
Tell us your address so that we can come over and end your suffering you deluded Nomura-cuck.

Other urls found in this thread:


My address is 42 wallaby way Sydney.
Come Fite me faggot

>that atmosphere
>that gameplay
>that music
>those character designs
>those environments

It's perfect holy shit it's perfect. Why couldn't XV keep the darker tone?

Poll from last night:


Guess we can keep it up again this morning. Nomura or Tabata?

It never was, Nomura said MULTIPLE times that the dark tone was the intro and the game itself would be more lighthearted.

Why are Versus XIII suckers don't know shit about the game they miss so much ?

That's probably why they miss it so much...

>gameplay was solid and fluid like Kingdom Hearts
>now it's a goddamn clusterfuck

Tabata really can't into combat

Why do you care about a game that is not released? seems like a waste of time and only sets yourself up for disappointment. Why do developers even release information until it's ready to go

That's right. Through THE POWER OF IMAGINATION they filled in the blanks all by themselves to create the perfect game that was never made. They're basically hopeless and are acting up again now that FF XV is so close to being released. I have a feeling that they're the culprits behind the excessive shitposting in FF XV threads.

Except Nomura said MULTIPLE times Versus XIII was the darkest and most brutal FF game ever made. Fuck off with your damage control. You are plain wrong

All I see is a childish edgy shit fantasy. Versus was never appealing, and neither is FF15. I will agree atleast the gameplay looked better in Versus.

Nomura's idea of "dark" is hot topic fashion fuccbois who worship death. Versus looks like a deviant art fanfic

Darkest ? Yeah, brutal ? No. Versus XIII only was brutal in 2006 when it was less than a concept.

Versus XIII would've been more graphic because spin-off.

Nomura or not, FF XV is as dark as it could've been as a mainline Final Fantasy

Nothing but children. And yes, they are and some don't know shit about the project, they're just part of the autistic KH fanbase.

What games do you like then?

Sup Forums I might be crazy but even I would prefer Toriyama Final Fantasy XV over Tabata's Final Fantasy XV. At least Toriyama had a clear direction of what to do from start to finish. Tabata doesn't know what the fuck to do

What difference does that make? It changes nothing about what Versus looked like to me. This fag copped shit for making his edgy self insert game that wasn't true to the series, so why does Nomura get a free pass for the same exact thing? Weebs are so biased. Noctis even dresses like Nomura.

These Nomura cocksuckers don't even know that he was fine and dandy with turning Versus XIII into a goddamn musical after watching Les Miserables. Fortunately the higher ups at SE stopped him.

XV-kun name flaws about FF 15. Because this game is not perfect. What are some flaws

>Versus XIII into a goddamn musical after watching Les Miserables.
oh please, I don't like Nomura and Kingdom Hearts is for retards. But this was clearly a joke.

>clear direction
Him and his team not having a clear direction was the biggest problem in 13's (and partially Versus 13's) development.

What's with the deflection? Why are you afraid to share your fav games? It's just a simple question and I'm curious.

>What could have been
You don't know what could have been. There's only vague informations at best and so you're filling the holes with your delusions and dreams.

That game you're dreaming of is only a dream and that's why it feels magical to you.

There is no deflection, I'm simply refusing to let you change the topic.


Sure just a "joke" bro XD

>Not knowing Nomura loves to troll people

Nice to know you're underage as fuck. How's high school going?

It's clear that you're only here to shitpost against the game since you're so scared of even giving examples of games which you DO consider to be good.

And then they added COLORS and stuff.



Classic Nomura-cuck denial.

Samefagging isn't going to save you. It's okay we all fuck up sometimes.

>the game
Versus is not and never was a game.
> since you're so scared of even giving examples of games which you DO consider to be good.
You are the coward who has no intention of discussing the topic or explaining why Nomura's dumb fanfiction game is "good". You made this shit thread didn't you? Well discuss it then faggot.
You are sad.


How is it denial when it's a known fact Nomura loves to troll people? Just admit you're fucking wrong dumbass.

