Why does every game of Overwatch feel like this?
Why does every game of Overwatch feel like this?
Every game is like this for me.
My team mates always under perform.
If you supposedly are the one adjusting to your team's needs, why the fuck is there no tank?
>take old image
>edit it as minimally as possible to be related to the latest blizzard shitfest
Why does every blizzard shill have no originality?
I'm convinced that the people who make these images are the people who get silver damage with Hanzo on attack then blame their team for losing the game because they think they had a much larger impact than they did.
The only factor that is a constant throughout all of your games is you, and if you're not winning at least half of your games then you're the problem.
The best part about this image is the (you) is intended to also mock people who think they're better than their entire team, yet they don't even realize it
Soloqueueing in Overwatch always goes better for me than soloqueueing in CSGO. I don't know where all the complaints about the matchmaking system are coming from.
>has a deathly allergic reaction when nearing an objective
I fucking hate this so much, and it's not just genji. I'll say every fourth game I play ends the exact same way:
>enemy team has the point on lock
>we have a teammate literally on the objective's border
>it's always a genji, a DPS faggot, or a sniper
>there's ten fucking seconds left but instead of keeping the point in overtime so the rest of us can get there, they just hang back and take pot shots at the entire point
i dont get why mercy gets play of the game with her ult
wow you pressed q around a bunch of dead players good job
>you call them out on it
>'calm down it's quickplay'
There's not enough rage in the world to sustain how angry that makes me.
>has probably not touched the ground since leaving spawn
Holy shit this, Lucio players in KOTH are fucking impossible to hit
Same can be said about a lot of ults. Honestly the whole play of the game concept is fucking stupid and promotes dumb plays for the sake of being mentioned afterwards.
>You, above average
This is the problem. Everyone thinks they are above average
>above average player stuck in ELO hell because it's everybody else's but your own fault
>want to play Overwatch for fun
>want to try all the different characters in multiplayer matches
>it's nothing but people like OP who just whine about everyone but themselves
I haven't played a single match of this shit that felt like people were having fun. I wish the 2srs4fun kids would go back to dota or something so the game could be enjoyable.
The only skill based part in terms of being a support other than your ability to not die is your ability to know when to ult
There are some mercys that ult for one guy and then reaper does his death blossom shit or sometimes they just hold on to their ult the whole game
Yup, this goes far beyond video games too.
The person who made this has no idea how things work do they
>Junkrat shitter
>Above average
I play a ton of bastion and ana because those are some of the most fun classes in my opinion.
I agree with what you say though. People are more than eager to bitch and moan about everything in this game and when you call them out on it, it only further fuels the fire.
I love the game but i'm getting sick and tired of all the fucking hissy fits going on in chat every single game.
Tanks blame healers
Healers blame tanks
People bitching about wrong hero picks while refusing to switch themselves all round
People singling out teammates as if their contribution is the sole reason for the entire team to fail.
The community is so fucking cancerous, i find myself solo queueing less and less.
Jesus fuck how could he have made such a mistake?
everything is increased 10x when you play in comp
ive once had a tracer scream and cry at me on VC because i went to save reinhardt from death while tracer had about 75% of his health
he also never touched objective, let alone get behind enemies to do anything effective
>i suck at countering and playing junkrat
i mean it's ok to be annoyed at your lack of skill but its just a game dude, calm down psycho haha
based on the USMC/Navy Seal thing, the autist who made this stupid picture rarely goes outside
maybe once a week, if at all. and only for a few minutes
hes also prob fat and ugly
to be fair, that genji is literally the only offensive character on her team. who the fuck else are they going to heal? the team needs a tank and it should have been you but its always everyone elses fault
Strange that she would hold her ult all game, if by your logic, no one but the Genji ever gets shot at.
>above average
>adjust hero pick
>almost every game i get golds and silvers, i'm the rick harrison of overwatch
>team comp is always shit and nobody wants to play whats needed; dva is our only tank, zen / ana solo support, hanzo and widow mains stay locked in all game, nobody ever waits to group up or coordinate ults, healers are too busy dpsing to do their jobs right, etc etc etc
its like I'm permanently put on lesser teams because the game wants me to carry every time.
Comp, Quickplay, Brawls, it doesnt fuckin matter, its all shit and all my friends insist on playing heros they have no business playing to the detriment of my team so i'm perpetually solo queued.
yeah but I'm not above average really. I know I'm literally above average, but I'm still shit at the game. rank 54 man. I should have just played comp more.
never said that in the picture, only said he would prioritize a genji over a fucking tolbjorn and a mei but any medic would. not going to heal a 150 health character that cant even defend the medic or kill enemy players on their own.
My games are usually the other way around, I'm on the bottom team.
>would adjust character with teams needs!
>picks a junkrat
yeah okay, a tertiary character is not what that team needs. it needs a zarya or a lucio or a reinhardt.
>almost every game i get golds and silvers
That's so fucking easy though, shit, just pick 76 for 5 free medals
Because it is a game where everyone is special and must have their special moments.