What went pretty good?

What went pretty good?


It was pretty shit throughout, glad the series is finally over at least

It was shit enough I suppose that it got everybody to realize they were sick of Souls games, so it did that well.

le Sup Forums contrarian opinion

It successfully managed to make the things 2 did right stand out more by being the worst game in the series.

I'll be honest, I'm a little disappointed nothing in Dark Souls 3 captivated me as much as meeting King Vendrick for the first time, with that soundtrack.

>Sup Forums actually believes souls games are good

- Best visuals (but this is expected)
- Streamlined UI and a convenient hub area
- Satisfying combat, although it's too easy to spam roll or spam estus in boss fights
- Some great boss fights, although DS3 sports the most disappointing boss fights in the series

The game has always been a bag of mixed treats.


Bloodborne looks better, and Dark Souls 3 has emptier environments
The UI is uglier than the previous games
The combat is unsatisfying and enemies are fast like bloodborne and hop around a lot but your attacks are slow like a souls game, every playstyle is gimped except straight swords
Bosses are okay but nothing special

Amazing bosses. I fucking love them.
Especially Dancer, Twin Princes, and that sweet Abyss Watchers second form where all his attacks have delayed fire trails. Fucking amazing stuff.

What about the constant stream of boring, predictable easy bosses in 2?

Bloodborne also runs at 20FPS on a shit console

I didn't mention anything about DS2, user.

But my opinion is that DS2 has mostly mediocre bosses but the DLCs brought out some of the best hitters in the Souls series. Lud&Zallen, Blue Smelter Demon, and Fume Knight are honestly the most challenging bosses in the series and they really make Nameless King/Ebrietas/Artorias all look like a cake walk.

mad cus never ever, stay salty poorfag :^]

NPC quests

What went wrong:
I've played it three times already

What I'm trying to say is the game would be praised if it was first or second in the series, it's just the same shit of same very high quality.

They're challenging in the sense that they have a billion HP and hit you for 75% of your health if you mess up the roll.

2cat is only challenging because of the multiple boss fight meme, Fume knight just stop, they managed to make his second phase even more braindead than the first, blue smelter is literally the same as the normal, they just make you go through like 50 mobs to wear down your healing items

>They're challenging in the sense that they have a billion HP and hit you for 75% of your health if you mess up the roll.
sounds like a bloodborne boss

not a whole lot

But don't worry as soon as difficulty is brought into question the bosses in Bloodborne only require r1 spam to be beaten and dark souls 3 is the TRULY punishing one, do not worry user i have you covered.

Say what you want about Fume Knight, but their officials stats have said that the most people have died to him in a boss fight. Blue Smelter is absurdly challenging due to that he staggers attacks unpredictably. And L&Z is a two-man boss where you are on a deadline to kill one before the other one gets an opportunity to attack you. What, would you call O&S a multiple boss fight meme because it's always two guys?

And yeah, having the ability to punish your mistimed rolls for nearly your entire HP makes the boss harder. What are you trying to even argue? Artificial difficulty?

Nothing really, I hope the dlcs will be better, something about Aldia and the serpents please.

Too fast, rolls take no stamina and Str. Swords are leagues above every other weapon class damage and moveset wise.

Weapon arts are a nice addition, i'd love to see some mish mashes of WAs and movesets in the DLC weapons.

It's pretty okay.

>They're challenging in the sense that they have a billion HP and hit you for 75% of your health if you mess up the roll.

Unfair difficulty is still difficulty

Otherwise we'll be talking about how BB bosses aren't hard because they have stupid loads of HP

Most of it.
Looking forward to the DLC.

never ever is right. I won't play it while it runs like crap.

The atmosphere was pretty much on point. Nice animations, models, design. There's alot of small things in the world that make the whole thing incredibly comfy.

Rolling is faster, evens out the learning curve a bit. Bosses are much easier, but the fights themselves look better.

The game is easier, but I had more fun with this than any other souls game, except BB, but I don't really count that for reasons.