>Nomura said everybody knew what was going to happen at E3 2013
>Final Fantasy Versus XIII became FF 15 and Kingdom Hearts 3 revealed out of fucking no where throwing everybody completely off guard

What is phone-posting?

Did I ask you to post a screencap you autistic fuckwit?

Losers like you don't even like video games since you're incapable of even naming one. Base slander and shitposting is all you've got in your miserable lives.

If you aren't going to contribute to the thread, then leave.


Keep at it Nomura-cuck. At-least you've managed to convince yourself about your grand delusions.

If you aren't going to contribute to the world then kill yourself.

I heard that Tabata made Gladiolus lactate from his chest.
Is that true?

Gazillion pizzas inbound?

lol why are you so mad?

>Versus is not and never was a game.

Go fuck right off


> Dengeki PlayStation. In the interview Nomura revealed that the main scenario had now been completed; and that character and clothes designs are now finished as well. These designs are to be shown in due time.

So what bullshit excuse will you come up with this time?

you're losing retard. this isn't reddit where you can quip your way out of a debate

How does Tabata's dick taste? It must be time for your daily Tabata blowjob

That's the story and some artwork, not an actual playable game you donut.

This reminds me of how people posted original MGS: Rising trailer webms with the same sentiment. Boy that was stupid

>lol u mad trollface.jpg

Seriously drink bleach my man.

witcher 3 for example, happy?

Don't know about you son, but pictures and storyboards and half finished assets don't make a playable game that exists for people to play.

The graphics got better.
Way less linear (in the beginning portion anyway). If it's the linearity like you wanted in this trailer, you'll get that in the latter half.
Combat improved exponentially and got faster as well.
The dark solo portion at the beginning of the trailer could still be there as well, for all we know.

I don't understand. Is it the KH command system you want?

Don't cut yourself on all that edge.

Tabata is gay
Nomura is gay
Yazmat is bisexual
Toriyama is Lightningsexual
Sakaguchi is probably straight

But I thought you said it wasn't a game? If the story was already written and ALL the character designs were finished then that's a clear indication that the game is in development. Nice moving goalpost you dumb fuck

Fucking HELL ;_;

I'm not the user you originally replied to and finishing most of the groundwork doesn't mean a thing if they don't put it to good use.

>it was a game!
>no it wasn't
>it was in development!
You're the one who's moving the goalposts

It's been years since I last saw this.
Yep, XV look like an entirely different game in everysingle ways

So sad.

It was clearly a game you dumb fuck. Look at you STILL trying to move goalposts. If it's in DEVELOPMENT and the STORY WAS COMPLETED and we got ACTUAL FUCKING GAMEPLAY then guess what? IT'S A FUCKING GAME. Goddamn Tabata fanboys are beyond retarded. It's like arguing with a brick wall. You can't win

Oh, I guess I'll go play a bunch of artwork and a script then, thanks

There wasn't any back in 2010 when the story was finished.

>It's a fucking game
Then why can't you play it? Oh...

I just love the fact that you are completely ignoring the gameplay trailer we got.


You can't play it because it's a game that wasn't released :^)

It's all right here in my head

Wow, and people think that what we have now is worse?

Because this had character switching, a nice magic system and feels like a true Action RPG. Now there is no character switching, the magic is fucked up and literally hold O attack continuously

Pretty sure. Tabata is a faggot

>nice magic system
That's impossible to tell by the trailer though, it may very well be the same as we have now
>feels like a true Action RPG
It looks like it feels like a slog
>literally hold O attack continuously
Except when you stop holding O cause you have to do something else. Besides, how is holding a button automatically worse than just pressing it repeatedly, like you'd have to do otherwise?

It really is not about loving Tabata or what.

It's about the Nomura hate you fanboys have made us feel.


He means, automated KH SHIT, basically a glorified attack like in previous Final Fantasies.

