Games with good story like Life is strange or just any other game with good/sad story

Games with good story like Life is strange or just any other game with good/sad story

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Final Fantasy X



Paper's Please.

inb4 people who haven't played this game call it SJW just cause it's kinda girly.

Anyway I'd be on the lookout for Detroit which is coming out next year sometime I believe. Also check out other episodic games, mainly telltale, I'd recommend Wolf Among Us.


paranoid much

>weeb shit
>good story

Halo: Reach

Both the Japanese and English releases have received critical acclaim. Famitsu gave the original PSP game a score of 36/40, based on four scores of 10, 9, 8 and 9.[42] GamesRadar gave the English Vita release 4/5 stars, calling its story one that "weaves a devilishly addictive tale you'll want to see through to the end."[62] IGN gave the game a score of 8.5, praising its writing and soundtrack and calling it "a must-own game for hardcore Vita owners".[63] Hardcore Gamer gave the game a 4/5 saying "it's exciting and has an uncanny ability to leave its players slack-jawed at the sights of the unraveling plot points." [64] Destructoid gave the game a score of 8.5/10, praising its art style and well thought out story. GameSpot gave the game a score of 8/10, praising its story and diverse characters, whilst criticising that the School Life mode is lacking.[65] MyM gave the game a total of 9/10 saying: "What makes Trigger Happy Havoc stand out from most visual novel games is how well it weaves other genres into its narrative.[66] British newspaper Metro gave it 8 out of 10, praising the writing and character development, but being critical of slow early pacing and anime-tropes.[67] Cubed3 awarded a 9/10, describing Danganronpa as "an absolute treat, and a much-needed welcome addition to the visual novel genre in the West."[68]

Planescape Torment
Deus Ex (series)
Fallout 1


Shit taste confirmed.

The Darkness and The Darkness 2, while having entire different atmospheres, both maintain a shockingly great story about loss and revenge while also being able to stand on their own feet through gameplay alone.

Also Mike Patton as a v/a

They're criminally underrated games.

>Great Story
>Life is Strange.

Saying this game has a good story is being very generous with the characters and dialogue.

I concur.

>Mike Patton

He alone make both games fantastic.

Plus the 10 second section of music of the launch trailer by Trent Reznor.

i'm not a fan of final fantasy series

Thanks, but not in the mood for horror games
I had a lot of fun playing this game
I need to play something right now
Nahh, i dont want shooters, or that is mainly a shooter
Gonna try
I'm judging from my perspective

this is in my backlog still. should I finally give it a try?

Personally i enjoyed it very much, tho many peeps say it's overrated

>"""""""""""""good""""""""""""" story

Episode 1 takes a couple hours to play. Go ahead and give it a try.

Everyone has different taste in games, and judges stuff by their own opinion

>quoting Wikipedia

Don't force yourself. Some people really go for it, a lot f others really hated the writing, dialogue and most of all characters. The key point is whether or not you can deal with two nonfunctional teenagers talking at one another on dialogue that I'm sure the writer thought was quite clever.

I've only played the first episode and I'm on the camp that wonders how anybody managed to play five episodes without the entire cast getting replaced with someone identifiable.

Did you actually play past episode 1 or...?

SOMA isn't really a horror game.

Unless you have a underwater phobia.

Yeah, played it a week ago cause I bought on sale months ago. No idea what it was, overall, decent experience.

Actually I'm quoting a variety of outlets in a segment compiled by wikipedia.

Judging by trailer it looks like a horror game
"Soma is a science fiction survival horror video game developed by Frictional Games and released on 22 September 2015."

The story itself is mediocre, but the characters and soundtrack is what makes it engaging. In my opinion

As much as I loved Life Is Strange, that ending was fucking atrocious. It was the shittiest, most predictable ending possible, which is honestly more insulting because of how great episodes 1-4 were. It looked like they were leading to a great original ending that would keep us guessing. Instead we got the most cliche time travel ending possible, which fags praise for being gud because "muh feels"

Fags don't even praise it as being gud. It's the whole "kill the lesbian main character" cliche. Also none of your choices matter at the end.

Did not, really hated the dialogue and the two lead characters are both as identifiable and likeable as old driftwood, it was hard to sympathize. Chloe especially, Jesus if you're going to blatantly smoke pot inside you should be ready for the whole house to smell like it. Why do we get thrown under the bus 100% of the time? Why does she never offer us shit aside from a look and a pat on the shoulder? She's in college with the thinking capacity of a fucking toddler, I smoke a fair share of DUDEWEED and that's not an excuse for being bland and awful

Yeah well the trailers made Deus Ex: MD look good so what does that tell you about trailers?

