing I miss in Raging Blast 2 was DB GT characters. I wanted SS4 Goku and Gojeta.
>they all play the same
He's confusing simplicity of inputs with character variation.
There was a few archetypes of movement though. There was like 20 base movesets that get spread over the roster. So in a way it does mean a lot of clones.
>shitty Facebook meme
Kill yourself.
it doesn't matter
since BT2 is superior to BT3
>muh infinite combos
Nah son. 3 toned that shit down to a bearable point.
No, they want a polished BT3 with the new relevant characters, who cares about Freeza's Army Soldier #50
It's pathetic, it's like they removed half the mechanics and just added shitty gimmicks
Infinite World is Budokai 4 though.
it's also the best DBZ game
>No, they want a polished BT3 with the new relevant characters, who cares about Freeza's Army Soldier #50
And online. Don't forget online!
BT2 had more possibilities but it was a lot less balanced because of that too. Think the Melee V Sm4sh debate.
it became too flashy
>tfw I enjoyed the Budokai games even though I always preferred Tenkaichi
why can't we all just get along?
If I remember correctly the online was barely functional
Infinite World is Budokai 3.5. It's not a complete sequel.
I agree with you tho. It is the best Budokai game
I don't get the hate the game gets. People say it ruined Budokai 3. Really? It is literally Budokai 3 with extra mini games.
Not only that but the combat is also better. They removed the annoying dragon rush who was always breaking the combat pacing in budokai 3
>here we go again. 30 seconds of cutscenes mid combat
And the new movement and dash attacks from Burst Limit made the combat in Infinite World more fast paced.
Infnite World > Budokai 3
Yeah, I want to play as Burter, the fastest in the universe.
It's funny because Burter DID play differently than all of the other characters in BT2/3
Dragon rush completly killed b3 for me.
It was a strong as fuck option all the time because of the rock paper scisors mechanic that you still at best only had a 50% shot at breaking out for hardly any meter at all.
That makes infinite world, infinitely better even if the roster is slightly smaller.
Why dont the duck a Legacy of Goku but in 3D.
Legacy of Goku 2 and 3 are the best DBZ games.
i feel like most people didn't even play it due to it being released very late for a PS2 release.
and the reviews for it are really bad, it's literally them complaining the AI actually uses mechanics in the game instead of being beatable with mashing
also the capsule system was so much better in IW too.
>budokai 3 has pretty much every character from db/dbz
>xenoverse has about a third of the characters even though dragon ball super was a thing back then
How is this tolerable
Also it had better voice acting then xenoverse
the BT games that is.
Xenoverse was only localized when super was a thing. The game it's ported from was like 2 years older.
fuck BT4
i need a sequel to attack of the saiyans
Why did people start posting close ups on arms everywhere all of a sudden?
Xenoverse is shit but Super was released mid '15, Xenoverse in February. Isn't Beerus in for example?
The hell are you on
xenoverse is dbo with a new fighting system.
I played DBO but not Xenoverse, what do you mean?
Basically DBO had traditional mmo elements like cool down meters and selectable attacks, while xenoverse is more like the console fighting mechanics.
The story, character models, even the character classes are straight from dbo.
Nigga, Xenoverse came out before RoF. How the hell was it supposed to add characters that weren't even concepted until over a year later? Super Characters aren't even in Xenoverse 2's launch, because the tournament arc aired when XV2 was already 70% through development and the roster was finalized. We're only getting Black as last minute DLC because he's literally a pallet swap.
Besides, even if that wasn't the case, XV1 had a VERY good roster for being the first game in the series. Traditionally, the first DBZ games are always light on content and are just finalizing a concept. The second game refines the mechanics, and the final game maximizes the features and mechanics fully. If you look at any early DBZ game. B1, BL1, RB1, they're all very light on character selection.
What? No. Copying story elements =/= porting a game. The only thing carried over from DBO are Towa, Mira, and the time patrol and timebreakers. No other story elements were used from DBO. Demigra isn't even a thing in DBO, there's no history about what happened to the future schools of martial arts in XV, and there's no weird plotline involving Cell-X or any of that shit. Gameplay wise, they're not similar at all. The XV character models are all brand new, and Xenoverse doesn't even HAVE character classes like you're implying, so I don't know what the hell you're smoking.
Did you even PLAY the game, or are you just poorly parroting some bullshit you heard on a Taiwanese shoe cobbling website?