Are you saying KH doesn't have a nice magic system? Because it does

Jesus Christ Tabata is getting BTFO hard. You can't even blame it on Nomura fanboys. This is Sup Forums collectively saying Tabata fucked up hard

They should have stuck with flashy alpha effects rather than go all out with thousands of light casting particles that have collision and turbulence. It's literally a waste of CPU and GPU resources for an effect that doesn't have any impact on actual gameplay.

I'm convinced that framerate would be at least 3-5 frames, on average, higher if they replaced the particle effects with alpha effects like they were present in the Versus XIII PS3 trailer. Also, the soft shadows and smoke effects are of way higher quality on the PS3 than on the PS4. Admittedly, due to the benefit of the cell and the fact that each SPE was 3.2GHz whereas the Jaguar core comparatively is a piece of shit, so you really can't do any of that on said arch.

Not even taking XV into account Nomura's a better director than Tabata because he's directed more than a few mediocre handheld games, even if that's what most KH games past 2 are.

Yeah the combat and atmosphere look way better.
The combat in the demo felt so clunky, it's weird.
Just felt unfun to play.

That looked like shit. It just looks better now seeing that release XV will be even worse.

For fucks sage, can't you at least wait till the game is out until you start a thread once an hour to complain about it?

Other than them being outside of Insomnia when the invasion happens there isn't much difference.

This gameplay looks shit. Even more sluggish than what it is now.

Funny how awful the graphics look now as well.

Blame Nomura for doing 30 projects at once and stalling every single one of them for years.

Looks the same either way, i frankly don't know the difference, even the animations seem copypasted to the new one.
Just be glad it's over and move on.



Besides the production and artworks for diverse projects,since 2006 he directed at least 4 KH spinoff games + the remix collections + KHIII + FF7R.

You can't achieve VSXIII if you do shiton of stuff at the same time. Maybe Tabata isn't the man of the situation, but Nomura isn't either.

That atmosphere, music, designs and environments are all still there. And other than character switching being replaced with manual weapon switching that base Noctis combat is still the same too.

And even Nomura's handheld games play better than Tabata's.

>Except Nomura said MULTIPLE times Versus XIII was the darkest and most brutal FF game ever made.
Type-0 is a million times more darker than anything we saw in any Versus trailer.

Fuck even Kingsglaive is darker than anything we saw in the Versus trailers. Nyx is literally killing multiple people and snapping necks with his hands of other Kingsglaive members.

Fuck even in the 2011 Versus trailer none of the soldiers bled anymore, and in XV now there is more blood shown when hitting monsters and on the party when they get hit than anything Versus showed.

All Noctis did in that 2006 reveal trailer was stab a single dude and only break one neck of faceless grunts

>In the interview Nomura revealed that the main scenario had now been completed;

So it wasn't a game in 2010, just some words written on paper?

You only proved his point.

>At best only 200 people on here give a fuck about FFXV


>Living in dentist office
I am sorry, son

Fuck your shitty game
It hasn't even come out and it already flopped

I'm probably not going to bother with it.

The handheld KHs and handheld FFs are pretty much in the same basket of easily exploitable spam fests.
Maybe crisis core less so, but still.

Most of the changes were made while Tabata was co-directing with Nomura.

This poll is retarded.

This looks oppressively boring and bland.

Didn't FFXV-kun draw Stella porn?

Welcome to the Phantom Pain user

FF fans picked up the Sonic cycle torch now that Sonic has been saved.

It feels like the game is just a bunch of ideas sticked together in a lazy way.

Characters have 10 gorillions of polygons, but the gameplay is awful now.
Engine was made for "super computers" despite anyone half brain would optimize the shit of any engine. Also the game looks like a muddy clusterfuck aside the characters.

They have some weird ass priorities there. What the fuck the staff is doing?

You make these threads multiple times everyday. Get over it already, it's not some dumbass psuedo R&J love story anymore. Now it's an anime version of Stand by Me. Things change, get on with your fucking life.


Why is the poll about Nomura vs Tabata instead of FFXV vs FF Versus XIII?

FFXV is a combination of Nomura and Tabata's ideas. It's not entirely Tabata's game, so why is neo-Sup Forums acting like it is?

yeah it's posted under his bazztek account