Just a reminder to kys if you didn't think Chloe was one of the worst characters ever,

>there are people in this thread who honestly think Bay over Bae is the 'correct choice'
>literally resets every single thing you did during the entire game

I'm just saying that it even says "horror" in about...
never judge games by trailer

t. Warren

I know it gets a lot of hate for being "le tumblr game" and a walking simulator, but really enjoyed the story and characters. Too bad they're making a serious vampire game or some shit, and not something like this.

>Bay is destroyed
>no decisions made matter because everyone is fucking dead
>save bay
>no choices matter because everything resets
Be honest, user, it never mattered anyways

I could even get over your choices not mattering if the ending was fucking good. People were literally predicting that shit from episode one. And the damage control after was so fucking awful
>Dev's did a stream of the whole game with someone
>When it got to episode 5 they "had to go" and let the other person finish the stream so they didn't have to address any complaints
>They released a limited edition of the game that had dev commentary
>This commentary didn't even try to comment on episode 5
>This commentary also admits they "Don't have a reason for why Max has a vision of the storm before saving Chloe" which is a massive fucking plothole
>Imagination :)
I don't even know if I'd trust them to do a second season

>>no decisions made matter because everyone is fucking dead
Except in the Bae ending there's ONE body you see, that's covered by a tarp. Clearly there are people alive, because that body didn't magically cover itself. Also the hospital is away from the Bay, so Kate is definitely safe

>When Jorge was killed.
>When Emile was killed
When you thought it was all over but you fought for as long and hard as you could, forcing the enemy to throw all they could at you just to make you stop breathing for Reach.

The Halo games are masterpieces, nothing like your typical shooter, and it's a shame that 343 fucked it, and even bigger shame that Bungie seems to have lost their touch as evidenced by Destiny.

>no decisions made matter because everyone is fucking dead
Not really, Chloe isn't dead and neither is the main character and we don't really know which characters died when the tornado hits the town because the game doesn't show us.
It's still a better choice than literally resetting everything you did the entire game

Firewatch had a good story, and was very beutiful, tho i played it already (OP)

I still don't get how Bungie went from good story telling to Destiny, a game with literally the shittiest bare bones story there was.
Like you had no idea why anything was happening

The thing that bothers me the most is how people act like saving Chloe is wrong choice because >muh delaying the inevitable
While completely ignoring the fact that the game goes out of it's way to tell you how Arcadia Bay is in decline and soon the town will be economically dead.
You are given a choice to either protect your best friend and your future or protect your school friends, hometown and your past.
That's how I see that game.

>build up mystery
>in the last 5 minutes go "jk it was this dude innawoods just fucking with you lol"

>good story

I suggest you the first Deus Ex (2000). It's old but the best game ever for many people here. Interesting story, philosophical stuff and a ton of things to make a great immersion.

Yeah, it's utter nonsense, I guess they were just burned out after throwing all they could into Halo.

Also they wasted who knows how fucking much money recasting the ghost after the game was already released. And honestly I think Peter Dinkledge did a better job

>good/sad story
this is the police


Dying Light. The story feels very "lived in" if that makes sense. It just sprawls out across the city with a hundred different people each with a story and you end up getting a really good feel for the setting and the struggles of the people.

Thanks, gonna do that
Please no
Playing on toaster with intel hd 4000 (laptop so i cant upgrade and it doesnt have thunderbolt port)

Mass Effect trilogy

This but unironically

Destiny was just all around a hyped up mess, and a disappointment from Bungie after seeing what they're capable of.

Barring all that, I guess it's an okay grindy space fps with similar gameplay to Borderlands, and Borderlands was fun if you could block out the memes

RIP thread?

lowest common denominator pls go

I really couldn't get behind the ridiculous loot and weapon system. Epic weapons aren't even that good, but you can only use one at a time. And not to mention the weekend merchant who sells Epics would have repeats for weeks on end for one class, while giving other classes brand new shit

I once saw a .gif of Victoria getting fucked by a dog. It was a good image.

Is there a way to put even less effort into drawing weebshit?The two guys in the front barely have a face

>Deus Ex (series)

everything after the first is complete trash in comparison

again everything after the first is complete trash

if you can ignore the shit voice acting

fight me