Been playing Monster Hunter and kind of tried of playing it on my 3DS. How does God Eater 1/2 hold to it? Friend been asking me to play with him when it finally comes out on PC.
Been playing Monster Hunter and kind of tried of playing it on my 3DS. How does God Eater 1/2 hold to it...
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God Eater is more anime but it's not as challenging or satisfying as Monster Hunter.
Care to explain? Saw video and yeah it's a bit over the top in fighting.
I guess this resumes everything personally I don't like the animations, it feels empty or "boring"
damn DLgamer already has my code. is playing steam games early a super bad idea?
you can preload it but not play it probably
yeah you're right. tuesday cant come soon enough.
I like it more than MH because it has a fun story, which gives me motivation to do all the quests. Monster Hunter never held my attention because it was just kill the thing, use its parts to make a better weapon to kill a bigger thing. In God Eater its kill the thing, use its parts to make a better weapon to kill a bigger thing, slowly unravel a diabolical conspiracy and learn more about your comrades and the world you live in.
>Can only play God Eater 1 when God Eater 2 comes out
I don't know how a typical animu story and mediocre gameplay could hold anyone's attention.
Eh, it does it for me. GE's story isn't going to amaze me with its intellectual commentary or deep and complex character development, but it does a good job of building the world they live in. And for me personally, I'd rather have a cliched and melodramatic story than nothing at all. Independence Day, for example, is nothing but a bunch of cultural stereotypes bumbling into a solution to their problem purely through deus ex machina without the action scenes. But the movie would be completely unwatcheable if those scenes were removed and it was a bunch of action scenes with absolutely no context. Now, I'm aware some people feel differently and are perfectly content with Monster Hunter's lack of story, and that's totes fine. I'm just explaining my own view on it.
While I get you I feel MH4U story was fine enough. Travel to different places, meeting new people, getting reasons to fight certain monsters. MHG kind of just threw the monsters at you with little rhyme and reasons and all the characters kind of just blend together with no real personalty at all.
Oh yeah I did notice that 4U had a story goin' on, which I appreciated. Didn't play it myself but I watched my brother beat it. I do think that's an improvement to the series compared to, say, generations or my first experience with the franchise, Freedom Unite.
Oh and you mentioned Generations in your post oops my bad.
If I only have room for one of the God Eaters on my SSD, which one deserves that spot more?
Play Ressurection for the story, delete it, play 2. If you want to get straight into the action just get 2.
Does it have season pass content?
Play 1 for story.
Play 2 for I WILL WIN.
Pretty sure 2 has a cool story also. Haven't played it tho so no spoilers pls.
>games have numbers on it
>hurr durr which one should i play first
I'm playing Resurrection first obviously. I can put one of them on my SSD and I prefer to put the game that has more content/online presence for PC.
My post did not ask for which game to play first.
>should i play the first game first or the sequel to the first game first?
i dont know dumbass
man, I just want a good hunting game on PC so bad after I got off the Nintendo wagon.
I want this to be good so badly but everything I've seen makes it look like it has absolutely nothing going for it. The combat simply doesn't look any good
As someone who's sunk like 200 hours in it, its actually pretty fun. The videos are prob boring because the people are going slow to show off the features. Actual gameplay involves zipping around like a goddamn madman and chasing monsters across half the map in running battles.
It's a remastered PSP game from like 6 years ago this shit ain't fresh
They updated bunch of mechanic from the original and burst though.
Resurrection is, GE 2 is new and has more going for it. I'm only going to play Resurrection for nostalgia and never touch it again after I beat the story.
The Netherlands got the game early, apparently.
>Matthew Mercer as Julius
>Cassandra Morris (?) as Nana
>Vic Mignogna (?) as Romeo
twitch tv/directory/game/God%20Eater%202%3A%20Rage%20Burst
No, just pre-order costumes.
Because you aren't US Sonygger master race.
Why is Bamco europe so retarded?
>most europeans will most likely start with 1
>americans will move on to 2
>mp will suffer because of it
At least I will get a physical Vita version.
I'm wondering if I should cancel my preorder. I got the Rage Burst 2 plus Resurrection deal for $50, which isn't terrible, but on the other hand I can't tell if the gameplay will be any fun.
Maybe try to emulate the GEB and try the old gameplay?
Do you own a Vita or PS4? Go to the japanese PSN, download the demos and play them.
Endgame really does become more easy if you mod your weapons to 30
what do you mean the Netherlands got the game early. literally no retail stores in the Netherlands give you the option to even pre-order. you want the game, well you're gonna have to import it from Belgium.
Are there any lewd outfits to unlock?
Like half the outfits are lewd.
From what the streamer said, she got her copy shipped two days ago and arrived today.
I don't know where she pre-ordered from.
There are a few of them.
Even the boys?
>no physical Vita release in NA
yeah sorry you're right,i searched around a little and it seems like
a few webshops got their copies a few days early.
Europe sometimes gets their games early and the stores tend to sell it early. Heard some publishers really fucking hate dealing with most Europe stores because of that.
Its a faster monster hunter that focuses on evasion(steps, air, steps, jumps, sprint, & form changes) and less on positioning and methodical attacks. You can block with your shield but more often evading is better.
All weapons are pretty fast but still have weight to them. Short sword animations are short and fast and buster sword animations are longer but still fast.
In god eater your entire weapon is called a god arc which is composed of three parts you always have on which are a melee weapon, gun and shield. You can also equip upgrades for more skills. The equipment in the games include melee weapons-short sword, long sword, buster sword, hammer, spear, and scythe. Guns- blast, shotgun, assualt and sniper. Each type of equipment has a uniqe feature such as hammers boost mode or buster swords charged attacks and counter attacks.
In Gr you have predator styles which drastically change how u devour and in ge2rb u have blood arts which give you unique skills for each weapon.
Once youve beaten all the story missions in the game(not sure about ge2rb) you unlock pr. pr lets you change the amount of damage from enemy attacks. When selecting a mission you will get the option to raise the pr from 1 to 99. At 99 almost any attack will one shot you, even if its just an aragami doing walking damage.
Todd Haberkorn is Romeo, he confirmed it on twitter a long time ago
After watching some streams, Nana does sounds like Cassandra Morris
For me god eater feels more like a solid RPG with hunting games gameplay elements. While monster hunter is more of a party game with hunting gameplay. If you want to fully enjoy monster hunter, it is almost a requirement to play with (online/real) friends or else the game gets pretty boring after some time. God eater on the other hand is a game that's much more fun to solo (in my opinion), while only playing with friends when you're stuck or while doing special missions. Heck the game even awards you, when playing with npc's by having them (kinda) level up and get new skills. Also being able to change up your npc's load-out is a huge bonus for solo player, not to mention the huge amount of npc's you can choose from.
Well here's an AI companion.
Also here are the male clothing options:
It has less lood ones than the girls but they are there.
>Accelerator and Biribiri costumes
Please tell me they are in the western Vita versions.
W-What about the Gin/Kagura outfits in 2?
Don't worry user, if you preordered you'll get outfits from Tokyo Ghoul and Sword Art Online :^)
>only english voices
now it's all makes sense
>Sword Art Onlie
i would rather not.
I think you posted in the wrong general.