Eumemics (/juːˈmɛmJks/; from Greek εὐμίμημα eumemes "well-meme'd" from εὖ eu, "good, well" and μίμημα mīmēma, "imitated thing") is a set of beliefs and practices that aims at improving the memetic quality of the human population. It is a social philosophy advocating the improvement of human memetic traits through the promotion of higher rates of meme production for memes with desired traits (positive eumemics), or reduced rates of meme reproduction and sterilization of memes with less-desired or undesired traits (negative eumemics), or both. Alternatively, meme selection rather than "people selection" has recently been made possible through advances in meme editing (e.g. CRISPR). The exact definition of eumemics has been a matter of debate since the term was coined. The definition of it as a "social philosophy"—that is, a philosophy with implications for social order—is not universally accepted, and was taken from Frederick Osborn's 1937 journal article "Development of a Eumemic Philosophy".

>Bloodborne looks better

>Le leddit de le ledditor le le

Not saying it's artificial difficulty, but I wish they made bosses have a more varied moveset, chaining attacks with one another being unpredictable than just doing retarded damage every hit.

This is the same for every souls game, not defending one or another mind you. I'm sure it'll be the same for 3, they'll have bosses do retarded damage. Although they did managed to make some of the bosses have more than 3 attacks like 1 and 2 bosses did

>Not saying it's artificial difficulty, but I wish they made bosses have a more varied moveset, chaining attacks with one another being unpredictable than just doing retarded damage every hit.

>tfw GPU is shit but trying to play anyway
I've done everything I can to optimise performance and now it's sort of playable.

>Make a thread about any game released this year

>Everyone calls it shit

Sup Forums was a mistake

>bloodborne looks better
Dark Souls 3 looks smoother 100% of the time.
It also looks better if you play it at higher resolutions than 1080p.

>- Some great boss fights, although DS3 sports the most disappointing boss fights in the series
The ratio is the best in the series though.
Everything after O&S for DaS is shit
More than half of the DaS 2 bosses are boring as fuck
Everything except Gehrman from Rom on is boring or shit in BB.

While there are some complete shit bosses like deacon and Yhorm, DaS 3 sports the most consistently good bosses in the series.
I honest to god think the disliking DaS 3 meme comes from BB fanboys and pvp fags (admittedly the pvp is not as good as DaS 1, which could be instantly fixed by setting poise to 1).

What's your favorite straight sword build for fighting those bosses user

Go on then, lets hear your top 5 games this year

What's your favorite irrelevant point you try to bring up about DS3

Shiren the Wanderer

Out of 3 playthroughs I fully completed I used the Artorias greatsword, Mourne's greathammer, and great machete.

I did make two griefing builds, a pyromancer and rapier build, to fuck with people in the early game with OP shit near end game, though I never fully completed the game with either (the pyro I believe I got through pontiff around level 22 to get some shit, but it's been a while since I used it).

All the souls games had cheapass ways to deal with everything.

What the fuck do people like about the blue smelter demon so much? It's literally a fucking reskin of a base game boss with a shit area preceding it and the same retarded hitboxes it ds2 fuckery.

No I just want some help coming up with a good straight sword build user, not everyone's a shitposter

Isn't it nice though? That they didn't shit up the game with some misplaced desire to keep it fresh or whatever.

>Shiren the Wanderer
My man, it's so good.

I fought through the entire game with a Raw Astora Straight Sword on a faith build that utilized Lighting/Dark Blade. Found it pretty easy, beat most bosses (except for Nameless King/Soul of Cinder) on the first or second try.

Is the game really that much different using a different weapon? I did find the ASS a little bit too R1-spammy.

The only game on list I've seen Sup Forums shit on to an abnormal degree is DS3, everything else was pretty well recieved, all things considered. Are you a different guy or do you just not like it when people critisize things you like?

Straight Swords are to DaS3 what magic was to DeS.

>officials stats have said that the most people have died to him in a boss fight
Not surprising because majority of a playerbase is rocking a low HP builds and the only thing going on of Fume is his damage output. His moveset is fucking primitive compared to good soulsborne bosses.

Name a boss in DS3 other than Nameless King that was both thrilling and genuinely difficult to fight, and if you mention Pontiff then youu are a casual.

I had a full Str build with a greatshield and tons of HP and still took 10+ tries to beat him. Granted, this may have been because I was using the KUGS but having a lot of HP doesn't make the fight trivial. You still get fucked in 2-3 hits, except maybe it's more like 3 hits that fucks you over at times.

1 > 3 > 2

Champion Gundyr?
Soul of Cinder isn't half bad, albeit it's a little rng based.

