Hello, I don't say anything funny or special but people quote me anyway

Hello, I don't say anything funny or special but people quote me anyway

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That's because everyone loves Deus Ex in general and want to quote it.

Oh my God, JC! A bomb!

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

>I never played Deus Ex


He never asked for this


That's a bold statement. And I agree.


I've got 8 hours of this clocked into Steam with at least 3 more offline and I haven't beat the first misson
I wish I could into Dude Sex because I enjoyed HR so much


Just stick with the prod. If you try too hard to get into the shooting mechanics early on, you'll never make it.


Don't rp as a human, you'll never finish. You have to be a smug, sociopathic, sarcasm-augmented, trenchcoatman to even compete.

Step one grab a baton
Step two crouch
Step three approach guard
Step four hit him hard on the back once
Step five get the fuck out of there

The GEP gun might be useful

Step one: Tranq everybody

Step two: Tase everybody

Step three: Snipe everybody

Step four: GEP Gun spam

Congratulations, you've learned how to Day 'o Sex.

also, get a laser sight on the pistol and you can reliably kill people with it.

Get out of here Denton!

Deus Ex is a game where you have various pieces of equipment, and you have to use different ones depending of the situation! You have to use your weapons in order to defeat the enemies in this game.

Nah, I killed everything with my pistol.

Thanks anons, I'll give it another go tomorrow.
I realized that I had beaten the first mission once, but didn't continue past it.
Is it worth going through the first mission again with specific stats so I don't get my shit pushed in later?

Stick with the prod.

Prod with the prod.

No setup is completely useless.

Just make sure you have at least one point in computers, and you'll do just fine.


Maybe you should try getting a job.

Okay, where?

What a shame

I never asked for this

It's all about the delivery, JC.

The voice acting was bad enough to be eminently quotable. People like to quote bad things.
It's like poetry. It rhymes

Love that line. JC is so cold.

Call me a casual or whatever

But I wish deus ex had that thing from the new ones where you can read emails or shit like that later. Sucks to hack into a computer to have a long email and not be able to take the time to read it.

You can prod everyone
>but what about those armored guys with massive guns on their arms?
Hit their beltline on their back and they go down immediately.


What a shame

Find the password (90% of computer terminals have their passwords scattered throughout the level or spoken by an NPC), or upgrade your Computers skill to have more time to read.



Stick with the prod

A bombs a bomb


A bomb's a bad choice for close-range combat.

>Hong Kong
>Get the Dragon sword
>Fucking cool
>A bit later, three fucking aug canisters in a single room in VersaLife
>Damn, nice
>A bit later, three fucking aug canisters in a single room in VersaLife AGAIN
>Holy FUCK
This game is too easy.

snap photos with your phone camera.

Nice try Flatlander Woman
>what is flatlander supposed to be?

>it's the aug future
>JC Denton doesn't have a camera phone
>his shitty commlink can be hacked into by anyone
>literally anyone can get on his commlink and annoy him to death
>in the final level Bob Page plays Nickleback CDs on loop into his commlink

Majestic 12.



Maybe you should join Majestic 12 in a body bag.

Already posted.

Take the GEP gun when Paul asks what you want. You can find a sniper and a crossbow on that map anyway but you won't get the GEP until quite a bit later if you don't pick it then.


>Hey I set up a temporary account for you
>Login: Walton
>Password: Simons

>No room. He he. Hold on.

Oh my God, daddy!

I have contamination and mutants - in my brain

And go in, and go in, and go in, and go in like the U.S Marshal and his three daughters.

that kind of activity embarrasses the agency more than it does you

You gonna burn alright

>Simon, the brother of Jesus, a Judaizer of early Christianity, in opposition to Paul
>JC=Jesus Christ
>Paul, the apostle who sought a clean break from Judaism
It all makes sense

Congratulations on fucking ruining it.

I wanted orange, it gave me lemon lime

lamputan machine


that's terror


A nonlethal takedown is always the most silent takedown

>Dude Sex would have been better with a black protagonist

Prove me wrong




What a shame.

You mechs may have copper wiring to reroute your fear of pain, but I've got nerves of steel.

Christ, those are all so unfunny.

Prod with the prod

one of the most important things people failed to mention is the fact that prod only one hits your enemy if you are standing as close as you possibly can to them.

you are able to crouch and walk directly into the invisible hitbox barrier and once you hit that just aim anywhere along the spine and you will knock them out with the first shock.

took way to long for me to notice that, but once you do it makes the prod actually usable.

Did you make these yourself?

Jesus fuck the cringe.


Simon didn't do anything. You're thinking of James, who still wasn't a judiaizer of Christianity. James just preached to Jews, and when he met Paul they agreed that they would continue doing what they where doing and approved of his preaching to the Gentiles.

Remember James and Peter where Jews with Jewish educations, Paul was a Jew with a Classical Greco-Roman education and it was this that made him the perfrct choice to reach out to the non-Jewish Christians.

>underage humor

So the Majestic 12 are the jews?

The fuck...?

Come back when you kill a prisoner against my orders.

Simon was the second Bishop of Jerusalem
Paul broke with the Jerusalemites early because they were Judaizers



>So the Majestic 12 are the jews?

Majestic 12 = The 12 Apostles.

he looks like john travolta

JC betrays UNATCO and it's like suddenly his sarcasm inhibitors were switched off, he turns into such a snarky fucker in some scenes.

>Maybe you should try getting a job.
>Stickes and stoooones.
>I was never properly trained in its operation

He's my favorite video game protagonist.

Take the GEP gun, the GEP gun can be used to open pretty much every door in the game.
Also, stick with the prod, the shooting early on is hard.
You can get the other two choices on Liberty Island

That wasn't Simon, brother of Jesus though was it? I honestly don't remember, Sunday school ended a decade and a half ago.

No. They're Majestic 12. They're a borrow over of an actual (conspiracy wise) orginzation led by twelve members. There isn't a biblical connection.

dumb phoneposter

GEP Gun is the ultimate lockpick

I was the same as you until I finally managed to go through first mission and Battery Park when I clocked 10th hour. Once I achieved that, everything went smoothly later on.

It's a novel reference I think, same with Laputan Machine.




What a shame

I still cannot believe that people actually have trouble with Liberty Island. It's like baby-tier stealth with tons of open space, low guard visibility, one hit melee takedowns, tons of cover, etc.

Flatlander Woman a reference to the novel Flatland, by Edwin A. Abbott, about people living in a two-dimensional world, in which women are just lines. They are invisible when seen edge-on, and dangerous because they are very sharp and can inadvertently cut people in half. It is a reference to Navarre's cloaking power and her deadliness.

Laputan Machine refers to the flying city of Laputa from Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels. In the novel, the Laputans are masters of theoretical engineering but completely lacking in practical mechanical knowledge; the devices they produce are tremendously innovative "on paper" but badly flawed in practice (like Gunther himself).
