Would GTAV had been a better game if Franklin was not a playable character and it instead focused mainly on Trevor and...

Would GTAV had been a better game if Franklin was not a playable character and it instead focused mainly on Trevor and Michael?

No plus sale would drop about 90% since you lose the nigga audience.

No. I thought Franklin was the realest of three.

GTA V would be a better game if Franklin was the ONLY playable character. The only one of the 3 that isn't a complete and total asshole and was actually relate-able.

Isn't asshole

>kills Michael
>assists to kill Trevor

What a nice black citizen with generous amount of honor!

The game would have been better if there was only 1 main character, either Franklin or Michael

Trevor is comic relief that the entire game could have done without

We need more black african americans of colour in video games, and he was good a made man

>GTA 5 wuz good

he's only relatable insofar as being a wet dishrag

CJ was a good character in San Andreas.

While he wasn't playable, Lil Jacob was a good character in GTA4

Franklin is a wet blanket that drapes himself over you while playing the game and thinks he needs to be the "Straight man" constantly pointing out what's wrong with the situation because Rockstar thinks the player is too stupid to figure out the satirical elements without their smug guidance,

Who cares about GTA stories? They're melodramatic Scorsese rip offs that expect you to actually emotionally invest in the characters and take their drama seriously one second, but expect you to buy into the farcical parody world where every single in-game company, billboard, radio station, and NPC line of dialogue is some piss take of modern society, with all the subtlety and tact of a 15 year old, the next. It's dumb as shit and it's near impossible to give a shit about these characters being afraid of death or just wanting to do right when every single mechanic and system in the game is conducive to a big fun sandbox where you go nuts with all the toys they give you.

Modern GTA stories are the epitome of vestigial stories in video games.

He isn't an asshole.

>Helps Michael and Trevor become buddies again.

What a nice black citizen with generous amount of honor!

And here I thought Sup Forums was free of the racist alt-right influences

GTA would have been better if it had one main character only : Michael.


no thanks

I disagree

it would be much better if micahel was the only playable character like how it was originally intended.


no, make Trevor unplayable and make him the antagonist.


i agree

Apache Blood expansion when?

You used too many hard words so I think you are smart so I agree with you

>not being racist

He's just as bad as them

Should have played as lamarr instead

That wasn't Franklin who did that, it was you. Literally only plebs don't pick the Deathwish ending

Lamar should've replaced Frank.


None of the three are remotely compelling but if they were going to go back and start from scratch cutting Michael and Trevor and making Franklin remotely interesting would be a start

No. Trevor should have been the one not playable

niggers dont buy games idiot

The game would have been better if lamar was the playable character, not franklin.

Gameplay is king and Frank has the best superpower.

I don't like the cop AI in V but slowdown sticky bombs make the chases fun.

>kills Michael
>assists to kill Trevor
What kind of an ultrapleb pussy picks any ending other than deathwish.

One who saved before that and checks all endings.

Total pussy. Should be playing hello kitty adventure instead.

Franklin is THE gta character for the game. He's the only character who does what all other GTA characters do, and that's work towards rising from the top. I don't want the entire game revolved around a retired man and a drug "kingpin"

>You're shown to have 3 alternate endings... he doesn't save the game to check all of them - pussies out only on one alternative and calls others pussy.

>Best ending

If you didn't pick something sensible and watch Trevor burn to death you should probably commit yourself to an institution.
In the real world, anyone with an ounce of common sense would have killed an unhinged psychopath like Trevor immediately after the heist.

Trevor is a good man, how dare you call him an unhinged psychopath.

At least in SP, I used the radio selector to slow down time while driving

>not killing Michael the traitor
What the fuck

I liked trevor, fuck off normie

I don't care how "good" he is.
You just pulled off a huge national press attention grabbing heist and you would let a guy that has caused unneeded chaos during emotional tantrums walk away and hope he keeps a low profile and his mouth shut?
Suckers and idiots kept Trevor alive.

Franklin is the bwst character with the best house

It would have been enough if he was white.
No one wants to play as a nigger slave

All protagonists are psychopaths in gta series.

>GTA has always been about working your way up, doing missions for more important people as you go on
>This is literally all Franklin does, staying true to the formula of the protagonist since the first GTA with minimal drama
>Other characters filled with Drama if you liked the GTA IV "AYE DUNT WHANT 2 KEEL, BUT I KEEL ANYWAYS" storyline
>Everyone bitches about Franklin

He was absolutely fine.

GTA 4 story was a dark grim story of a man whose life is ruined by a war, it was the best fucking story of any GTA and a better story than many many big games

Holy fucking shit is that a contrarian on Sup Forums!?