The only vanilla bosses in the series that are difficult are Ornstein and Smough, Nameless King, and Gehrman. There is no other vanilla boss in any of these games that is remotely difficult
Twin princes and Soul of Cinder are some of my favorite thematic bosses in the series.

the thing that makes the fight incredibly trivial is just learning his painfully primitive moveset
he's just a typical ds2 humanoid boss with all their typical attacks, and he even loses half of them in a second phase, getting a "punish me" fire aoe instead

DaS2 babies need to fuck off.Your opinion is irrelevant and the game you worship so much is a shitty mess , level design is shit , game play is the worst in the series and the lore is crap not to mention all those forgettable bosses and NPC's.

ken sama

>being unpredictable
You can tell which attacks he will do by the weapon form he uses.

Instead it just gradually became worse and through a lack of effort or whatever ended up undercutting good elements from the previous games.
DaS3 favored many bad decisions and mechanics in the previous games (Even if they're only bad in the context of DaS3) over good ones.

The champion.
When you don't parry.

As a side note:
Having two phases ceases to be interesting when every boss has exactly two phases.

>Nameless king

nice job being a casual

Pretty much my experience.

Highlights for me were Crystall SageThe Boss encounter and Oceiros because they were presented nicely.

Kinda dissapointed in Yhorm and Ancient Vyvern tho

>tfw you only had a good experience with DS3 because you went Estoc then Irythil Rapier

everything i went up against got destroyed, PVP or PVE.
then you come on Sup Forums and discover there is no poise, straight swords are cheese and nothing you do is good because you're dumb and everything is bad.

>He didn't beat him without the storm ruler

I think everyone was disappointed with Yhorm and Ancient Wyvern. They're hardly boss fights where you interact with your opponent. Ancient Wyvern can be replaced with a lever that you can pull to finish the fight.

lol i just parryd his lifebar 2ez m8

I wonder why From decided to do gimmick bosses again after the DS1 shitstorm about Bed of Chaos and Iron Golem

Guess theyre just lazy

>It successfully managed to make the things 2 did right

2 did things right? 3 had to undo all the fuck ups 2 did.

Pointy Sillyman was the only boss that I had any trouble against. The only problem with the Nameless King is his damage and health and getting used to the awful camera in phase one

I don't know, about to play it, going in blind

>look mom, I pirated something again XD
you know this is the reason publishers don't give a shit about pc anymore, do you?


3 pretends that 2 doesn't exist in almost every way aside from a few things, but things like powerstancing among others were dropped in the name of distancing itself as much as possible from DaS2.

Demonfist build was a lot of _fun

>3 pretends that 2 doesn't exist in almost every way aside from a few things

good. 2 was shit

>most disappointing boss fights

How is it even possible to be this wrong?

>this meme again
It wasn't as good as the first, but it still was a damn good game.
>inb4 lava castle elevator

>but it still was a damn good game.

I played 2, you are full of shit

He stopped being thrilling the moment you realised that you had to deal with his awful phase one every single time you died.

They've had them in since Demon's Souls with the Dragon God. It's always been a series staple that people refuse to admit because they see the gimmicks as cutting in on another boss that could've been exactly like the rest. The gimmicks may be easy but they also add the greatest variety.

Ys 8 is out?

I saw that they made a lot of balance changes since release month. How differently does the game play now? Are magic and miracles substantially different?

It may be an exaggeration to say it's a shitheap, but it's also a massive stretch to call it a "damn good game".

The patch notes are just as vague as the lore itself. But not, miracles are still shite.

If devs are too stupid to use denuvo I'm going to pirate it, deal with it

It's a meme Sup Forums approved list, he probably googled the most weebshit he could find and posted it.
Ys stopped being good after Seven anyway.

Are they? Back when I was helping people facing the champion, each sunlight spear was doing 1300~1400 damage to him

>sunlight spear
An exception. Especially in comparison to the damage output to the other lightning spears.

>glad the series is finally over at least
namco owns the IP, you ain't seen nothing yet

Miyazaki has proven the only things he's good at are level design and atmosphere.

The gameplay in 3 is the worst in the series
The enemy design is garbage
The way rollspam works is retarded and now you can do it without having the required stamina
Which ruins both PVE and PVP because everyone just hammers the roll button endlessly in PVP and all of PVE was designed around being able to roll constantly and at any time

I'm glad this game killed the series for Miyazaki and he stated he's done with souls games forever.
I expected it to be good and bought the season pass for it
Now the first DLC is releasing soon and I don't even want to reinstall the game because my first playthrough wasn't even enjoyable.

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