He was a point of view more than he was a character. His involvement in anything was null, serving only as a point of reference for the other two, who were leading the story.

Lamar should have been the only playable character. A story about him being tired of nigger tier robberies and slowly if not kinda clumsily trying to do bigger and bigger jobs

GTA 5 is inferior in every way to GTA 4 except the driving, vehicles clothes and char customization

Story, enviroment, characters, city erc were much much better and enjoyable in 4


That's valid only for gta 4 dlc's.

The very few interactions between Lamar and Trevor were 20x better then any interaction Franklin with anyone in the game 2bh

Niko is best GTA character, the biker fag is fuckin shit, good thing that Trevor killed him

My Franklin didn't kill either Michael or Trevor. Why do you shits keep choosing to kill Michael or Trevor?

Liberty city was a more enjoyable city than San Andreas in 5

Not even by a long shot.

One of the biggest fag in history is hitler, faggot killing himself in his comfy bunker after telling everyone who isnt dead or fighting in the city is a coward

Lamar has too many wild ideas to be a playable character. That slot is already taken up by Trevor. Lamas whole purpose is that he never thinks big or effective. He's the kind of guy that will blow up have the city to sell two pounds of weed.

yea I didn't care much about the biker guy either, but the atmosphere of the dlc was nice.

Better than default gta 4 or bogt.

I didn't like Nikola and I constantly ignored Roman when he called.


He deserved that stomping from trevor

Good thing this is a game then. There's no reason to kill him if I ever want to hunt or play Rampages again.

Franklin's house should've been near the bottom of Vinewood Hills, leaving there feels like a chore every time.

>a broken mans story about family and a life ruined by war, caught up in crime because thats the only thing he can do

>lol lets rob the national bank bc xd oh and human stew lol

Gta 5 story was gay

They needed to have more stuff to do at his house. Like, he moved there but no housewarming party that ends in a shootout and car chase? Come one man.

I don't remember a single mission from the biker dlc, but I remember the atmosphere and the feeling of leading the gang + the filter and the different variety of cars which made the game feel more alive...

Irony is I barely remember gta 4 missions, but for BOGT I remember pretty much every single one of them, rockstar really scripted them well - I felt immersed.

But the view is great and thebhouse is beautiful

Why did they make GTA online some shitty RPG instead of just fuck around in the city with your friends, with some gamemodes tacked on

They should have spent all the time they did with online on singleplayer instead

I actually enjoyed gta V online.

It is "just fuck around the city with your friends" though?

Don't forget that it still has game modes you just access them trough pressing esc or alternatively picking random invites.

No its not normies like it


I feel the opposite. Either make it frank and Lamar gangbanging or frank and mike; Trevor is good as non playable side character

>lighting the gas
>not blowing him up with an RPG or blasting him with the railgun

easily. Franklin was a pretty pointless character, just being there for the majority of the game.

and the parts where he was the focus and neither trevor or michael was there, he did mostly irrelevant shit that wasn't really tied to the plot at all with annoying characters that are there for like two seconds and then you forget they're even in the game (besides lamar)

Thought the same thing. Wanted a ballas night home invasion so bad. Weren't enough gangbanging missions

he thinks everyone around him is too stupid to ever amount to anything and he's automatically better than all of them when he's still just a thug that only got to where he was because Michael/Lester played the role of being his daddy warbucks. He was willing to let his best friend DIE because of his shit attitude and only changed his mind after his ex called him out on his shit.

Pepe is a dead meme finally

IV was the story of diamonds being passed back and forth between various factions with some dumb serbian bastard unwittingly helping each one of them for it because he's at the bottom rung of whatever group he's serving.

you think its his story because it's mostly from his perspective, but there's too much of a focus on those damn diamonds. almost every major event in the game happens because people were fighting over that shit. hell, the one of the biggest baddest guys who controlled his life and ultimately controlled his greatest foe dmitiri was a guy that niko barely interacted with and really only played a role in ballad of gay tony when louis dealt with him.

Dimitri was constantly in Nikos story

I think it should have been Michael and Franklin except at some point one double crosses the other and you play the 2 against each other

yeah he was, but his boss, Bulgarin was the one being referred to.

Niko was hiding from bulgarin why would he look for him

This honestly

Lamar was an annoying dumb faggot, why do people like him

How could you possibly want any more of lamar than was minimally necessary? He's probably the most obnoxious personality in all of the last decades' video games.

Franklin was boring as fuck

le perfect black guy who grew up in the ghetto